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Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?

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Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by PeterZ   » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:27 pm

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Sorry, but this is crap. No one corroborates her accounts of these parties. Did I watch that interview before your link? No. Nothing changes. Remirez is a put-up job. Dr. Ford is not credible and I may change my mind on Ms. Swetnickk if there is a contemporaneous police report involving her account of the rape. A rape that at which the police can point to a time and place where Justice Kavanaugh may be placed. Find that bit and impeach the guy or don't.

I am confident that's not going to happen. Someone would have gathered that police report prior to this. So, sorry, I stand by the statement that this is not credible. She said they were gathered in a line in her statement and changed it later to gathering in groups outside the door. That is a different description of the scene. Let's compare this to her police report she said she filed.

Lastly, during the 1980's there was a gang of rapists victimizing a series of young girls to gang rape and that failed to be covered by the local press? Really? I'll stop here and just say let's review rthe police report whenever it come out or stories covered by the local press from that time. Not going to find anything, but hey the 1980's were a time where people tolerated that sort of thing, I'm sure.

Sorry, but I remain unconvinced by this account. The FBI would have dug up any police report than had included Justice Kavanaugh. If his circle of friends were involved, they would have appeared on Ms. Swetnick's police report and would have likely invited a visit from one of the investigators. This is bullshit.

We have 3 stories that are not corroborated in any meaningful way. Justice Kavanaugh has more to corroborate his story than any of these accusers. So, yeah, I remain unconvinced.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:38 pm


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PeterZ wrote:Sorry, but this is crap. No one corroborates her accounts of these parties. Did I watch that interview before your link? No. Nothing changes.

So you admit you were making up claims about a person based on no first hand knowledge of the events you were talking about?

Hmmmm... I seem to remember you deriding "hearsay" rather strongly a short while ago.

And in this case, the ability to just look for yourself was a simple 5 second google search away. And yet, you didn't bother before spewing forth with incorrect accusations.

Remirez is a put-up job.

You say based on no evidence whatsoever....

Dr. Ford is not credible

She answered every question put to her in sworn testimony and asked for FBI involvement.

Kavanaugh dodged and refused to answer question after question, perjured himself repeatedly when he did answer, didn't want the FBI anywhere near the accusations, and his patrons in the White House actively restricted the FBI from looking into most aspects of those accusations when an "investigation" finally was forced.

You have an interesting way of evaluating "credible".

and I may change my mind on Ms. Swetnickk if there is a contemporaneous police report involving her account of the rape. A rape that at which the police can point to a time and place where Justice Kavanaugh may be placed. Find that bit and impeach the guy or don't.

I am confident that's not going to happen. Someone would have gathered that police report prior to this.

It was the 1980s.

The reports aren't digital and searchable.

Going through them takes a significant amount of time.

So, sorry, I stand by the statement that this is not credible. She said they were gathered in a line in her statement and changed it later to gathering in groups outside the door. That is a different description of the scene. Let's compare this to her police report she said she filed.

And this is what you are reduced to... describing the physical arrangement of a bunch of guys gathered outside a bedroom door using a... gasp... DIFFERENT VERB!

That is just pathetic.

Lastly, during the 1980's there was a gang of rapists victimizing a series of young girls to gang rape and that failed to be covered by the local press? Really?

Are you even passingly familiar with the statistics on how often rapes or other sexual assault are reported and rapists pursued and apprehended by the cops in the US? REALLY?

FFS, have you been living in a cave?
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by PeterZ   » Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:15 pm

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Common knowledge about Ms Remirez in Colorado and her time getting prepped by the ex-AG. Covered in the press too. Look it up or not. Dr. Ford has too few details to make her story credible. The timing of how her letter was leaked also speaks to a lack of credibility. Ms. Swetnick was also prepped by a political operative. She mentions her awareness of Dr. Ford's accusation at 6 weeks or contemporaneous to Dr. Ford sending her letter that no one was supposed to know about.

Too many things point to the entire series of accusations being planned and guided by political operatives. Nothing about the entire affair appears genuine. None of those accusations are credible. Not going to convince you and the evidence supporting the accusations don't convince me that there needs to be further investigations. I remain convinced that had there been a series of rapes involving Justice Kavanaugh's circle of friends, the previous background checks would have identified even that hint of a connection.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Michael Everett   » Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:15 pm

Michael Everett

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PeterZ wrote:Lastly, during the 1980's there was a gang of rapists victimizing a series of young girls to gang rape and that failed to be covered by the local press? Really?

We had it happen in the UK at a place called Rotherham.
The cops and social services kept it quiet for fear that they would be seen as racist by trying to stop the Pakistani-origin men from treating non-Pakistani girls as sexual objects.
The echoes of that case are still bouncing around. It really damaged inter-cultural trust.

Given the USA has no real country-wide newspapers and most people in America seem rather unconcerned about anything beyond the borders of their state, it would be rather easy to hide something like that.
I'm not saying it happened and I'm not saying it didn't, but things like that have been known to happen and it can take years, if not decades, for the victims to reach the point where they are willing to step forwards.
As for high-ranking or famous people participating in such things, may I present Jimmy Savile - DJ, TV Presenter and Pedophile. His crimes only came to light after he died and his gravestone was removed (and destroyed) after just 19 days.
All this is in a country with multiple national newspapers covering the majority of the political spectrum. While America has the USA Today and the Wall Street Journal being published across the country, the UK has the Guardian, Telegraph, Times, Daily Mail, Sun, Mirror, Express, Morning Star, i*, Financial Times... yeah. We've got way more national coverage and yet the scandals still took years to leak out.
Just because something wasn't reported instantly, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

* Not a typo, it's really called that.

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Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by PeterZ   » Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:22 pm

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Michael Everett wrote:
PeterZ wrote:Lastly, during the 1980's there was a gang of rapists victimizing a series of young girls to gang rape and that failed to be covered by the local press? Really?

We had it happen in the UK at a place called Rotherham.
The cops and social services kept it quiet for fear that they would be seen as racist by trying to stop the Pakistani-origin men from treating non-Pakistani girls as sexual objects.
The echoes of that case are still bouncing around. It really damaged inter-cultural trust.

Given the USA has no real country-wide newspapers and most people in America seem rather unconcerned about anything beyond the borders of their state, it would be rather easy to hide something like that.
I'm not saying it happened and I'm not saying it didn't, but things like that have been known to happen and it can take years, if not decades, for the victims to reach the point where they are willing to step forwards.
As for high-ranking or famous people participating in such things, may I present Jimmy Savile - DJ, TV Presenter and Pedophile. His crimes only came to light after he died and his gravestone was removed (and destroyed) after just 19 days.
All this is in a country with multiple national newspapers covering the majority of the political spectrum. While America has the USA Today and the Wall Street Journal being published across the country, the UK has the Guardian, Telegraph, Times, Daily Mail, Sun, Mirror, Express, Morning Star, i*, Financial Times... yeah. We've got way more national coverage and yet the scandals still took years to leak out.
Just because something wasn't reported instantly, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

* Not a typo, it's really called that.

Not discounting your post Michael. I actually agree with you that it is possible. My point was that the local press would have had people aware of it even no one published the story. That awareness would have been conveyed yo the FBI investigators during the 6 previous checks. Also, the police report would have been filed. I'll wait and see if that police report ever comes out.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Annachie   » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:03 pm

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PeterZ wrote:
Annachie wrote:[quote]
That honest ...

You mean when he lied under oath?
That honesty? Or for that matter when not under oath as well.

Or the times he refused to answer basic and pertinent questions, but instead attacked the questioner?

It was basically a job interview, and anybody who's ever conducted a job interview will tell you, Kavanaugh's behaviour during it was an instant fail.

No, I mean he responded to those assholes honestly and sincerely. Since he got the job, he actually succeeded in the interview. That Canucks and Kiwis are persuaded otherwise hardly matters.[/quote]He responded honestly by lying multiple times. Let alone avoiding questions.

Do you even read what you write?
Here's a hint.
When you lie you are not being honest.
When you avpid questions you are not being honest.

By YOUR own criteria, he should not have been confirmed.

Your criteria, of being honest.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by PeterZ   » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:54 pm

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Did you read what I wrote? I spoke to his honest and sincere response to those senator's political theater. Nothing else. if you think he is lying about something, that's on you. I don't believe anything coming from the Dem propaganda machine. Feel free to disagree and continue promoting all that left BS. It helps the rest of us keep the mob out of power.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Annachie   » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am

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I do not think he is lying.

It has been shown exactly how and when he lied.

Just read back up the thread.

So, in your own words, his honest and sincere response, that included a lot of lies of varying degree. But you're going to ignore his lies because they don't fit your preconcieved view.

Do you even comprehend how that doesn't fit. How delusional that makes you.

He provably lied. Under oath and not under oath. But you still maintain that he was honest.

You are literally chearing him on for attacking multiple women who have accused him of attacking them.
And somehow you think this is a good quality in anybody, let alone one of the most powerful judges in the world.

No doubt you wonder why it matters to us down here.
Well, it matters a lot. Our far right wing fucktards see those American far right wing fucktards get away with shit like this and then think they can do it too, and we end up with Manus Island and corruption on a scale we haven't seen before.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by PeterZ   » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:16 am

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Lying about what? Do you claim his descriptions of yearbook entries are lies? Is there something else he supposedly lied about? I don't consider denying those accusations a lie. Accepting those rediculously vague or practiced/rehearsed accusations as credible absent corroboration is typical for you proggies.
Since I have a low regard for proggies in general, I hope those you consider fucktards make your life as uncomfortable as possible politically.
Blast, I have fallen into rudeness. Gotta stop now. Toodles.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Daryl   » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:00 am

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In general Australia has a society that is more to the left (progressive?) than the US, although possibly less so than western Europe.
Our conservatives have a national election due next year, at which it is generally accepted they will cop a hiding.
As I have said I don't condemn Kavanaugh for vague youthful indiscretions from 30 years ago, but his handling of the issue has been appalling.

PeterZ wrote:Lying about what? Do you claim his descriptions of yearbook entries are lies? Is there something else he supposedly lied about? I don't consider denying those accusations a lie. Accepting those rediculously vague or practiced/rehearsed accusations as credible absent corroboration is typical for you proggies.
Since I have a low regard for proggies in general, I hope those you consider fucktards make your life as uncomfortable as possible politically.
Blast, I have fallen into rudeness. Gotta stop now. Toodles.

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