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Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT

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Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by DrakBibliophile   » Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:29 am


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I'd love to have seen the meeting/conversation between Duchairn and the Grand Vicar that resulted in Duchairn becoming Grand Vicar.

Did Duchairn attempt to have the Grand Vicar remain in power (with him calling the shots) and the Grand Vicar says "Nope, I quit. You're the new Grand Vicar"?

Or did Duchairn go into the meeting planning to make the old Grand Vicar resign?

Thoughts and other scenes.
Paul Howard (Alias Drak Bibliophile)
Sometimes The Dragon Wins! [Polite Dragon Smile]
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by C. O. Thompson   » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:18 am

C. O. Thompson
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I would have liked to see the room under the temple at least to a point that the inner circle hack into the system... let it end with Owl saying... OK! I'm in!!

There was a point in the dialogue when Merlin said something like ...give me ten years of operation with Federation Tech so Owl can duplicate the industrial module and there would be no way that Langhorn's command crews' efforts would stop them...
Just my 2 ₡ worth
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by Louis R   » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:32 am

Louis R
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I wouldn't have minded seeing the looks on the faces of assorted Helm Cleaver agents when Barcor told them Arbalest had signed off on them helping Duchairne & Phandys stage their coup.

I would have liked to see how the seijin set up their reception committee for Clyntahn - was that tunnel betrayed, or did Paityr know about it already, or was it Nahrmahn and/or OWL paying attention to odd troop movements, which is, after all, one of their jobs.

I think we should have been shown more of the maneuvering in Gorath that put Thirsk in charge there [yeah, i can hear the whinging already. sorry, folks, but this story _is_ politics. some of it per Clauswitz, some not]. I'm wondering how much of a role Rahnyld played in that.

And, finally: what about that freighter squawking Code 17A... Oops, sorry, wrong universe...

DrakBibliophile wrote:I'd love to have seen the meeting/conversation between Duchairn and the Grand Vicar that resulted in Duchairn becoming Grand Vicar.

Did Duchairn attempt to have the Grand Vicar remain in power (with him calling the shots) and the Grand Vicar says "Nope, I quit. You're the new Grand Vicar"?

Or did Duchairn go into the meeting planning to make the old Grand Vicar resign?

Thoughts and other scenes.
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by n7axw   » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:55 pm

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I would like to have seen the Dohlaran thread expanded. For one thing, I wondered why it was neccessary for Duke Fern to resign. I thought that given the can of worms he was handed, he usually did pretty well at trying to play a constructive role.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by fallsfromtrees   » Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:21 am

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n7axw wrote:I would like to have seen the Dohlaran thread expanded. For one thing, I wondered why it was neccessary for Duke Fern to resign. I thought that given the can of worms he was handed, he usually did pretty well at trying to play a constructive role.


He may well have decided that he was tired of dealing with worms, and decided to dump the worms on Thirsk

The only problem with quotes on the internet is that you can't authenticate them -- Abraham Lincoln
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by DrakBibliophile   » Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:38 am


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My suspicion is that Duke Fern believed that any peace with Charis depended on him resigning his Office. While we know that the Dohlaran King wanted to abdicate the Throne anyway, it is possible that his abdication was a gesture of Peace toward Charis.

Remember Cayleb talked about "Dohlaran paying a price" for turning over the Charisian Navy POWs to the Inquisition.

Duke Fern & the Dohlaran King decided that "stepping down" would see as them paying Cayleb's price.

n7axw wrote:I would like to have seen the Dohlaran thread expanded. For one thing, I wondered why it was neccessary for Duke Fern to resign. I thought that given the can of worms he was handed, he usually did pretty well at trying to play a constructive role.

Paul Howard (Alias Drak Bibliophile)
Sometimes The Dragon Wins! [Polite Dragon Smile]
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by mhicks   » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:23 pm

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I felt that the Chisholmian civil dispute was lacking. It had been on the beck burner the last few books and you could see it starting to simmer and just as it got hot the flame was snuffed out quickly with a bunch of liquid nitrogen and the story moved on like a Mack truck over a squished squirrel.
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by PeterZ   » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:40 pm

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Now that you mention it, I agree. Furthermore, I now find Cayleb's concern about the conspirator-squirrel running before Sharley's Mack Truck rather insulting. As if she couldn't deal with those conspirators with what she has in her substantial arsenal!

All I would have worried about was that she not enjoy the complete A$$-wooping she was about to hand out too much. Even then, I would have recognized how heart-sick she would have been over dispensing capital punishment to deserving aristos.

Baby chicks swimming with gators, if you ask me....and he worried!

mhicks wrote:I felt that the Chisholmian civil dispute was lacking. It had been on the beck burner the last few books and you could see it starting to simmer and just as it got hot the flame was snuffed out quickly with a bunch of liquid nitrogen and the story moved on like a Mack truck over a squished squirrel.
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by n7axw   » Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:48 pm

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I think that the basic penalty for what happened to Manthyr is paid in the scenes portraying the destruction of Gorath's waterfront. It was congruent with the penalty imposed on Delferahk after the massacre of its merchant seamen.

Fern was kind of an interesting fellow. He seemed generally constructive, but his stepping down might have been a symbolic gesture implying that new leadership was needed at a critical time.

Another question... where was Thorast during those meetings when he was missing....


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Spoilers - Scenes you'd like to have seen in AtSoT
Post by DrakBibliophile   » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:13 pm


Posts: 2311
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Location: East Central Illinois

Under House Arrest? :twisted:

n7axw wrote:I think that the basic penalty for what happened to Manthyr is paid in the scenes portraying the destruction of Gorath's waterfront. It was congruent with the penalty imposed on Delferahk after the massacre of its merchant seamen.

Fern was kind of an interesting fellow. He seemed generally constructive, but his stepping down might have been a symbolic gesture implying that new leadership was needed at a critical time.

Another question... where was Thorast during those meetings when he was missing....


Paul Howard (Alias Drak Bibliophile)
Sometimes The Dragon Wins! [Polite Dragon Smile]

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