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I predict that the Solarian League will survive.

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Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by George J. Smith   » Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:33 am

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ldwechsler wrote:
The Mandarins will be heavily focused on making peace, getting stability. Destroying core worlds won't win friends. Keep in mind also that the last thing they really want is raids against the strongest planets by the Grand Alliance. Destroying space stations there would have a really bad effect.

Weird Harold wrote:
The Mandarins are out of touch with reality and too arrogant to consider "losing face" by making peace with Manticore. They are much more concerned with CYA than they are with with resolving a situation they refuse to admit is anything like as serious as is the truth.

I think we will see a paragraph or two in the next book dealing with the Mandarins finally getting their heads out of the sand, and realising their only option is to quietly disappear before the crowd with the pitchforks get them.

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Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by Brigade XO   » Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:30 pm

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Right up to the point where Byng got himself killed and his ships computers slagged and then Crandal went and attempted to capture Spindle, the SL and SLN didn't consider either Haven nor Manticore as true problems.
They were just more neobarbs slaughtering each other and screwy local politics/military adventurism that WAS NOT having a direct effect on the SL, it's trade or military compentency.
Beowulf had a largish SDF and there was NO NEED for the SLN to post anything to protect nor oversee the Sigma Draconis terminus. Beowulf was a full and old League member. Beowulf had a share in the operation of that terminus, it was involved to an appropirate amount and way, in collecting such fees as were or might be required by the League and maintained such customs and immigration inspections/controls required by the League. This is IF such things were required by the League or they could require a League Member to apply that stuff to it's own property. This was no Protectorate System with an OFS hook into it with the ususal obscene graft sucking money out of the terminus instead of benifiting at least the system that owned it. Trade flowed. Piracy didn't happen (that we are told about) in the Beowulf system nor near the SD terminus. OFS and FF wasn't in control or oversight anywhere in that mix.

As far as the SLN in the break up of the League, that depends. SOME of the units might go with break-away systems/groups of systems (Maya comes to mind but the "FF" units attached to Maya have long since become part of the little empire being put together there). Some may go off as mercenaries. Some may grab tempting systems and force commanders become the new ruler/president for life/dictators of said systems- thought they are probably then going to become targets for all the neighbors who would be justifiably unhappy and worried about what they would do next. I could see systems X, Y and Z contacting the GA about Admiral Big Pants/now President for Life of System A with is squadron of former SLN SDs and asking for help in keeping System A from absorbing them.

It is probable that most of what remains after they get tired of being being killed off attempting to attack the GA in commerce raiding will pull back to whatever major fragment of the League survives and remain the SLN. Mind you, that is also going to require that the Bureaucracy, speificaly the Mandarins and many senior level people are going to have to end out gone and the remaining "League" systems will have to have sorted out reframing the League.
Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by PeterZ   » Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:17 pm

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It grows increasingly clear that the SLN commerce raiders can't attack systems with pods and LACs deployed in them. They can try but will die quite quickly as those systems will not have the resources to be merciful. Should the SLN attack, they die a quick death. Those commerce raiders won't attack convoys protected by GA CLs or DDs, let alone CAs. So they go after singletons, which returns very little for the effort being deployed to the task.

That leaves bullying the Verge and Protectorates. The SLN FF BCs will be effective in this until the GA sends units to kick them out. Since the League is at war with the GA, those units are appropriate targets. The BF SDs deployed in the Core worlds will get their own share of attention.

The only viable way I see SLN units surviving is to defect to systems that secede from the League and loudly declare neutrality. Which sounds like the RF, no?
Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by ldwechsler   » Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:27 pm

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PeterZ wrote:It grows increasingly clear that the SLN commerce raiders can't attack systems with pods and LACs deployed in them. They can try but will die quite quickly as those systems will not have the resources to be merciful. Should the SLN attack, they die a quick death. Those commerce raiders won't attack convoys protected by GA CLs or DDs, let alone CAs. So they go after singletons, which returns very little for the effort being deployed to the task.

That leaves bullying the Verge and Protectorates. The SLN FF BCs will be effective in this until the GA sends units to kick them out. Since the League is at war with the GA, those units are appropriate targets. The BF SDs deployed in the Core worlds will get their own share of attention.

Agreed. Also, the Grand Alliance is doing raiding and are a lot more effective. They have junctions, they have the better ships. A small group, perhaps a couple of cruisers, a few DDs, and a CLAC can go to a busy planet and pick off ships as soon as they enter normal space around them.

Unless a really large Sollie fleet comes for them, they could do a real lot of damage. Not difficult to sell a lot of the better ships all over the former League either.

Chances are , a lot of the Battle Fleet ships will scuttle when meeting up with large numbers of Alliance ships.

The only viable way I see SLN units surviving is to defect to systems that secede from the League and loudly declare neutrality. Which sounds like the RF, no?
Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by PeterZ   » Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:42 pm

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ldwechsler wrote:
PeterZ wrote:It grows increasingly clear that the SLN commerce raiders can't attack systems with pods and LACs deployed in them. They can try but will die quite quickly as those systems will not have the resources to be merciful. Should the SLN attack, they die a quick death. Those commerce raiders won't attack convoys protected by GA CLs or DDs, let alone CAs. So they go after singletons, which returns very little for the effort being deployed to the task.

That leaves bullying the Verge and Protectorates. The SLN FF BCs will be effective in this until the GA sends units to kick them out. Since the League is at war with the GA, those units are appropriate targets. The BF SDs deployed in the Core worlds will get their own share of attention.

Agreed. Also, the Grand Alliance is doing raiding and are a lot more effective. They have junctions, they have the better ships. A small group, perhaps a couple of cruisers, a few DDs, and a CLAC can go to a busy planet and pick off ships as soon as they enter normal space around them.

Unless a really large Sollie fleet comes for them, they could do a real lot of damage. Not difficult to sell a lot of the better ships all over the former League either.

Chances are , a lot of the Battle Fleet ships will scuttle when meeting up with large numbers of Alliance ships.

PeterZ wrote:The only viable way I see SLN units surviving is to defect to systems that secede from the League and loudly declare neutrality. Which sounds like the RF, no?

Agreed. There lies the rub. If we are right, this book will be boring! Not willing to bet the farm on that, so where is the interesting twist? A long, drawn-out execution of the Sloarian League is just not that interesting. That execution as a description of how the RF plans to set up their final run and what the GA does as counter moves? That could be interesting....will be interesting. Dulong Mwenge Dabilenaren Eldbrand Bolivar Firebrand will play an interesting and heart wrenching role, I suspect.
Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by cthia   » Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:03 pm

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ldwechsler wrote:
PeterZ wrote:It grows increasingly clear that the SLN commerce raiders can't attack systems with pods and LACs deployed in them. They can try but will die quite quickly as those systems will not have the resources to be merciful. Should the SLN attack, they die a quick death. Those commerce raiders won't attack convoys protected by GA CLs or DDs, let alone CAs. So they go after singletons, which returns very little for the effort being deployed to the task.

That leaves bullying the Verge and Protectorates. The SLN FF BCs will be effective in this until the GA sends units to kick them out. Since the League is at war with the GA, those units are appropriate targets. The BF SDs deployed in the Core worlds will get their own share of attention.

Agreed. Also, the Grand Alliance is doing raiding and are a lot more effective. They have junctions, they have the better ships. A small group, perhaps a couple of cruisers, a few DDs, and a CLAC can go to a busy planet and pick off ships as soon as they enter normal space around them.

Unless a really large Sollie fleet comes for them, they could do a real lot of damage. Not difficult to sell a lot of the better ships all over the former League either.

Chances are , a lot of the Battle Fleet ships will scuttle when meeting up with large numbers of Alliance ships.

PeterZ wrote:The only viable way I see SLN units surviving is to defect to systems that secede from the League and loudly declare neutrality. Which sounds like the RF, no?
PeterZ wrote:Agreed. There lies the rub. If we are right, this book will be boring! Not willing to bet the farm on that, so where is the interesting twist? A long, drawn-out execution of the Sloarian League is just not that interesting. That execution as a description of how the RF plans to set up their final run and what the GA does as counter moves? That could be interesting....will be interesting. Dulong Mwenge Dabilenaren Eldbrand Bolivar Firebrand will play an interesting and heart wrenching role, I suspect.

Interesting twist.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by PeterZ   » Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:22 pm

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Interesting twist? Perhaps 20 years later. For this story, the MAlign can't build enough of the LennyDs to do anything more than inconvenience the GA. The MAlign would be massively stupid to reveal that capability before they have a decisive edge. No matter how effective the LennyDs are, the MAlign don't have enough to offset the GA SD advantage, especially when KHII capabilities are tossed into the mix.

I would love for the LennyDs to be deployed so early. That would guarantee both Haven and Manticore would fixate on the MAlign like a pit bull clamped on a victim's throat. That's not a twist as much a concession that the GA will be driven to build the biggest, baddest hammer their sneaky minds can envision to smash those elitist modder pockers!
Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by Theemile   » Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:52 pm

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PeterZ wrote:Interesting twist? Perhaps 20 years later. For this story, the MAlign can't build enough of the LennyDs to do anything more than inconvenience the GA. The MAlign would be massively stupid to reveal that capability before they have a decisive edge. No matter how effective the LennyDs are, the MAlign don't have enough to offset the GA SD advantage, especially when KHII capabilities are tossed into the mix.

I would love for the LennyDs to be deployed so early. That would guarantee both Haven and Manticore would fixate on the MAlign like a pit bull clamped on a victim's throat. That's not a twist as much a concession that the GA will be driven to build the biggest, baddest hammer their sneaky minds can envision to smash those elitist modder pockers!

We have text-ev that the most advanced Lenny Dets in early 1922 were only 1/2 completed, even though they were larger than the Sharks which massed between a BB and a DN (5-5.5 Mtons). We were also told that build rates were good, but could not match Manticore's build rates. Manticore's SD build rate in the first war was ~36 months, in the 2nd war, 20-24 months (for SD(p)s). Haven built SDs in ~48 months in the first war, 36-40 months (SD(p)) in the 2nd war, and the SL takes 60-72 months.

If we assume Havenite 1st war build rates, and a final mass of 10 Mtons, the first Lenny Dets will require 30 more months to complete and another 6-9 months to shake down. While Darius may have a faster build rate, most believe that the Lenny Dets are much larger than 10 Mtons(due to the internal carriage of the massive Graser Torps), which would more than offset any advances in productivity. In addition, Darius has new yards, with a fresh, though well trained workforce, and is building a new unique design. There is bound to be hic-ups in the production process.

In short, we cannot reasonably expect a Lenny Det to be fielded until AT LEAST the fall of 2025. But this being David, he can throw anything at us, including prototypes not mentioned, or the fact that all these numbers were wag, and "Honorverse Reality" is different.

However, I stick by my numbers, and wouldn't expect further serious Malign operations until fall of 1925, which something tells me will not be covered by this book.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by PeterZ   » Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:53 pm

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Theemile wrote:
PeterZ wrote:Interesting twist? Perhaps 20 years later. For this story, the MAlign can't build enough of the LennyDs to do anything more than inconvenience the GA. The MAlign would be massively stupid to reveal that capability before they have a decisive edge. No matter how effective the LennyDs are, the MAlign don't have enough to offset the GA SD advantage, especially when KHII capabilities are tossed into the mix.

I would love for the LennyDs to be deployed so early. That would guarantee both Haven and Manticore would fixate on the MAlign like a pit bull clamped on a victim's throat. That's not a twist as much a concession that the GA will be driven to build the biggest, baddest hammer their sneaky minds can envision to smash those elitist modder pockers!

We have text-ev that the most advanced Lenny Dets in early 1922 were only 1/2 completed, even though they were larger than the Sharks which massed between a BB and a DN (5-5.5 Mtons). We were also told that build rates were good, but could not match Manticore's build rates. Manticore's SD build rate in the first war was ~36 months, in the 2nd war, 20-24 months (for SD(p)s). Haven built SDs in ~48 months in the first war, 36-40 months (SD(p)) in the 2nd war, and the SL takes 60-72 months.

If we assume Havenite 1st war build rates, and a final mass of 10 Mtons, the first Lenny Dets will require 30 more months to complete and another 6-9 months to shake down. While Darius may have a faster build rate, most believe that the Lenny Dets are much larger than 10 Mtons(due to the internal carriage of the massive Graser Torps), which would more than offset any advances in productivity. In addition, Darius has new yards, with a fresh, though well trained workforce, and is building a new unique design. There is bound to be hic-ups in the production process.

In short, we cannot reasonably expect a Lenny Det to be fielded until AT LEAST the fall of 2025. But this being David, he can throw anything at us, including prototypes not mentioned, or the fact that all these numbers were wag, and "Honorverse Reality" is different.

However, I stick by my numbers, and wouldn't expect further serious Malign operations until fall of 1925, which something tells me will not be covered by this book.

Which means we'll see lots of GA task forces visiting League systems, exchanging quips and the SLN surrendering or being blown to bits offscreen. The interesting parts will happen with how the MAlign agents are discovered or keep themselves hidden. I suspect the SLN and OFS will discover MAlign influences but not enough to to expose Darius or the RF.
Re: I predict that the Solarian League will survive.
Post by Jonathan_S   » Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:57 pm

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Theemile wrote:In short, we cannot reasonably expect a Lenny Det to be fielded until AT LEAST the fall of 2025. But this being David, he can throw anything at us, including prototypes not mentioned, or the fact that all these numbers were wag, and "Honorverse Reality" is different.

However, I stick by my numbers, and wouldn't expect further serious Malign operations until fall of 1925, which something tells me will not be covered by this book.

I like your thoughts on the timeline - but I'd add that ready and worked up in the Darius system in fall of 1925 is different that engaging in combat in fall of 1925.

Unless they want to throw away much of their stealth capability by attacking first a Torch, through it's wormhole, their transit time is non-negligible from Darius. And if we assume against systems with decent defenses they'll take approaches like they did at Manticore and Grayson you could easily be looking at 6 months or more from departing Darius until they've finally snuck into position to spring their surprise attack.

Just adding to your rational for why they seem unlikely to show up in this final book of Honor's arc -- unless we just a major time jump.

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