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Trump - free zone

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Trump - free zone
Post by biochem   » Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:05 pm

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Surely some of the other several billion people on the planet not named Donald Trump are doing something newsworthy.

Gov. Scott Walker (the preferred presidential candidate of several posters) is apparently moving on from his primary loss. He's now working on reforming the local juvenile justice system, which apparently badly needs it in his state.

1. Close the huge prison and build 6 smaller ones around the state - closer to home.

Pros - Big is more challenging in some ways since it is easy to become out of touch, beaurocratic etc. Plus the huge prison had tremendous procedural problems. Small will fix some (but not all) of them.

Con - close to family could be good or bad, depends on the family. Also will be close to friends who may be a bad influence. On the other hand, in the huge facility far away, they would be close to no one but other juvenile criminals i.e. the definition of bad influence.

2. Add more mental health care.

Pro- About time.

Con - $$$$ will make it hard to turn theory into reality.

In addition he should be careful in hiring etc. Some of the guards were abusive. Those guards and those who covered for them will need to be gotten rid of. It will be harder to get rid of those who covered for them with union protections etc. But with all of the reorganization, shuffling etc that such a move will require, he should be able to manage it if he appoints someone good to manage the transition.

This whole thing looks a lot more expensive in the short run than the original scheme. When push comes to shove in the legislature that will make it difficult to pass. Of course it will be cheaper long term in preventing future criminals. Politicians never kick the can down the road and do the cheap short term/expensive long term thing right (sarcasm).
Re: Trump - free zone
Post by Daryl   » Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:54 am

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You have a very good point. However the biggest show on earth at present is Trump and whatever out there thing he will do next, so people tend to fixate on that. Who knows, he may learn on the job, get the hang of it, and cease to be a source of merriment. In the meantime?
Re: Trump - free zone
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:27 pm


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Daryl wrote: Who knows, he may learn on the job, get the hang of it, and cease to be a source of merriment.


(although I would not use the word "merriment" about any of this)

biochem wrote:Gov. Scott Walker (the preferred presidential candidate of several posters) is apparently moving on from his primary loss. He's now working on reforming the local juvenile justice system, which apparently badly needs it in his state.

More important I think is his refusing to hold legally required special elections because he knows Democrats are going to win them.... while state GOP under him is waging an active campaign against non partisan election oversight. ... om-voting/

(Because you know, Republicans care SO MUCH about "election integrity".... which is the real reason they are obsessed with voter ID. Also, look at this lovely bridge they have to sell you...)
Re: Trump - free zone
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:27 pm


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And continuing on a theme... ... trict-maps

The Pennsylvania GOP is openly defying an order from the State Supreme Court to turn over their data in a gerrymandering case where the ridiculously gerrymandered maps they had drawn were ruled unconstitutional... declaring that the STATE SUPREME COURT is the one acting unconstitutionally by ruling on the matter at all.

Because as we all know, the legislature is the judge of constitutionality of laws and the state Supreme Court has no business doing such a thing. :roll:
Re: Trump - free zone
Post by Annachie   » Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:52 pm

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The way they responded, they might as well have admitted that they gerymandered the hell out of the state.
After all, they haven't followed their legal recourse here, have they.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Trump - free zone
Post by biochem   » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:12 pm

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Annachie wrote:The way they responded, they might as well have admitted that they gerymandered the hell out of the state.
After all, they haven't followed their legal recourse here, have they.

Actually they appealed to the USA Supreme Court. Based on historical precedent the USA Supreme Court will likely block the Pennsylvania Supreme Court due to the imminent nature of the election (the primaries are next month). Typically they don't allow redistricting so close to an election no matter how bad the districts are. But that's only a temporary reprieve. They may or may not rule for the Republicans in for 2020. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court was very careful not to request anything out of bounds (they demanded compactness etc that follow the guidelines that the Supreme Court set up), so my guess is that the USA Supreme Court will defer to Pennsylvania for 2020.
Re: Trump - free zone
Post by Annachie   » Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:06 pm

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If they've appealed to SCOTUS, then they'd have requested a stay. Not waited until the last moment then refused.

No stay means no appeal is likely to be taken up.

Remember, SCOTUS is very much status quo until THEY decide. As they should be.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Trump - free zone
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:23 pm


Posts: 2747
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biochem wrote:
Annachie wrote:The way they responded, they might as well have admitted that they gerymandered the hell out of the state.
After all, they haven't followed their legal recourse here, have they.

Actually they appealed to the USA Supreme Court. Based on historical precedent the USA Supreme Court will likely block the Pennsylvania Supreme Court due to the imminent nature of the election (the primaries are next month). Typically they don't allow redistricting so close to an election no matter how bad the districts are. But that's only a temporary reprieve. They may or may not rule for the Republicans in for 2020. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court was very careful not to request anything out of bounds (they demanded compactness etc that follow the guidelines that the Supreme Court set up), so my guess is that the USA Supreme Court will defer to Pennsylvania for 2020.

I'm not seeing a lot of concern in your response for your prediction that districts that clearly do NOT follow those guidelines you listed would stay in place for the upcoming election, thus letting a political party rig an election to ensure an outcome that is not representative of the will of the voters of that state for another election cycle.

I thought election integrity was like.... super important? Why the distinct lack of outrage over it being undermined?

edit: PS: And prediction wrong... damn when your gerrymandering is so blatantly unconstitutional you can't even get ALITO to go along with you you know it's bad... ... 75643.html
Re: Trump - free zone
Post by Michael Everett   » Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:04 pm

Michael Everett

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To switch continents, one of our political leaders in the UK has just been publicly praised/supported by an (alleged) terrorist leader.

Gerry Addams of Sinn Fein (a political party regarded by many as being the political wing of the IRA... or the IRA being the paramilitary wing of Sinn Fein, depending on outlook) has praised Jeremy Corbyn and said he would make a brilliant Prime Minister.

To put things in perspective for you Americans, that's somewhat similar to Theodore John Kaczynski declaring that [Insert candidate here] should become the next President.

It's not surprising, though. Prior to escaping the back-benches, Corbyn has publicly referred to Sinn Fein, Hamas*, Hezbollah* and even the IRA as his friends/allies. Given that, it is unsurprising that a he would get support from those areas in turn.

*During the period when they were active terrorist groups and launching missiles at Israel, thus confirming Israel's view of the Palestinians as not being able to be trusted in negotiations. Had they gone for non-violent protests and sit-downs, Israel would probably no longer exist, or would be far smaller than it is now.

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Re: Trump - free zone
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:54 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

In the continuing saga of the GOPs war on representative government, having failed in their appeal to the Supreme Court members of the Pennsylvania state GOP are now calling for the impeachment of all 5 of the members of the State Supreme Court that ruled against them in the gerrymandering case.

The charges they want to impeach them on?

Ruling against them in the gerrymandering case.

I'm not joking.

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