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Re: Ukraine
Post by Tenshinai   » Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:42 pm


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Location: Sweden

Bruno Behrends wrote:Tenshinai - could you tone it down somewhat please?

The way you are personally insulting a guy whose country is being invaded is a disgrace.
At least stay polite.


Your bias is the disgrace.

And the "guy" you´re defending is the person who tried to "explain" the Odessa event, posting a video link to part of it which just happened to prove him wrong, despite not showing the worst parts.

He blames Russia at every turn, whether there´s even a hint of truth in it or not, and constantly excuses or outright denies any and all wrongdoing from his own nation, even when evidence says otherwise.

Invaded? :roll:
If Russia invaded Ukraine there would be no doubt about it.

And as for personal insults? Why don´t you specify what i did in that regard. Then take a look at his.

He manages to combine calling me a Russian spy and a nazi:
I start thinking that your employers are sitting somewere in ruSSia....

That is not a small offense. And you actually have the nerve to berate me for responding?

Disgusting rather than just a disgrace..
Re: Ukraine
Post by smr   » Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:54 am

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This time period seems to be repeating itself because the events seem to match up to what was happening in Europe in the 1930's. France (EU) and Britain (US) kept appeasing Hitler (Putin) in his territorial acquisitions. Putin is either the richest or near richest man in the World. The Russian people do not know what to do with him! The Russian people do not want to fight but they are controlled by a dictator! Obama (Neville Chamberlain) who speaks a good game but when the chips are down he runs (goes on vacation). Does America and EU stop Putin now or later? Hitler could have been stopped in 1936 and WW2 would have been prevented. Later means a full all world destroying war! Nukes, armies, and plagues being thrown around like candy. Most of the world will die due to that type of war. Remember for Evil to triumph only Good men and women need stand idly by. (paraphrased quote from Edmond Burke) This is why the Swiss are armed to the teeth! Also, this is why America should never surrender its guns and the right to bear arms! If Ukraine had all adults under arms, Russia would never mess with them.


Please be polite and no personal attacks! Imagine Russia taken Finland (appr. 8yrs ago), and they taken half of Sweden. What would you be saying? Put yourself in their position, the discussion becomes highly personal and emotional because their actually experiencing the reality. Where you or me are just arm chair quarterbacks or post game commentators.

So please have the common decency to remember that people are dying in Ukraine. I understand that probably you have never been in the military and never have had to kill. I do not recommend the latter but I have had to do this! It leaves scars on the soul.

This discussion is reality for some people. It's not about winning the discussion, politics, and trashing other people but reality. Please keep this in mind and keep the rhetoric to a normal conversation level at a restaurant. I am not attempting to insult you or attack you.
Re: Ukraine
Post by pokermind   » Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:46 pm

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"Holly Fallout Shelter, Batman." Remember the Cold War? Vladimir Putin is starting to sound like Nikita Khrushchev, just not banging his desk with a shoe, see

CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Daryl   » Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:51 am

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Once again my ignorance or naivety is showing. Several here seem to be saying that Russia is entitled to behave as it obviously is, (by supporting rebel militia and openly sending Russian serving soldiers plus equipment in the Ukraine), because NATO has broken a "gentleman's agreement" by encouraging Ukraine to become more aligned with the EU.

Sorry but this to me just doesn't make sense. Surely Ukraine like any sovereign country has the right to determine its own destiny and alliances, plus to suppress armed terrorism within its own borders? As well why shouldn't NATO or the EU or Russia peacefully discuss alignments with neighbouring countries, even up to possible incorporation. If Russia is so great then they should also tout peacefully for the alignment of neighbouring countries with them. May the most desirable system win.

I should point out that I have previously castigated the USA for similar acts of bastardry against sovereign countries. Bullying or unethical acts by powerful nations are simply larger scale examples of bad behaviours than those exhibited by street thugs.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:27 am

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Another example of nazi parade.
24 of August, our Independence Day. Kremenchuk, Poltava region, central Ukraine. Almost 100% russian speaking city.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:17 pm

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Another "imposible" story.
This fellow looks like simple "Berkut" (Int. Afair Ministry secial force) from Crimea. ... be8784.jpg But wait a minute! What is this???? ... b310f7.jpg No, NO, that cant be true!!! ... f1010d.jpg ......
And the end of the story: ... 0dc813f611

My poor translation:
Brother called. Said that his son, my nephew was brought to Moscov hospital. Now he is legless disabled person to the end of his life. Crimea is ours, fck yea. (IMHO last sentence is sarcastic.)
Re: Ukraine
Post by Tenshinai   » Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:11 pm


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>>>You need to know, for example, that accusations of a major Russian "invasion" of Ukraine appear not to be supported by reliable intelligence. Rather, the "intelligence" seems to be of the same dubious, politically "fixed" kind used 12 years ago to "justify" the U.S.-led attack on Iraq. We saw no credible evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq then; we see no credible evidence of a Russian invasion now.<<<

Daryl wrote:Once again my ignorance or naivety is showing. Several here seem to be saying that Russia is entitled to behave as it obviously is

That´s one of the problems Daryl, "obviously is", doesn´t include much of truth or reality.

The basic issue doesn´t even have anything to do with recent events, they just acted as triggers, the basic issue is that Ukraine as a state have been a showcase of a corrupt system messing up a nation which was created in a way similar to Yugoslavia, and we know how well that worked don´t we...

They´ve spent 23 years causing anger and resentment in the south and most eastern parts, mostly in areas with large portions of ethnic Russians, but not just those(there´s a joke going around that the ethnic poles hate EVERYONE else).

by encouraging Ukraine to become more aligned with the EU.

This is were your thinking gets into serious trouble. "Encouraging" between nations is NOT done by staging revolutions and coups.

That´s normally considered equal to starting war. ... kraine.usa

The recent issues in regards to trade agreements, well, only a fullblooded idiot would choose the EU deal.

Ukraine overall is the poorest country in Europe, and the majority of its industry reflects that, it pretty much sucks bigtime.

There´s effectively noone in the EU interested in buying much of anything from the Ukraine, EXCEPT raw materials, which just happens to come from the Russian dominated areas. Where also the most modern industry that exists in the country is situated.

The trade deal that Russia offered was also not a totally exclusive thing, it did not try to force Ukraine to NOT trade with the EU, and it also offered deals to modernise Ukranian industry.

While the EU deal offered would essentially turn Ukraine into a mining and farming operation to supply EU with cheap raw materials, while severely hurting trade with Russia(Ukraines largest and by far most important tradepartner).

And their offered "compensation" was about 1% of that Russia offered, and shortterm benefits only rather than the longterm bonus the Russian offers of industrial investments.

Like i said, only an extremely stupid moron would choose the EU deal.

And Yanukovych, no matter how corrupt isn´t a complete idiot.
And "suddenly" there is one more "spontaneous popular uprising"... While less preplanned than the "orange revolution", it was no less instigated by outside forces.

And *wham*, coup happens and EU deal is signed within weeks.

At the same time as anti-Russian laws, blatantly aimed at the ethnic Russians of Ukraine.

How do you think Australia would act if there was a coup in Indonesia, sponsored by China, and putting in place an aggressively expansionist facist regime that says Australians are vermin to be -dealt with-?
(and that´s based on a quote from a Ukrainian nationalist politician part of the post coup government)

Sit by and do nothing at all? I doubt it.
And that´s even without a direct land connection and a BIG chunk of the population being part Australians and getting targeted with persecution by the new regime.

The fact that EU and NATO blatantly supports facism in Ukraine should be extremely embarassing, instead, there´s a propagandacircus to make it into a crusade for truth, justice and apple pie... :roll:
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:47 pm

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Location: Ukraine

Same cliсhes. Truly. You know aint shit whats going on here. It is pity to admit, but you are right in one point. Corrupt politicans. Not everyone, but most of them controlled from ruSSia. KGB stuff, you know. And people raised mainly again that corruption! We see how the law works in our country, in ruSSia, in EU. We see how cops are working. Etc. And comparison is not in favor of the northern neighbor.
You didnt get the whole point, whole idea of Maidan. Or didnt wish to gasp it. People raised not again canceling EU asіoсiation. No. We raised again cold blooded masacre of students. If, IF those children where left alone on Independance Maidan(they were protesting again canceling) in week or two it all would ended. Peacefuly. But i think Yanukovich wantet revenge for 2004. And 30 November 2013 students were brutally beaten. And like 2004 we raised again against unjustice. Against corruption. Against cops willfulness. Etc.
There is NO separatist movement on most east and south of Ukraine. Strange.... Huylo and cronies talking about south-east, but the fact is that terrorists are acting only at small part east of Ukraine. And without ruSSian sponsopship and intervention force there would have been peace now.
Personaly i think we should be thankfull Yanukovich and huylo for uniting the nation. You saing that ukranians didnt like russian. Yes, there is some ukranians that offend russians and vice versa. I think other countries have same situation between different etnic groups. But on global scale the situation is slite different. People of Ukraine starting to hate people of ruSSia. Becose of over 80% of them support huylo's action. Again about Maidan and xenofobia. I wrote before that first two victims where armenian and belarusian. And about jewish Maidan self-defence hundred i wrote too. But you didnt care. Ukranians are facists and xenofobs.
About those stupid "antirussian" law. It whasnt signed by speaker(and acting president of Ukraine at that time) of Verkhovna Rada and and was not acting a single minute. But you should know it, dont you?

How do you think Australia would act if there was a coup in Indonesia, sponsored by China, and putting in place an aggressively expansionist facist regime that says Australians are vermin to be -dealt with-?
(and that´s based on a quote from a Ukrainian nationalist politician part of the post coup government)

Would you please provide me source\quote of this acusation so i understand what you are talking about?

P.S. About antiruSSian movement. In Khasakhstan started a flashmob "Send Putin a history textbook", people started aggressively respond to the ruSSian flag. This all started after Putuns and Zhirinovski speaches.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Daryl   » Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:42 pm

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"How do you think Australia would act if there was a coup in Indonesia, sponsored by China, and putting in place an aggressively expansionist facist regime that says Australians are vermin to be -dealt with-?
(and that´s based on a quote from a Ukrainian nationalist politician part of the post coup government)

Sit by and do nothing at all? I doubt it.
And that´s even without a direct land connection and a BIG chunk of the population being part Australians and getting targeted with persecution by the new regime."

I agree that we wouldn't be happy, but our response would be to beef up our national defence capability. It wouldn't include exporting arms or "off duty" soldiers to Indonesia.
If the Ukraine is persecuting a big chunk of its population that is still no business of Russia's, unless as in the ISIS situation the UN declares that crimes against humanity are being committed. The fact that some Ukrainian citizens speak Russian should not matter. Russia should not interfere in another sovereign country's internal matters. Neither should the USA for that matter.

As to fascism, I doubt that the Ukrainian leaders could be any more fascist than Putin. Not a nice ethos but their business.
Re: Ukraine
Post by pokermind   » Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:07 am

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Civil wars are notoriously nasty. Those involved on either side have strong views. Most ordinary people just want to be left alone. Ukrainian artist friend Sergey Plesnetsov (Сергей Плеснецов) site name Rastrelly on DA see he has done a lot of Honorverse fan art. He once quoted a saying from the Russian civil war, "White or red both sides steal the cabbages," when I noted according to my oldest aunt (b 1885) my Grandfather (b. 1853) didn't like soldiers from either side during the American Civil War by saying "Both sides steal the chickens."

My point neither side is perfect.

CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.

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