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Honorverse ramblings and musings

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Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by runsforcelery   » Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:32 pm

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munroburton wrote:
cthia wrote:Can anyone recall the range of TWTSNBN?

A chilling thought occurred to me. What if the MAlign is privy to the weapon and they incorporate it into their stealthed ships allowing them to get close enough to disable GA sidewalls?

And what if they added to the formidable arsenal a new and improved version of the Crippler? As a result of spies in the henhouse passing them discarded RMN tech.

That would make the Lenny Dets a quite formidable arachnid.

Both the grav lance and the crippler require an active impeller wedge to generate the powerful gravitic pulse used to overload systems on the target ship. Spider-drive ships can't generate a wedge and so would not be able to use either.

As for range, it's absurdly low. Grav lances have about a quarter of a graser's range. Well within detection range, I dare say, even for their fancy stealth systems.

cthia wrote:I assimilate that as an inference that the wedge is a piece of tech that can generate enough juice to power the gravitic pulse. But that is not to say that the MAlign cannot conceive of an alternate power source and tech. There's usually more than one way to skin a cat — so saith Tester's Graysons. Which, realistically, would make the MA as resourceful as the Graysons.

What's important is that a technologically capable navy has been shown what's possible.* What's more, has the time to come at the problem from many different angles. It is the same notion that the GA faces at the moment, trying to reverse engineer/conceive of MA tech.

I seem to be the only one who can conceptualize that an entity who has centuries to play with, and sit back and design tech, without the pressure of war and death, is going to introduce some game changing tech that will close the gap between their tech and the RMN's even more than the Peeps were able to accomplish. If not exceed it in some areas — as they were able to do with their stealth technology. The MA may not be a one trick pony.

Everything good doesn't have to be "Manty Made. Grayson improved."

BTW, is as much inside information given on Andermani tech as the GA? As in fully represented in Jayne's? Or SITS?

This also means that the MA has been shown a particular weakness in GA tech. And how to exploit it.

You assimilate incorrectly.

I have now lost track of the number of times I have explained this, but one more time.

The grav lance is the ship's impeller wedge which has been focused to generate the gravitic equivalent of an old row galley's ram. It cannot be generated without an impeller wedge and, just to knock this notion on the head one more time, as well, it cannot be generated by a LAC because there's no place to put the generators. So unless your cruiser-sized (or larger) spider drive ship wants to pull up within less than 100,000 km of its target, turn off its spider drive, and power up an impeller wedge (which, among other things, means it has to be equipped with botht he spider and impeller nodes), this is not going to happen.

And I leave it to you to figure out what would happen during the 40 minutes or so it would take for the aforesaid spider drive ship to turn off it's spider, turn on it nodes, and cycle them from cold, through standy, to readiness, and then active. Complete cycle could be a little less than 40 minuites --- haven't checked my notes --- but not a heck of a lot less.

Can we please retire brilliant attempts to recycle a thoroughly dead end bit of technology now?

"Oh, bother!" said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead.
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by Weird Harold   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 12:00 am

Weird Harold
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runsforcelery wrote:Can we please retire brilliant attempts to recycle a thoroughly dead end bit of technology now?

It wouldn't hurt to retire Lord Skimper and Cthia's attempts, too.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by Imaginos1892   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 12:10 am

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cthia wrote:Can anyone recall the range of TWTSNBN?

A chilling thought occurred to me. What if the MAlign is privy to the weapon and they incorporate it into their stealthed ships allowing them to get close enough to disable GA sidewalls?

And what if they added to the formidable arsenal a new and improved version of the Crippler? As a result of spies in the henhouse passing them discarded RMN tech.

That would make the Lenny Dets a quite formidable arachnid.

Yes, the dead horse twitches and jerks if you beat it hard enough.
No, that does not mean it's trying to get up and run.
Yes, it does mean you're annoying the SHIT out of everybody.
At least find a fresher one, that hasn't been rotting for ten years!
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by cthia   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 1:28 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

Imaginos1892 wrote:
cthia wrote:Can anyone recall the range of TWTSNBN?

A chilling thought occurred to me. What if the MAlign is privy to the weapon and they incorporate it into their stealthed ships allowing them to get close enough to disable GA sidewalls?

And what if they added to the formidable arsenal a new and improved version of the Crippler? As a result of spies in the henhouse passing them discarded RMN tech.

That would make the Lenny Dets a quite formidable arachnid.

Yes, the dead horse twitches and jerks if you beat it hard enough.
No, that does not mean it's trying to get up and run.
Yes, it does mean you're annoying the SHIT out of everybody.
At least find a fresher one, that hasn't been rotting for ten years!
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!

Now this is a bit rude. Just as Duckk is not immune to being human and is incapable of reading every post. So too am I. I try to at least sit in on technical threads when possible. But I normally have several threads at a time brewing in the pot myself. I am not making excuses, just stating facts.

I apologize for not getting the memo and missing the thread previously explaining the seriousness of TWTSNBN. I always took it as humor, similar to the many worthless solly junk threads...

Of which I posted once, ONCE -- of all the many threads, DESPITE THE AUTHOR STATING THAT THEY WERE WORTHLESS JUNK -- that they should be used for scrap metal. Not once did I ever... :roll:

Ok, maybe I posted twice over my forum membership that they should be used as scrap. So did the author. I have personally withstood three years and 1001 different threads on that subject yet the horse didn't die until textev killed it less than a month ago. However, ne'er such vehemence do I ever remember encountering as now. What gives? The rules and respect aren't extended across the board? I'm pretty sure I'm owed an apology. I'm pretty sure I don't expect one. I think I should be extended the same consideration as the moderator and anyone else. I can not possibly read every single thread.

The way I understood it, TWTSNBN was not to be named as far as ever having a possibility of being incorporated into RMN ships. I thought that the MA...

At any rate. No need for pitchforks. Why wasn't this searing attitude adopted on "The worthless solly junk" threads of threads for years of months?

That was a highly rhetorical question.

I'm annoying the shit out of everybody? Just me? This is the first and only time I've ever broached TWTSNBN. I really didn't know it was an author's request. How can cthia be annoying the shit out of everyone as far as TWTSNBN goes? Which leads me to consider that the statement is generally meant that cthia is annoying the hell out of everyone generally.

I've stated this once. I'll state it again. If I am not wanted on this forum. Be a man. State it. I'll gladly sign off never to return. Give me a petition with 5 votes and I'll respect it.

The author's vote counts as 10.

Yet there is absolutely no need for rudeness and disrespect. No need for rudeness or disrespect at all.

Yes, cthia doth complain too much (I've been told before). Personally I doubt that it is a coincidence that it always comes on the heels of -- and corresponds to -- the accompanying rudeness and disrespect that is also displayed too much.

-- cthia

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by pappilon   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:53 am

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1074
Joined: Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:29 pm

cthia wrote: (polite snip)
I'm annoying the shit out of everybody? Just me? This is the first and only time I've ever broached TWTSNBN. I really didn't know it was an author's request. How can cthia be annoying the shit out of everyone as far as TWTSNBN goes? Which leads me to consider that the statement is generally meant that cthia is annoying the hell out of everyone generally.

-- cthia

I fyou're the only one annoing people here, I'm obviously not trying hard enough . keep up the good work Brother

The imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.
Ursula K. LeGuinn

Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by ldwechsler   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:21 am

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1235
Joined: Sun May 28, 2017 12:15 pm

pappilon wrote:
cthia wrote: (polite snip)
I'm annoying the shit out of everybody? Just me? This is the first and only time I've ever broached TWTSNBN. I really didn't know it was an author's request. How can cthia be annoying the shit out of everyone as far as TWTSNBN goes? Which leads me to consider that the statement is generally meant that cthia is annoying the hell out of everyone generally.

-- cthia

I fyou're the only one annoing people here, I'm obviously not trying hard enough . keep up the good work Brother


The horse has been dead for so long it can't even be put in cans for dog food.

Plus, we've already seen two major tech innovations: spider drive and streak drive. I don't know that MAlign is that far ahead on all that much else.
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by lyonheart   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 7:17 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 4853
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:27 pm

Hi Cthia,

You are hardly the only person to invent or suggest possible alternative weapons or tech, but most of the rest of us pay more attention to what RFC says is possible.

Go back and read OBS again.

MunroBurton had it right in spades.

Then recall that UH only goes until March of '23, roughly about 5 monthes after CoG and SoV end, then combine it with TheEmile's tag line that it will take the SLN 6 years to start launching SDP's and you might begin to realize why RFC said its not going to happen.

Given how slowly thoughts percolate through the SL dinosaur brain, the idea of combining the best of the member SDF's to create a GA beater, is ludicrous when so much of the SL still doesn't know they're at war in the first place,

Now given the Lenny Det's are or were going to mass around 20 Mt when first mentioned in the textev, there were jokes about them carrying everything, including the kitchen sink, back at the bar 7-8 years ago let alone revivals by newbies; and they may finally get completed in the 20 year gap for the next story arc, but given what the GA developed in the last 20 years, what Sonia and Shannon, NTM the Graysons, will have come up with in the next 20 years ought to be downright terrifying to both the SL [or what's left of it] and the MAlign.

That's a lot more likely to happen than trying to create some kind of fix for the SL/N when there's no time at all.


cthia wrote:
munroburton wrote:quote="cthia"Can anyone recall the range of TWTSNBN?

A chilling thought occurred to me. What if the MAlign is privy to the weapon and they incorporate it into their stealthed ships allowing them to get close enough to disable GA sidewalls?

And what if they added to the formidable arsenal a new and improved version of the Crippler? As a result of spies in the henhouse passing them discarded RMN tech.

That would make the Lenny Dets a quite formidable arachnid.quote

Both the grav lance and the crippler require an active impeller wedge to generate the powerful gravitic pulse used to overload systems on the target ship. Spider-drive ships can't generate a wedge and so would not be able to use either.

As for range, it's absurdly low. Grav lances have about a quarter of a graser's range. Well within detection range, I dare say, even for their fancy stealth systems.

I assimilate that as an inference that the wedge is a piece of tech that can generate enough juice to power the gravitic pulse. But that is not to say that the MAlign cannot conceive of an alternate power source and tech. There's usually more than one way to skin a cat — so saith Tester's Graysons. Which, realistically, would make the MA as resourceful as the Graysons.

What's important is that a technologically capable navy has been shown what's possible.* What's more, has the time to come at the problem from many different angles. It is the same notion that the GA faces at the moment, trying to reverse engineer/conceive of MA tech.

I seem to be the only one who can conceptualize that an entity who has centuries to play with, and sit back and design tech, without the pressure of war and death, is going to introduce some game changing tech that will close the gap between their tech and the RMN's even more than the Peeps were able to accomplish. If not exceed it in some areas — as they were able to do with their stealth technology. The MA may not be a one trick pony.

Everything good doesn't have to be "Manty Made. Grayson improved."

BTW, is as much inside information given on Andermani tech as the GA? As in fully represented in Jayne's? Or SITS?

This also means that the MA has been shown a particular weakness in GA tech. And how to exploit it.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by ti3x   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:21 am

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Meh, try a different hill to martyr yourself on. He was doing a standard callback with a twist.

My personal favorite response to a grav-lance proposal (way back when) was a completely straight-faced, "You are worse than cancer and causing everyone to die of AIDS. Shut up about the podded lances, unless you want everyone to die of AIDS." Or something to that effect.

Pretty sure I didn't take it pers...pretty sure the idiot that was proposing podded lances (that time, there have been others) didn't take it personally.

cthia wrote:
Imaginos1892 wrote:Yes, the dead horse twitches and jerks if you beat it hard enough.
No, that does not mean it's trying to get up and run.
Yes, it does mean you're annoying the SHIT out of everybody.
At least find a fresher one, that hasn't been rotting for ten years!
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!

Now this is a bit rude. Just as Duckk is not immune to being human and is incapable of reading every post. So too am I. I try to at least sit in on technical threads when possible. But I normally have several threads at a time brewing in the pot myself. I am not making excuses, just stating facts.

I apologize for not getting the memo and missing the thread previously explaining the seriousness of TWTSNBN. I always took it as humor, similar to the many worthless solly junk threads...


I'm annoying the shit out of everybody? Just me? This is the first and only time I've ever broached TWTSNBN. I really didn't know it was an author's request. How can cthia be annoying the shit out of everyone as far as TWTSNBN goes? Which leads me to consider that the statement is generally meant that cthia is annoying the hell out of everyone generally.

I've stated this once. I'll state it again. If I am not wanted on this forum. Be a man. State it. I'll gladly sign off never to return. Give me a petition with 5 votes and I'll respect it.

The author's vote counts as 10.

Yet there is absolutely no need for rudeness and disrespect. No need for rudeness or disrespect at all.

Yes, cthia doth complain too much (I've been told before). Personally I doubt that it is a coincidence that it always comes on the heels of -- and corresponds to -- the accompanying rudeness and disrespect that is also displayed too much.

-- cthia
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by cthia   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:46 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

pappilon wrote:
cthia wrote: (polite snip)
I'm annoying the shit out of everybody? Just me? This is the first and only time I've ever broached TWTSNBN. I really didn't know it was an author's request. How can cthia be annoying the shit out of everyone as far as TWTSNBN goes? Which leads me to consider that the statement is generally meant that cthia is annoying the hell out of everyone generally.

-- cthia

I fyou're the only one annoing people here, I'm obviously not trying hard enough . keep up the good work Brother

ldwechsler wrote:The horse has been dead for so long it can't even be put in cans for dog food.

Plus, we've already seen two major tech innovations: spider drive and streak drive. I don't know that MAlign is that far ahead on all that much else.

I think that horse was pretty much beat way before I joined the forum. I didn't get the retroactive email.

One thing is for certain. It is certainly TWTSNBN again by cthia. At least Honor got TWTSNBN to work twice. The one time really counted, when she saved Fearless and the rest of her crew against a Q-ship.

The worthless Solly junk never worked even once. Even when they were a fleet in the hands of their own navy raging for justice. Yet threads resurrecting their utility didn't receive what I received. As my parents always taught us, I'm looking at the bright side. As a result, one scene is made even more real to me...

Now I know what Hemphill felt like facing Honor on the WDB. I'm sure she'll never name that Voldemoort again either. LOL

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by cthia   » Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:02 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

Not exactly true.

Most of you participated in the many "Worthless Solly Junk" threads for months. And months. And months. Certainly since I've been a member of the forum. And a year. And another year. And yet another year, encompassing my three year membership. Despite the author saying that they were worthless junk. Despite a few taglines to that effect. I OTOH, only posted their twice suggesting that they be sent to the breakers. Twice, in all the many threads.

In fact, from what I've seen, the threads are the forum's very own personal Unimatrix 001 - Tertiary Adjunct to the Gorge.

Now how does that translate to most of you listening to the author again?

I would have listened to the author too. If I had gotten the memo. And I wouldn't have needed a flogging like McQueen gave Hamish, or a scathing like Honor gave Hemphill.

I didn't design the damn thing.

Do pardon my bold to call attention.
lyonheart wrote:Hi Cthia,

You are hardly the only person to invent or suggest possible alternative weapons or tech, but most of the rest of us pay more attention to what RFC says is possible.

Go back and read OBS again.

MunroBurton had it right in spades.

Then recall that UH only goes until March of '23, roughly about 5 monthes after CoG and SoV end, then combine it with TheEmile's tag line that it will take the SLN 6 years to start launching SDP's and you might begin to realize why RFC said its not going to happen.

Given how slowly thoughts percolate through the SL dinosaur brain, the idea of combining the best of the member SDF's to create a GA beater, is ludicrous when so much of the SL still doesn't know they're at war in the first place,

Now given the Lenny Det's are or were going to mass around 20 Mt when first mentioned in the textev, there were jokes about them carrying everything, including the kitchen sink, back at the bar 7-8 years ago let alone revivals by newbies; and they may finally get completed in the 20 year gap for the next story arc, but given what the GA developed in the last 20 years, what Sonia and Shannon, NTM the Graysons, will have come up with in the next 20 years ought to be downright terrifying to both the SL [or what's left of it] and the MAlign.

That's a lot more likely to happen than trying to create some kind of fix for the SL/N when there's no time at all.

cthia wrote:
munroburton wrote:quote="cthia"Can anyone recall the range of TWTSNBN?

A chilling thought occurred to me. What if the MAlign is privy to the weapon and they incorporate it into their stealthed ships allowing them to get close enough to disable GA sidewalls?

And what if they added to the formidable arsenal a new and improved version of the Crippler? As a result of spies in the henhouse passing them discarded RMN tech.

That would make the Lenny Dets a quite formidable arachnid.quote

Both the grav lance and the crippler require an active impeller wedge to generate the powerful gravitic pulse used to overload systems on the target ship. Spider-drive ships can't generate a wedge and so would not be able to use either.

As for range, it's absurdly low. Grav lances have about a quarter of a graser's range. Well within detection range, I dare say, even for their fancy stealth systems.

I assimilate that as an inference that the wedge is a piece of tech that can generate enough juice to power the gravitic pulse. But that is not to say that the MAlign cannot conceive of an alternate power source and tech. There's usually more than one way to skin a cat — so saith Tester's Graysons. Which, realistically, would make the MA as resourceful as the Graysons.

What's important is that a technologically capable navy has been shown what's possible.* What's more, has the time to come at the problem from many different angles. It is the same notion that the GA faces at the moment, trying to reverse engineer/conceive of MA tech.

I seem to be the only one who can conceptualize that an entity who has centuries to play with, and sit back and design tech, without the pressure of war and death, is going to introduce some game changing tech that will close the gap between their tech and the RMN's even more than the Peeps were able to accomplish. If not exceed it in some areas — as they were able to do with their stealth technology. The MA may not be a one trick pony.

Everything good doesn't have to be "Manty Made. Grayson improved."

BTW, is as much inside information given on Andermani tech as the GA? As in fully represented in Jayne's? Or SITS?

This also means that the MA has been shown a particular weakness in GA tech. And how to exploit it.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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