Peter2 wrote:PeterZ wrote:
I am not yet convinced that this is indeed our Bahzell and Leeana. The direcat is too large an anomaly. I am guessing Gwynna to be about 10 years old as our stranger describes her as a child. That means our Bahzell or Leeana had to raise/befriend the direcat within 10 years of their wedding. While that's possible, how would that have happened given the events that ended WMC? Our two love birds would have been busier than one legged men in a butt kicking contest. Raising and training/familiarizing even intelligent animals into human society would require a huge devotion of time.
I would agree with you completely but for one thing; we don't know how intelligent this direcat is, or whether or not somebody has been "interfering". You may well be right, but . . .
I think the odds of Blanchrach being *just* a direcat are diddley/squat.
I love it that:
1) a jet-black cat is named "white anger" (in rough translation). I guess deathly pale is what people go when they see him curled up under the dining room table for the first time, and calling it "Snowball" just wouldn't give the same nuance...
2) Leeana refers to the direcat as "my daughter's friend"- an interesting choice of words?
My guess is that the 'cat was a gift from Wencit to Gwynna at her birth, or shortly thereafter; the direcat is in some way magical, and possibly even emotionally/psychically linked to Gwynna. They obviously trust the direcat completely, and I just don't see that happening with one that was merely "tamed."