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Tech Levels at the start of next series

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by Imaginos1892   » Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:15 am

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I've seen pictures of late 19th century player pianos that incorporated drums, cymbals, woodwinds and other instruments. Like a whole automated band, all driven by a roll of punched paper. I think there were separate columns of holes for each instrument.

For computers, how about an improved version of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine? Or, have you ever seen the mechanical fire control computers on board an Iowa-class battleship?

Optical computing! Digital computers that use light instead of electricity.
They say I can't be a nonconformist because I'm not like the other nonconformists.
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by Erls   » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:19 pm

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So, a few additional thoughts I had while looking through other responses.

1- Does anyone think that basic mass-transit systems could be build for the 'major' cities? I'm thinking a basic steam-powered trolley that would also that could run down major boulevards and connect key buildings/neighborhoods/etc of the city together in a quick and easy to use format. Such a system could, of course, be expanded to allow for the spreading into first ring suburbs that feature planned parks and bountiful green space for the populace. I'm thinking here of the new shorter work days and industrialization that will allow the middle-class to pursue some form of leisure activity - and thus the parks, bike paths, etc... to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.

2- I could easily see Delthak (or one of his employees) coming up with the idea that they could string cables across the river (instead of an expensive bridge or ferry) and use that to transport materials from one shore to the other via steam power. Instant application for recreational skiing - which could come from Safehold's version of the 10th Mountain: Green Valley's ski troops. Again, this is a simple adaptation of existing tech with the benefit of showing "the world" how great Charis is. "Look at us, we can build these winter skiing complexes with steam power purely for recreation." It could both attract the wealthy from other lands (bringing money in) while create a new industry and help introduce the concept of recreation.

3- I see, to the extent not already in place, the Crown of Charis mandating (and helping fund with Silverlode gold) an Empire-wide school system that ensures 'all' citizens learn how to read, write, do basic math, and also learn the Church of Charis' view of God.

4- Does anyone else think Charis may create a college of Law or Medicine? Charis, with the blessing of the Church of Charis, may look into creating a non-ordained path to become a lawyer or a nurse/doctor. They would likely still require that judges and physicians (a technical split) be ordained to placate the Church, but creating a path to those professions without entering the priesthood (and based on scientific/traditional common law teachings) would prepare an entire generation of practitioner for the post-OBS changes.

5- Finally, how much does Charis seek to plan for the future in making development decisions today? E.g., if they are looking to build an extensive set of island-spanning railroads do they go with a basic 30 foot right of way, or do they mandate something like an absurd 150 foot right of way. The thought being, of course, that we sell this as a safety precaution today with full knowledge that as soon as we have cars and electricity we're building highways and transmission lines in the same right of way.
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by Keith_w   » Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:44 am


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Erls wrote:So, a few additional thoughts I had while looking through other responses.

1- Does anyone think that basic mass-transit systems could be build for the 'major' cities? I'm thinking a basic steam-powered trolley that would also that could run down major boulevards and connect key buildings/neighborhoods/etc of the city together in a quick and easy to use format. Such a system could, of course, be expanded to allow for the spreading into first ring suburbs that feature planned parks and bountiful green space for the populace. I'm thinking here of the new shorter work days and industrialization that will allow the middle-class to pursue some form of leisure activity - and thus the parks, bike paths, etc... to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.

2- I could easily see Delthak (or one of his employees) coming up with the idea that they could string cables across the river (instead of an expensive bridge or ferry) and use that to transport materials from one shore to the other via steam power. Instant application for recreational skiing - which could come from Safehold's version of the 10th Mountain: Green Valley's ski troops. Again, this is a simple adaptation of existing tech with the benefit of showing "the world" how great Charis is. "Look at us, we can build these winter skiing complexes with steam power purely for recreation." It could both attract the wealthy from other lands (bringing money in) while create a new industry and help introduce the concept of recreation.

3- I see, to the extent not already in place, the Crown of Charis mandating (and helping fund with Silverlode gold) an Empire-wide school system that ensures 'all' citizens learn how to read, write, do basic math, and also learn the Church of Charis' view of God.

4- Does anyone else think Charis may create a college of Law or Medicine? Charis, with the blessing of the Church of Charis, may look into creating a non-ordained path to become a lawyer or a nurse/doctor. They would likely still require that judges and physicians (a technical split) be ordained to placate the Church, but creating a path to those professions without entering the priesthood (and based on scientific/traditional common law teachings) would prepare an entire generation of practitioner for the post-OBS changes.

5- Finally, how much does Charis seek to plan for the future in making development decisions today? E.g., if they are looking to build an extensive set of island-spanning railroads do they go with a basic 30 foot right of way, or do they mandate something like an absurd 150 foot right of way. The thought being, of course, that we sell this as a safety precaution today with full knowledge that as soon as we have cars and electricity we're building highways and transmission lines in the same right of way.

WRT point 3, the church is already required to do this, however, considering the state of their finances and the state of attitudes towards the church in the Charisian empire, Sidermark and elsewhere, this is probably no longer an option so local authorities will have to take over the duty. I also doubt that any Harchongese serfs ever saw the inside of a school anyway.

WRT point 5, much of the railroad infrastructure is going to be built beside canals as there will be great difficulty repeating the terraforming teams trick of cutting valleys through mountains. Also, towns and villages are built beside canals so it makes sense to run other infrastructure along the same right of way. When the time comes, the canals can be filled in to provide a level surface for self-powered vehicles.
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by PeterZ   » Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:09 pm

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Erls wrote:So, a few additional thoughts I had while looking through other responses.


4- Does anyone else think Charis may create a college of Law or Medicine? Charis, with the blessing of the Church of Charis, may look into creating a non-ordained path to become a lawyer or a nurse/doctor. They would likely still require that judges and physicians (a technical split) be ordained to placate the Church, but creating a path to those professions without entering the priesthood (and based on scientific/traditional common law teachings) would prepare an entire generation of practitioner for the post-OBS changes.


No. The Crown will support the Order of Langhorne in expanding access to legal training. Especially in the application and consequences of the new technology. Why would the Crown choose to bypass the existing legal framework? Its not as if there are avowed secularists that need to be addressed.

Best way to address the religiosity of the law would be to use the new implications of tech to......broaden the thought patterns of the new students.

The same applies to the medical profession. I find little to argue against in keeping the training of healers in the hands of religious orders. There are worse things than emphasizing the moral component of treating illness and health issues.

Leave the sciences as purely secular fields of study. I am sure Her Grace and Royal Highness Princess Irys will see to that.
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by PeterZ   » Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:39 pm

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Whatever technology that is developed prior to The Reveal will be bypassed with The Reveal. The only purpose for R&D is to develop the mindset for technological research. So, since nothing they they develop needs to have long term utility, when next we read about our heroes the technology in the background may well be immediately useful but lead to a dead end developmentally.

I can see mechanical computers being used a plenty. Perhaps even water powered computers. Derigibles fly the skies. Diesel powered heavier than air planes and helicopters. Steam powered labor saving devices limited only by RFC's imagination. Pneumatic powered appliances and household tools.

I wonder just how much of our society's labor saving aides RFC can replicate without using electricity? Watching our heroes operate under those conditions would be cool!
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by JBNL1972   » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:54 am

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Keith_w wrote:WRT point 5, much of the railroad infrastructure is going to be built beside canals as there will be great difficulty repeating the terraforming teams trick of cutting valleys through mountains. Also, towns and villages are built beside canals so it makes sense to run other infrastructure along the same right of way. When the time comes, the canals can be filled in to provide a level surface for self-powered vehicles.

Why infill the canals ?
They still remain useful for transporting goods too large/bulky to go by rail, and they remain a good way to distribute water for irrigation, induustry and consumption.
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by Keith_w   » Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:38 am


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JBNL1972 wrote:
Keith_w wrote:WRT point 5, much of the railroad infrastructure is going to be built beside canals as there will be great difficulty repeating the terraforming teams trick of cutting valleys through mountains. Also, towns and villages are built beside canals so it makes sense to run other infrastructure along the same right of way. When the time comes, the canals can be filled in to provide a level surface for self-powered vehicles.

Why infill the canals ?
They still remain useful for transporting goods too large/bulky to go by rail, and they remain a good way to distribute water for irrigation, induustry and consumption.

I suppose where those needs are paramount, they won't, but for transportation, with the availability of rail, self propelled wagons, and both heavier and lighter than air transportation, they won't be needed, and as was pointed out, there will be a need for other infrastructure that could use the space.
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by n7axw   » Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:44 am

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Keith_w wrote:
I suppose where those needs are paramount, they won't, but for transportation, with the availability of rail, self propelled wagons, and both heavier and lighter than air transportation, they won't be needed, and as was pointed out, there will be a need for other infrastructure that could use the space.

We have all the infrastructure you refer to in real life.

Yet the canals still prosper because transportation over water is cheap, easy and for the most part safe. Think of the Erie Canal. Or stand on a bridge on the Mississippi and count the barges as they pass under.

Safehold's canals aren't going anywhere and it would be foolish if they did...


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by Keith_w   » Fri Oct 06, 2017 9:24 am


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n7axw wrote:
Keith_w wrote:
I suppose where those needs are paramount, they won't, but for transportation, with the availability of rail, self propelled wagons, and both heavier and lighter than air transportation, they won't be needed, and as was pointed out, there will be a need for other infrastructure that could use the space.

We have all the infrastructure you refer to in real life.

Yet the canals still prosper because transportation over water is cheap, easy and for the most part safe. Think of the Erie Canal. Or stand on a bridge on the Mississippi and count the barges as they pass under.

Safehold's canals aren't going anywhere and it would be foolish if they did...



I don't disagree with you about the need to fill in all the canals. I was especially thinking about those areas where the canals pass through mountains where the terraforming team cut valleys to allow the canal through. Safeholdian road and other constructors would have difficulty performing the same task, if not finding it impossible. As for the Erie canal and the others of the NY Canal system, very little transport is carried out on them, they are mostly used for recreational purposes. As for the mighty Mississippi, it's not a canal. I also wouldn't suggest that we fill in the Safeholdian equivalent of the St. Lawrence Seaway.
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
Re: Tech Levels at the start of next series
Post by JBNL1972   » Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:38 pm

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Keith_w wrote:
I don't disagree with you about the need to fill in all the canals. I was especially thinking about those areas where the canals pass through mountains where the terraforming team cut valleys to allow the canal through. Safeholdian road and other constructors would have difficulty performing the same task, if not finding it impossible. As for the Erie canal and the others of the NY Canal system, very little transport is carried out on them, they are mostly used for recreational purposes. As for the mighty Mississippi, it's not a canal. I also wouldn't suggest that we fill in the Safeholdian equivalent of the St. Lawrence Seaway.

But with steam-powered equipment and Lywysite, large scale engineering like the terraforming crew did becomes possible -- notice that at the end of ATSoT it's mentioned a Charisian group is considering upgrading the Salthar Canal (Across Silkiah) for -oceanic- shipping!!

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