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Post by peke   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:47 pm

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gcomeau wrote:
Reminded me of the "Kissing Hank's Ass" story.

(Which, if you've never read it, go google it. Seriously, do it now!!!!It's a laugh riot while really effectively illustrating the religious con involved in offering people an afterlife.)

Read it. Laughed my ass off.

And a wiener without mustard and ketchup is a crime against Life, the Universe, and Everything.
There is no problem so complex that it cannot be solved through the judicious application of high-power explosives.
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:05 pm


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peke wrote:
gcomeau wrote:
Reminded me of the "Kissing Hank's Ass" story.

(Which, if you've never read it, go google it. Seriously, do it now!!!!It's a laugh riot while really effectively illustrating the religious con involved in offering people an afterlife.)

Read it. Laughed my ass off.

And a wiener without mustard and ketchup is a crime against Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Oh... this is unfortunate... only a heretic would have left relish and onions off that list.

I'm afraid we cannot be friends. You would be a potentially corrupting influence.
Post by MAD-4A   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:13 pm

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gcomeau wrote:Nope, quite certain I'll never have to pay out.
But also certain I can never collect BECAUSE WHEN I'M RIGHT WE'RE BOTH DEAD.
So what's the point in the bet?
Obviously your not. That is the point of the Challenge - it's not a "bet" but a sure thing (one way or the other) so there is no point in not taking it.
gcomeau wrote:But like I said, I'll take your bet if you'll take mine.
Not the same thing - yours is an uncertain "bet" not a certainty.unless you are (Apparently) uncertain. If you are certain, from your point of view, then you will take the challenge & prove it, anything else is proof of uncertainty. If you are uncertain then the Challenge is not for you as it is not a "bet" for those uncertain.
Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Nuclear Weapons. I almost got the Hand-Grenade out the window does not count.
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:35 pm


Posts: 2747
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MAD-4A wrote:
gcomeau wrote:Nope, quite certain I'll never have to pay out.
But also certain I can never collect BECAUSE WHEN I'M RIGHT WE'RE BOTH DEAD.
So what's the point in the bet?
Obviously your not. That is the point of the Challenge - it's not a "bet" but a sure thing (one way or the other) so there is no point in not taking it.

Dude... you understand that the sure thing in question is that it's a sure thing that I CANNOT COLLECT NO MATTER WHAT. If you're right I don;t collect, and if I'm right I STILL DON'T COLLECT.

So yeah, that would be the point in not taking it. Because it's completely pointless.

Edit: PS: But fine. It's a deal if you think that somehow proves something. As a bonus, in addition to the billion dollars I'll also personally give you three gravity fairies and a flying unicorn.
Post by HB of CJ   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:40 pm

HB of CJ
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gcomeau; You maybe are reading too much into what I said. What I mean when I say I am an Agnostic is that I simply do not know if there is A GOD. I think you are innocently murking up the water.

My definition of God being THE supreme being NOT affected by or re defined by any religious imput, slant or view point or other intrepretation by any number of various religious points of view.

My definition of GOD is free standing. No relation to ANY and ALL religious points of view. Also could as easily be GODS. Also just happening. I simply do not know any way. Perhaps a cop out?

But ... here is where it gets tricky. Even old coot me will freely admit if the right "20 questions" are asked in a certain way, then I come very close to acknowledging a possible AGENCY.

There is always that POSSIBILITY. But I for one think things just happened they way they did because ... that is the way they happened. I am very happy with saying ... "I do not know".

Gets fun does it not? Respectfully. HB of CJ (silly old coot)
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:53 pm


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HB of CJ wrote:gcomeau; You maybe are reading too much into what I said. What I mean when I say I am an Agnostic is that I simply do not know if there is A GOD. I think you are innocently murking up the water.

Oh I get that's what you meant. It's just one of my personal little crusades to correct the misuse of the word agnostic wherever I come across it... and using agnostic to mean "I don't know" is misusing it. (Especially if it's in the context of "I don't know, therefore I'm neither an atheist nor a theist". Something I'd guess at least three quarters of the population of the internet does... so you're hardly alone in it or anything)
Post by HB of CJ   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:56 pm

HB of CJ
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gcomeau; I think I am using the correct definition of Agnostic. If I am not, feel free to correct me. But remember ... I am 68 and pretty much old school. I will be curious what your definition of Agnostic is vs what I believe it to be. Enlighten me. HB
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:02 pm


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HB of CJ wrote:gcomeau; I think I am using the correct definition of Agnostic. If I am not, feel free to correct me. But remember ... I am 68 and pretty much old school. I will be curious what your definition of Agnostic is vs what I believe it to be. Enlighten me. HB

I take the definition from the guy who invented the term. (Huxley)

agnostic (n.)
1870, "one who professes that the existence of a First Cause and the essential nature of things are not and cannot be known"

(emphasis added)

Not simply "I don't know". CANNOT BE known. It is not a statement of personal ignorance, it is a statement of belief that this particular bit of information is impossible to acquire.

A vast horde of people now insist on using agnosticism as a synonym for ignorance, but ignorance is not an "-ism".
Post by HB of CJ   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:49 pm

HB of CJ
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gconeau; Thank you. I think I am pretty safe here using one of the different accepted definitions of Agnostic. I love this forum. HB
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 9:19 pm


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HB of CJ wrote:gconeau; Thank you. I think I am pretty safe here using one of the different accepted definitions of Agnostic. I love this forum. HB

You can misuse it according to popular convention all you like of course. So many do...

But just to note... if you try to use it in that manner *and* state that you are neither an atheist nor a theist but *only* an agnostic then you'll be going beyond simply misuse of vocabulary and into plain incorrect statements. Nobody on earth is an agnostic as an alternative to theism or atheism, they an only be an agnostic in addition to one of the other two. (Whether you're using the right definition of agnostic or not)

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