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Post by gcomeau   » Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:20 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

I wonder how long all the babysitters managing Trump's tantrums are going to be able to keep lying to him about Mueller not targeting Trump personally and wrapping everything up and letting him off by the end of the year... ... SKBN1DZ0XN

Germany’s largest bank received a subpoena from Special Counsel Robert Mueller several weeks ago to provide information on certain money and credit transactions, the person said, without giving details, adding key documents had been handed over in the meantime.

Deutsche Bank, which has loaned the Trump organization hundreds of millions of dollars for real estate ventures, said it would not comment on any of its clients.

Or maybe they finally came clean already and that's why he's tweet-raging at the entire FBI attempting to discredit the entire agency. Getting ready to try and fire Mueller in an attempt to save his ass.
Post by pappilon   » Wed Dec 06, 2017 6:48 pm

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gcomeau wrote:I wonder how long all the babysitters managing Trump's tantrums are going to be able to keep lying to him about Mueller not targeting Trump personally and wrapping everything up and letting him off by the end of the year... ... SKBN1DZ0XN

Germany’s largest bank received a subpoena from Special Counsel Robert Mueller several weeks ago to provide information on certain money and credit transactions, the person said, without giving details, adding key documents had been handed over in the meantime.

Deutsche Bank, which has loaned the Trump organization hundreds of millions of dollars for real estate ventures, said it would not comment on any of its clients.

Or maybe they finally came clean already and that's why he's tweet-raging at the entire FBI attempting to discredit the entire agency. Getting ready to try and fire Mueller in an attempt to save his ass.

Perhaps, but, I think, unlikely. My opinion is its a sneak preemption attempt aimed at the House GOP to quash any impeachment vote.
The imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.
Ursula K. LeGuinn

Post by gcomeau   » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:24 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Rumors swirling Trump may make a move against the FBI soon, possibly today. If he does things will escalate fast... there is no way to avoid a crisis situation if he tries to directly derail the FBI investigation against him.
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:19 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

gcomeau wrote:Rumors swirling Trump may make a move against the FBI soon, possibly today. If he does things will escalate fast... there is no way to avoid a crisis situation if he tries to directly derail the FBI investigation against him.

And it's pretty clear what the move is. He has spent the entire week actively trying to discredit the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation. His allies in Congress have been going on unhinged rants against the entire agency. The demand for a second Special Prosecutor to investigate the investigation of the first Special Prosecutor is so absurd it is cartoonish. And all based on the scandalous revelation that an FBI agent who hadn't even been working on the investigation for months now had.... wait for it.... PERSONAL OPINIONS that Trump was a moron.

Which is, you know, allowed... considering we don't require FBI agents to be deaf and dumb. And not surprising.

They have spent all week desperately trying to whip up public sentiment that Mueller cannot be trusted to run his investigation properly.


The guy they all praised as the choice above all possible reproach when he was appointed. This guy:

* Republican
* Vietnam Vet
* Marine
* Bronze Star and Purple Heart holder
* George W Bush appointed FBI Director (confirmed by the Senate in a unanimous vote)
* Appointed by the Republican Deputy AG Rosenstein to Special Prosecutor to bipartisan acclaim being attacked by the draft dodging serial lying con man in the White House as being some kind of Democratic stooge conducting a partisan political witch hunt and we're supposed to believe one of them. (A partisan "witch hunt" that has already caught four actual witches!)

Hmmm. Tough choice on which side to trust here. Yep.

This is ridiculously, obviously an attempt to deliberately undermine public trust in the FBI and Mueller so Trump can try and fire more people to kill the investigation. The question is if the rest of the GOP has become so lost to the rot that allowed Trump to gain power in the first place that they will let it happen.

About a year ago, people on this board defending the Trump election were pretty full of big words about how we didn't have anything to worry about because even if Trump wanted to go full authoritarian like so many of the people he reveres as "strong leaders" like Putin, Duterte, etc... the nation's system of checks and balances would prevent him from getting away from it.

He is actively assaulting the pillars of those checks and balances.
Post by Michael Everett   » Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:51 am

Michael Everett

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Trump has now released a statement in which he claims that he supports the FBI and has their back.
Is that because he's still holding onto the daggers that he planted there?

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

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Post by Annachie   » Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:57 am

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Michael Everett wrote:Trump has now released a statement in which he claims that he supports the FBI and has their back.
Is that because he's still holding onto the daggers that he planted there?
More like someone used real small words to explain how bad attacking confidence in the FBI is when the FBI are the ones who also do counter terrorism.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Post by gcomeau   » Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:55 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Annachie wrote:
Michael Everett wrote:Trump has now released a statement in which he claims that he supports the FBI and has their back.
Is that because he's still holding onto the daggers that he planted there?
More like someone used real small words to explain how bad attacking confidence in the FBI is when the FBI are the ones who also do counter terrorism.

It's neither. Shortly before he said that to the graduating class of new agents at Quantico he said "But we're going to rebuild the FBI. It'll be bigger and better than ever."

Meaning of course "don't worry graduating class, I'm going to have your back because I'm going to "fix" the agency you're joining."

And what does Trump think is wrong there that needs "fixing"? That pesky insistence on investigating him. He wants to fire anyone looking into him, quash any independence of the agency and make it do as he tells it, THEN "have the back" of the loyal holdovers after he's done.
Post by gcomeau   » Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:24 am


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Aaaaaand... Mueller has all the transition team e-mails, unfiltered and un-redacted because he got them directly from the GSA and not by going through members of the administration.

Team Trump is freaking out, and making absurd claims they were obtained illegally. No doubt as further attempt to spin discrediting propaganda against the investigation trying to lay the groundwork to shut it down...
Post by smr   » Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:17 am

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Most people vote with their checkbooks. My investments have almost doubled since Trump took office. We are about to have 2 more Supreme Court Justices. Ginsberg and Kennedy probably will be replaced due to health and one wanting to retire. Hopefully, planned parenthood will lose their federal funding. Their is no reason for my tax dollars to go and help kill babies. Just think Trump will be reelected for 4 more years. That sucks for the haters but it's good for the rest of us. God bless you folks...peace and love over Christmas!
Post by The E   » Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:51 pm

The E

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smr wrote:Most people vote with their checkbooks. My investments have almost doubled since Trump took office. We are about to have 2 more Supreme Court Justices. Ginsberg and Kennedy probably will be replaced due to health and one wanting to retire. Hopefully, planned parenthood will lose their federal funding. Their is no reason for my tax dollars to go and help kill babies. Just think Trump will be reelected for 4 more years. That sucks for the haters but it's good for the rest of us. God bless you folks...peace and love over Christmas!

[Nature documentary voice]
And here we see the common Trumpet in the wild. This creature is so myopic as to be functionally blind and so hard of hearing that they could be described as deaf, but since they're living in a comfortable box made of their own feces (what scientists call "an echo chamber" for its acoustic qualities), they are unaware of and, indeed, almost unaffected by changes in their immediate environment.

This predilection for a sedentary life is, more often than not, their undoing: Where other animals watch their environments to adapt to changes or effect changes themselves, the common Trumpet is often caught unawares and is then swept up in one calamity or another, to their great surprise.

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