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Hollywood Stupid

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Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by Imaginos1892   » Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:49 am

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Yeah, one of my signature lines is:

One bullet that hits is more firepower than a thousand bullets that miss.
Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by Rincewind   » Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:51 pm

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The E wrote:I can accept most of those because of the realities of filmmaking.

What really gets me is that thing where characters will grab a text, drag their finger across it and read it out loud even when they are completely alone.

Why is that stupid? Even though I live on my own I will still frequently read a passage out loud in order to get the flavour of it. It can help with understanding particularly if you reread it several times whilst putting the emphasis at different points.
Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by BrightSoul   » Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:46 pm

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I just recently watched Fate of the Furious and have to mention the huge ball of Impossible and it doesn't work that way.

Like the Soviet Era Nuke Sub underwater/ice a threat to outrun the Lambo running on the Ice, or frankly most of the other vehicles in the pack.

Or how about the I'm gonna race up and trigger this fancy-schmancy EMP and then race off in the car carrying the device?

I know FF is famous for the "not gonna happen" car stunts but this was too much for me. WAAAAYYYYY too much.
Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by Fireflair   » Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:24 pm

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LOL The entire F&F franchise is like that.

Right from the first movie. When I saw the first one after the first big race I was shaking my head. 'Not double clutching', 'granny shifting'.... Or when they start talking about some of the car engines. Lots of phrases and tech lingo words but no real understanding of them or applied in totally wrong context.

The physics of almost every car jump/fall scene in the series.

I too shook my head over the submarine scenes in the latest F&F movie, tough this is common in many movies that involve military equipment and ships especially. There is no magic remote control, no way to take over the ship or just start her up. She can't magically fly off the pylons or race beneath the ice to catch up to any car.

I was recently watching Pirates of the Caribbean and I had to shake my head. There's the Black Pearl, all sails set, fully billowed out and not a hint of wake or prow wash. For a ship under full sail, it's amazing how little wind there is to blow the character's hair around, too. Then there's the massive amount of cannon damage the Pearl takes before the kraken gets ahold of her. Masts collapsing, splinters and flying debris everywhere before it cuts to the next scene and all the masts are standing tall and strong!
Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by munroburton   » Wed Aug 02, 2017 6:06 am


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PotC is a bit of silly fun. But can largely be forgiven because of this scene.

Unrealistic? Yes! But I've yet to see a scene which sums up "clusterfuck, of own making" better than that.
Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by The E   » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:09 am

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Rincewind wrote:Why is that stupid? Even though I live on my own I will still frequently read a passage out loud in order to get the flavour of it. It can help with understanding particularly if you reread it several times whilst putting the emphasis at different points.

Here's the specific scene setup I am referring to: A character grabs a document. The shot is reversed to show the contents of the document to the audience. The character then starts to read aloud whatever excerpt is relevant, dragging their finger across the text while they do so.

Now, the basic act of reading a text aloud isn't the problem. Neither is the finger thing. This is perfectly acceptable when we see the character reading and thus get their reaction to the text and see them emote in response to it. The problem I have is when we as viewers see the text too for the entire length of the reading, because at least for me it means waiting for the character to stop reading until the film can actually progress. Within that specific setup, the actually interesting parts of the film (which, hopefully, are the actor's performances) get put on hold for a while in favour of a straight infodump.
Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by Annachie   » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:49 am

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Can't assume the entire audience can read.

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Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by Annachie   » Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:44 pm

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The 100.

So much Hollywood stupid in that thing.

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Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by robert132   » Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:22 am

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Fireflair wrote:
I was recently watching Pirates of the Caribbean and I had to shake my head. There's the Black Pearl, all sails set, fully billowed out and not a hint of wake or prow wash. For a ship under full sail, it's amazing how little wind there is to blow the character's hair around, too. Then there's the massive amount of cannon damage the Pearl takes before the kraken gets ahold of her. Masts collapsing, splinters and flying debris everywhere before it cuts to the next scene and all the masts are standing tall and strong!

The Pearl is a "ghost ship" don'tcha know. ;) I'm wondering how they're going to get her out of that bottle.

I noticed this the first time I watched "Master and Commander Far Side of the World," Jack Aubrey standing on the bowsprit of HMS Surprise, the camera pulls back to show the ship cracking along under all plain sail, big "bone in her teeth" but very little wind in those sails and the ship not apparently heeling. (Sailors tend to notice little details like this.) The film makers must have been pushing her diesels hard to get that wake.

Saw much the same in the A&E "Hornblower" series. The hero is standing in the crosstrees at the masthead, the ship cracking along but the damned sails are drooping.


Just my opinion of course and probably not worth the paper it's not written on.
Re: Hollywood Stupid
Post by Tenshinai   » Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:24 pm


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Rincewind wrote:
Why is that stupid? Even though I live on my own I will still frequently read a passage out loud in order to get the flavour of it. It can help with understanding particularly if you reread it several times whilst putting the emphasis at different points.

A cousin of mine reads everything that is the least important out loud, as she uses that as a way to memorize it, and there was a girl i once went to school with that did the same thing ( and that latter one, her ability to recall what she memorized, anything spoken she heard, was just plain scary, she could recite conversations perfectly a year after they happened ).

PotC is a bit of silly fun. But can largely be forgiven because of this scene.

Unrealistic? Yes! But I've yet to see a scene which sums up "clusterfuck, of own making" better than that.

PotC is pure cheeesetastic, it's the kind of movie where realism totally does NOT matter at all. I say they don't even need any excusing, there's nothing to apologise for! :mrgreen:

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