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Military Ranks, People, and then Casualties

"Hell's Gate" and "Hell Hath No Fury", by David, Linda Evans, and Joelle Presby, take the clash of science and magic to a whole new dimension...join us in a friendly discussion of this engrossing series!
Military Ranks, People, and then Casualties
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:10 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Links to other threads in this group are in a
separate post near the end of this thread.

A copy of the data from the first two books only
is now in the last post of this thread.

I have added the Officers' List to this one.
I have extracted all data here from HG & HHNF.
More Data from ROAD TO HELL added as available,
... coded R3H because it is the third book.
All data not given by Weber & Evans is vacant here.
Please see the disclaimers in my other lists of
extracted data.
c2007 Weber & Evans. All data theirs; all errors mine.

NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
#/letter = number of platoon/letter of company
#/# = number of battalion/number of regiment
.2.[matches man in CastList, not named in text]
PAAF Portal Authority Armed Forces
TA Ternath Army; also all Ternath Armed Forces
TN Ternath Navy
UA Uromath Army
TTE TransTemporalExpress (Sharona railway to outworlds)
AM Arcana Military (all)
AMAF Arcana Air Force
""""""""""""""ENLISTED PEOPLE"""""""""""""""
--------------- SHARONA --------------
All NCOs mentioned in the books are called ???-Armsman
-----Trooper - 2
Mikal Grigthir, Scout, Arthag's Platoon PAAF
??? Wirtha, Arthag's Platoon, PAAF
... not in Glossary, HG page 308-10
-----Under-Armsman - 4
Rokal chan Yaran, Prince Janaki's Platoon TA
.(promoted to Petty-Armsman)
Sirda chan Milhenai, Fort Shaylar PAAF
.(called "Sirda" in text; full name in Glossary)
Lyntail chan Turkan, Fort Ghartoum PAAF
Kardan Verais, Fort Salby PAAF
Harth Loumas, Plotter, Arthag's Platoon, NewFarnal PAAF
Nolis Parcanthi, Whiffer, Arthag's Platoon, Farnalian
Joral Hardoran, Fort Shaylar, Farnalian PAAF
... not named in text
.2. [big POW Porath beat up first]
Grethar Bantha, Flicker, Ft. Shaylar PAAF
Erkam Varla, Fort Ghartoun, PAAF
Rokal chan Yaran, Prince Janaki's Platoon TA
.(promoted from UnderArmsman)
Soral Hilovar, Tracer, Arthag's Platoon Ricathian
Tairsal chan Synarch, Flicker, chanTesh Force PAAF
Farzak Partha, Captain's Orderly, Ft. Shayler PAAF
Paras chan Barsak, Fort Salby PAAF
-------- first seen in R3H ----------
ARMSMAN, grade not specified
----- first seen in R3H -----
Thakoh chan Dersain, Sifter, Ft Ghartoum Alathian
Quelovak chan Sairath, senior NCO,
.chan Talmarha's Mortar Platoon PAAF
Yairkan Kuralk, Ft. Shaylar, Arpathian PAAF
...not named in text
.2.[Neshok's senior POW, murdered first]
Folsar chan Tergis, Voice, Ft. Ghartoun PAAF
Orek Isia, Flicker, Fort Salby, PAAF
-----CHIEF Armsman
Rayl chan Hathas, Senior NCO, Arthag's Platoon PAAF
Dunyar chan Therson, Senior NCO, Ft. Shaylar PAAF
Virak chan Treskin, Flicker, Negotiators, PAAF
Corash chan Braikal, Senior NCO, Janaki's Platoon TA
Wesiar chan Forcal, Distance Viewer, Ft Salby PAAF R3H
---------- first seen in R3H -------------
Lestym chan Visal, Fort Ghartoum, PAAF
-----MASTER Armsman
Frai chan Kormai, Senior NCO, chanTesh Force PAAF
Hordal Karuk, Senior NCO, Ft Ghartoun Arpathian PAAF
.......................................... R3H ..
Tesan chan Garath, Senior NCO, FT. Salby PAAF
--------- below this line ---------
.... first appearance in R3H ....
Caryl chan Vornos, plan\ops\intel staff, 3DD TA
---------------- ARCANA ----------------
All NCOs in books are named after handheld shock weapons
---TROOOPER, Second Class ---------------
Yurak Osmuna, 2nd squad, 1st platoon, Charlie Company,
..1st battalion, 1st regiment, 2nd Andaran Temp'l Scouts
---TROOPER ------------------------------
Emiyet Borkaz, first squad, 1/C, 1/1,
..2nd Andaran Temporal Scouts AM
Branak Kurthar 2nd squad 1/C, 1/1 Second And. T. Scouts
Jugthar Sendahli, third squad 1/C, 1/1, AM
..2nd And T. Scouts AM Garthan
--------- first seen in R3H -----------
Zhandru Mysa, prison guard, Ft Ghartoum
Thankhar Zoa, prison guard, Ft Ghartoum
Marsal Hyndahr, Charlie Co, 1/1, 2nd AnTS
- - - - RANKS NOT GIVEN - - - - -
(below 3 were wounded by Ghartoum's crew.
Their ranks are not given. None are in Cast List.)
??? Korval, assistant dragon gunner, 1/C, 1/1 2ATS AM
??? Nilbor, 1/C, 1/1, 2nd And T Sct AM
??? Urkins, 1/C, 1/1, 2nd And T Sct AM
(500 Klian's clerk named on page 352, not in Cast List)
??? Verayk, clerk at desk, 500 Klian's outer office
(I find no data whether Shield or Lance outranks other)
Gaythar Haaklan, Squad Shield, 2nd 1/C 1/1 2nd AnTS AM
Layvak Ambor, Herbalist (rated "Surgeons Assitant)
..Charlie Co, 1/1 2nd And T Scts AM
---------- first seen in R3H -----------
Fraysyr Hathnor, Platoon Clerk, 2/A 5/306 (Sarma's) AM
Foswail Tohsar, prison guard, Ft Ghartoum
---LANCE ----------------------------
Rewelyn Tiras, trooper, ?plat/C Co. 1/1 2nd AnTS AM
Bok vos Hoven, combat engineer, C, 1/1 2nd AnTS AM Mythal
Erdar Wilthy, senior baggage handler, 1/C 1/1 2AnTS AM
Inkar Jaboth, cook, Ch Co, 1/1 2nd AnTS AM
Yirman Farl, ?/Able Co, ?/?, 2nd And T. Scouts AM
Yurain Ranlak, trooper, Bravo Co, 901 Light Cav AM
---JAVELIN --------------------------
Iggar "Iggy" Shulthan, senior Hummer Haandler,
.. Charlie Co, 1/1, 2nd And Tem Scouts AM
Sherlan Krankark, 3rd squad, 1/C 1/1, 2nd AnTS AM
Lisaro Porath, Inteligence, Neshok's section ..R3H..
...selected for promotion to Sword
---------- first seen in R3H --------
Hynkar Vahsk, 3rd/A Co, 343rd reg. (Sarma's platoon)
Tarwal Klomis, 1/B Co, 1st/176th (Varkan's platoon)
---SWORD ----------------------------
Evarl Harnak, Platoon Sword, 1/C 1/1 2nd AnTS AM .R3H.
Naf Morikan, Gifted Healer, C Co, 1/1 2AnTS AM
Garmak Traith, surgeon, C Co, 1/1 2nd AnTSct AM
Chul Vormak, surgeon, C Co., 1/1, 2nd AnTSct AM
Seltym Laresk, Special Ops, Senior NCO
.. Fallen Timbers Negotiations, AM
Keraik Nourm, Platoon Sword, 2/Able, 5/306 Inf, AM
---------- first seen in R3H --------
Falstan Makraik, Platoon Sword, 1st/B, 1/176
.. (Varkan's platoon)
---SENIOR Sword ---------------------
Barcan Kalcyr, senior NCO (Company Sword?) ..R3H..
.. Bravo Co., 901st Light Cavalry (Unicorn) AM
unnamed Hummer-Handler, staff, 1000 Toralk
---CHIEF Sword
Otwal Threbuch (either Battalion Sword or Company Sword)
..with Charlie Co, 1/1, 2nd And Tem Scouts, AM
..Attendant on 100 Jasak Olderhan
"Under-Captain" might be a Warrant Officer
Trekar chan Rothag, Sifter, chanTesh Force,
.. with Negotiators, PAAF, Narhathan
(Cast List says "Rothag" without a "chan."
Narhath is part of Ternith, so he should get a chan.)
No other possible Sharona W-O positions mentioned
Air Force only
SQUIRE (pilot of Transport Dragon)
Muthok Salmeer, Tactical Transport Windclaw, AMAF
I try to group equal ranks together, Sharonans first.
Each named officer commands the unit listed after
his name, unless I specify another position.
name-choices for officers: SHARONA
All Ternath, PAAF, and some other jurisdictions
are called "Captains of (a type of) unit."
This includes staff officers, seconds-in-command,
and officers with other assignments.
Uromath officers have different titles,
including Lord of Horse = Brigade-Captain.
name-choices for officers: ARCANA
All officers are "Commanders of (a number [of people])"
PETTY-Captain -8- \\
Hulmok ARTHAG (until promoted Platoon-Captain)
Rokan Traygan, Voice, chanTesh Force, PAAF
Delokahn Yar, Talented Healer, chanTesh Force PAAF
??? chan Shermayr, Infantry Officer, Ft. Shaylar PAAF
...(not in Cast List; p 134 HG)
Shansair Baulwan, Voice, Ft Shaylar PAAF Arpathian
Waird chan Lyrosk, Voice, Ft Brithik PAAF
Esalk chan Rodair, Talented Healer, Ft Brithik, PAAF
Kaliya chan Darma, Voice, Ft Salby PAAF
\\Commander of TWENTY-FIVE -5- (AMAF only)
Talos Berhala, a Flight Leader in 3012 Strike AMAF
........... pilot of Red Dragon Skyfire
Lairys Urkora, in 3012, red Cloudtiger AMAF
unnamed in BerhalaFlight 3012, red Daggerclaw AMAF
unnamed in BerhalaFlight 3012, red Deathstar AMAF
Sherlahk Mankahr, 3012, yellow Skykill AMAF
PLATOON Captain -10- \\
Hulmok ARTHAG, Second Platoon, Argent Company,
.. 92nd Independent Cavalry Battalion PAAF Arpathian
Morek chanTalmarha, a Mortar Co, chanTesh Force PAAF
Parai chanDersal, a Marine Platoon, chanTesh Force
Gerail chanHarthu, a Marine 'toon, chanTesh Force
JANAKI chanCALIRATH, 3rd Platoon, Copper Company,
.. 2ndBattalion/177th Regiment, Ternath Marines TA
.... heir to the Ternath Throne
Dorzon chanBASKAY, Viscount Simrath, with chan Tesh,
.. he had a "batman" back at his base,
.. who packed his trunk for him,
.. including the civilian suit from his sister.
... We don't know if all Platooon-Captains have batmen,
... or only those who are also nobles.
Tobis Makaree, Gifted Healer/Assistant Surgeon, .R3H.
.. Fort Ghartoun, PAAF
Selan Vuras, an infantry platoon, Ft Salby PAAF Limathian
Tarkel chanNoth, an infantry platoon, Ft Salby PAAF
Harek chanMorak, an engineer officer, Ft Salby PAAF
--- below this line, first seen in R3H ---
Rynai chan Hopyr, Distance Viewer, 3DD, TA
\\Commander of FIFTY -11-
??? Thaylar 1/C, 1/1, 2nd AnTS, On Medical Leave AM
.. not in Cast List
Shevan Garlath, 1st platoon, Charlie Company, 1st
.. Battalion/1st Regiment, 2nd AndaranTemporalScouts AM
Thurman Ulthar, 3rd/C, 1/1, 2nd AnTS AM ..R3H..
Iftar Halesak, ??/Able Co, ?/?, 2nd AnTS, AM
... HHNF p159 second/CastList first platoon
.... battalion & regiment not given
Jaralt Sarma, 2nd/A, 5/306 regiment AM
.. (not proven whether that bat. has Alpha or Able Co)
... in R3H, 3rd platoon, Able, 343rd regiment ..R3H..
Imal Rahndar, Gifted Combat Engineer, 7th Zydar H D AM
Tharian Narshu, Special Ops, Escort C/O,
.. Fallen Timbers Negotiators AM
Delthy Fahrlo, special assignments,
.. First Provisional Talon, AMAF black Deathclaw
Nairdag Yorhan, Flight 3012, AMAF yellow Windslasher
Jolika Larshal, command dragon, 1000 Toralk AMAF
Daris Varkal, Fort Wyvern, AMAF transport dragon Skyfang
----------- first seen in R3H -----------
Brys Varkan, 1st/B Co, 1st Bat, 176th Reg.
... prison guard officer, Ft Ghartoum
Dernys Yankaro, B Co, 1/176th Reg. Ft Ghartoum
Sahrimahn Cothar, platoon/B, 901st Lt Cav (Unicorn)
... "9th Seignor Lt Cav" AM Hilmaran
Sorthar Maisyl, Gifted Healer, Ft Ghartoum
COMPANY-Captain -10- \\
Balkar chan TESH, Copper Co., 1/9th Cavalry, PAAF
.. also Senior Officer at Hell's Gate
Grafin Halifu, Fort Shylar, PAAF Uromathan
Feryal chan Rorarak, Fort Brithak, PAAF
Golvar Silkash, Senior Surgeon, Ft Ghartoun PAAF .R3H.
Orkam Vargan, XO, Fort Salby PAAF Shurkali
Lorvam Mesarion, Sr Arty Off, Ft Salby PAAF New Farnal
Gairion Krilar, Senior Medical Off, Ft Salby PAAF
Meris Nalkher, Senior Engineer Off, Ft Salby PAAF
Lisar chan Korthar, Staff Voice, 3rd Dgn Div TA .R3H.
Foram chan Eris, engineer (retired),
... railroad construction engineer, Karys, TTE
----------- below this line ------------
.. First Appearances in Road to Hell ..
Kelahm chan Helikos, counterintelligence officer,
.. assigned to Internal Affairs, TA
\\ -9- Commander of ONE HUNDRED
JASAK OLDERHAM, Charlie Company, First Battalion,
.. First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts,
... (detached) AM *a hero of the books*
Hadrign Thalmayr, Charlie Co, 1/1, 2ndAnTS AM .R3H.
Sylair Worka, Bravo Co, 901 Lt Cav (Unicorn) AM
Orkal Kiliron, Charlie Co, 7th Zydor H D, AM
Sahlis Desmar, 2029 Strike AMAF black Thunderclap
Horban Geyrsof, 3012 Strike AMAF yellow Graycloud
[CO not named] 4016th Strike AMAF [dragon not named]
Faryx Helika, 5001st Strike AMAF red Firefang R3H
.. (there must also be two other Strikes, no data)
Surtel Kormas, Senior Gryphon-Handler AMAF
--------- below this line, from R3H ----------
Brychar Tamdaran, AEF G2 Spellware Sec, Ransaran
vacancy (where Bat-Ill-Lion--Captain might be)\\
----------- first appears in R3H -------------
Chimo chan Gayrahn, Planning, Operations, and
..Intelligence, 3DD staff.
\\ -10- Commander of FIVE HUNDRED
Saar Klian, fort Rycharn AM
.. (on p245-HG Jasek tells Gadrial that Klian also
.. commands a battalion, which has units scattered
.. over three universes.)
Waysal Grantyl, Fort Wyvern AM
Herak Mahrkrai, Chief of Staff to Harshu, R3H
Alivar Neshok, Senior Intel Officer, AEF AM R3H
Dayr Vaynair, Senior Gifted Healer, AEF AM
Gyras Urlan, 7th Zydor Heavy Dragoons, AEF AM
Chalbos Isrian, an infantry battalion, AEF AM
Pahkrys Eswayr, an infantry battalion, AEF AM
.. also Senior Battalion C/O, Carthos sub-force
Cerlos Myr, First Provisional Talon, AEF AMAF R3H
..................... black Razorwing
Karth Mala, Senior AF officer, Carthos sub-force AMAF
---- below this line, first seen in ..R3H..-----
Mantou Lyshair, 1st Prov. AATC (acting) AMAF
vacancy (no hint of any Sharonan rank comparable to
Arcanan Com-1000 or Earthly Lieutenant-Colonal)\\
\\ -2- Commander of ONE THOUSAND
Tayrgal Carthos, Senior Ground Officer,
........... Arcanan Expeditionary Force AM
Klayrman Toralk, Senior AF Officer, AEF AMAF R3H
.. R3H says that he also commands the
.. First Provisional Army Air Transport
.. Command (AATC) "Aerie" AMAF, which began with
.. 188 transport dragons, then lost 18 at Salby.
--------- First Appeared in R3H ------------
Faildym Gahnyr, Battalion C/O, AEF AM
Valchair Stanohs, 2nd Battalion, 703rd Infantry Regiment,
.. acting Thousand, acting Regiment Commander
NOTE: sometimes Arcanan battalions are commanded by
com-Thousands instead of com-Five Hundreds.
REGIMENT-Captain, 2nd Lord Of Horse -15 named-
Namir Velvelig, Ft Raylthar/Ghartoun PAAF, Arpathian
...... C/O 127th Regiment, PAAF per R3H
Rof chan Skrithik, Fort Salby PAAF
...... C/O 203rd Regiment, PAAF per R3H
Tarnal Garsal, Windlord Garsal, 2nd in Command,
........... Markan Cavalry Brigade UA
Merken chan Isail, Chief of Staff, 3DD TA
----- below this line, 1st seen in ..R3H.. -----
Braykhan chan Sayro, Artillery, 3rd Drg Div TA
Therahk chan Kymo, Staff Quartermaster, 3DD TA
................... Delkrathian
Urko chan Miera, Staff Cartographer, 3rdDD TA
Lyskar chan Serahlyk, Chief Combat Engineer, 3DD
.. born Teremandor, father Ricathan.
Gerdain chan Malthyn, 12th Dragoon Reg, 1st Brigade, 3DD
Teresco chan Urlman, 16th Dragoon Reg, 1st/3DD
Syldar chan Verak, 9th Dragoon Reg, 2nd Brigade, 3DD
Valsyr chan Raimak, 23rd Dragoon Reg, 2nd/3DD
Erykor chan Jesyl, 31st Dragoon Reg, 3rd Brigade, 3DD
Sith chan Loryn, a regiment, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Dragoon Div.
.. NOTES: chan Loryn's name is in Glossary only, not Text.
Glosary gives his regiment as 16th DR of 3rd Brigade.
All other textev says 16th DR is in 1st Brigade.
Hahlstyr chan Ferdain, 312th Infantry Regiment,
.. Second Brigade, Twenty-First Infantry Division
\\ -2- Commander of TWO THOUSAND
Nith (vos &) mul Gurthak, Fort Talon AM
.. also Senior Officer in the nine most distant
.. worlds known in this chain.
Maynkos Harshu, Second-ranking Officer, same 9 Outworlds
.. also CO Arcanan Expeditionary Force AM
BRIGADE-Captain, Lord of Horse -2- \\
Jukan Darshu, Sunlord Markan, a Cavalry Brigade UA
Renyl chan Quay, First Brigade, 3rd Drg Div TA
---- below this line, 1st seen in ..R3H.. ----
Shodan chan Khartan, Second Brigade, 3DD, TA
Losahl chan Sharys, Third Brigade, 3DD, TA
Estavan chan Ursan, First Brigade, 21st Infantry Div TA
Resardan chan Gorsad, 2nd Brigade, 21 ID, TA
Desval chan Bykahlar, 3rd Brigade, 21 ID, TA
\\ -1- Commander of FIVE THOUSAND
Sir Thankhar Olderhan, Duke of Garth Showma
.. ex C/O, Second Andoran Temporal Scouts AM
------------ from R3H -------------
Sir Pardinar Rukkar, Union of Arcana Air Force
.. investigates yellow dragon outside Olderhan House
DIVISION-Captain -5- \\
Arlos chan Geraith, 3rd Dragoon Division TA
Yarkowan chan Manthau, 9th Infantry Div TA
Ustace chan Jassian, 21st Infantry Div TA
Thersahl Raynor, Commandant, PAAF
... from Tathswir Republic, New Farnal
Inar Alvaru, Commandant-designate, PAAF Arpathia
... (not in Cast List or Glossary)
------------ from R3H ---------------
Lairkal chan Stahlyr, Quartermaster General, TA
\\ -0- Commander of TEN THOUSAND
none named
CORPS-Captain -1- \\
Fairlain chan Rowlan, Fifth Corps, TA
\\ Commander of TWENTY THOUSAND
Helfron DITHRAKE, Count Sogbourne
\\ Commander of TWENTY THOUSAND
Helfron Dithrake, Count of Sogbourne, Andara
no higher grades given for any armed forces until:
Thalyar chan Gristhane TA
.. also seems to act as War Minister
???? chan Baraeg TA 3,000 years ago
\\ Commander-of-Armies (Andara)
Housip Kellaria, centuries ago, made Kellarian Accords
High Commands, War Departments, etc
(Sharona's version of High Command not founded yet)
High Commandery AM

Arcanan version of Joint Chiefs/Pentagon
None of its members are named in HG or HHNF.

from R3H:
Horvon FOSDARK, Earl of Brith Darma, Commander of Wings.
........ second highest Air Force rank.
'''''' KORDOS, Fleet Third.
........ third highest Navy rank.
Shorbok GITHRAK, Commander of Legions
........ head of Army Intelligence Corps.

1000 Toralk thinks of it as the "Commandery"
2000 mul Gurthik as the "High Commandery"
SHARONA: 1 rank given; 1 person named.
.. Commands Calirath escort to Tajvana
.. two Armored Cruisers
ARCANA: none named; one mentioned
a Navy coxswain, in the diplomats' boat
Olvarn GERANDYR, Squadron Master - Chalaran
AIR FORCE (Arcana only)
Pardiner RUKKAR, Commander of Five Thousand
Howard T. Map-addict
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:56 am, edited 70 times in total.
Re: Military Enlisted Ranks and People
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:23 am

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Editing thread 7/16/14; deleting this post.
Howard T. Map-addict
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Military Enlisted Ranks and People
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:32 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Editing thread: deleting this post HTM
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Casualties re: Military Ranks and People
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:09 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

SPOILER WARNING: contains results from HG and HHNF
Result Codes:
K = Killed
W = Wounded
C = Captured
R = Rescued
S = Same Status (not K W C in this battle)
U = Unknown (W&E did not show what
happened to this person in this battle)
Battle Codes:
0 = First encounter: both killed.
1.1 First Fallen Timbers: Arcana 29K, 17W from 56
First Platoon combatants present, not counting
Javelin Krankark who was detached at the Gate,
nor counting 100 Olderhan (not in a platoon).
from page 151 HG
1.2 First Hell's Gate
2.1 Second Fallen Timbers
2.2 Second Hell's Gate
3 = Fort Shaylar
4 = Fort Brithak
4.1 Thermyn Relay Station
5 = Thermyn-Nairsom Gate
6 = Fort Ghartoum
7 = Fort Mosanak
8 = Fort Salby
Disclaimers: Please see my other lists of extracted data.
c2007 Weber & Evans. All data theirs; all errors mine.

NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
#/letter = number of platoon/letter of company
#/# = number of battalion/number of regiment
.2.[matches man in CastList, not named in text]
PAAF Portal Authority Armed Forces
TA Ternath Armed Forces
UA Uromath Army
AM Arcana Military
M Grigthir, Scout, Arthag's P. PAAF 2.1-U
??? Wirtha, Arthag's Platoon, PAAF 2.1-U
Sirda chan Milhenai, Fort Shaylar PAAF 3-C
.(called "Sirda" in text)
L chan Turkan, Fort Ghartoum PAAF 8-K
K Verais, Fort Salby PAAF 8-S
H Loumas, Plotter, Arthag's Platoon PAAF 2.2-K
N Parcanthi, Whiffer, Arthag P., Farnalian 2.1-U
J Hardoran, Fort Shaylar, Farnalian PAAF 3-C,W
.2. not named in text [big POW Porath beat up first]
G Bantha, Flicker, Ft. Shaylar PAAF 3-U
E Varla, Fort Ghartoun, PAAF 6-C
R chan Yaran, Prince Janaki's Platoon TA 8-K
.(promoted from UnderArmsman)
S Hilovar, Tracer, Arthag's Platoon PAAF 2.1-U
T chan Synarch, Flicker, chanTesh PAAF 2.2-K
F Partha, Captain's Orderly, Ft.Shayler PAAF 3-K
P chan Barsak, Fort Salby PAAF 8-S
Q chan Sairath, senior NCO, 1.2-S, 2.2-U
.chan Talmarha's Mortar Platoon PAAF
Y Kuralk, Ft. Shaylar, Arpathian PAAF 3-C&K
.2.[Neshok's senior POW, murdered first]
F chan Tergis, Voice, Ft. Ghartoun PAAF 6-K
O Isia, Flicker, Fort Salby, PAAF 8-W
-----CHIEF Armsman
R chan Hathas, Senior NCO, Arthag's Platoon PAAF 2.1-S
D chan Therson, Senior NCO, Ft. Shaylar PAAF 3-U
V chan Treskin, Flicker, Negotiators, PAAF 2.1-K
C chan Braikal, Senior NCO, Janaki's Platoon TA 8-W
W chan Forcal, Distance Viewer, Ft Salby PAAF 8-S
-----MASTER Armsman
F chan Kormai, Senior NCO, chanTesh Force PAAF 2.2-U
H Karuk, Senior NCO, Ft Ghartoun Arpathian PAAF 6-U
T chan Garath, Senior NCO, FT. Salby PAAF 8-U
All NCOs in books are named after handheld shock weapons
---TROOOPER, Second Class
Y Osmuna, 2nd squad, 1st platoon, Charlie Company,
..First battalion, First regiment,
..Second Andaran Temporal Scouts 0-K
E Borkaz, first squad, 1/C, 1/1,
..2nd Andaran Temporal Scouts AM 1.2-K
B Kurthar 2nd squad 1/C, 1/1 2nd And T Scouts 1.1-U
J Sendahli, third squad 1/C, 1/1,
..2nd And T. Scouts AM Garthan 1.1-U
(below 3 were wounded by Ghartoum's crew.
Their ranks are not given. None are in Cast List.)
??? Korval, asst dragon gunner, 1/c, 1/1 2ATS AM 1.1-W
??? Nilbor, 1/C, 1/1, 2nd And T Sct AM 1.1-W
??? Urkins, 1/C, 1/1, 2nd And T Sct AM 1.1-W
(I find no data whether Shield or Lance outranks other)
G Harklan, Squad Shield,
.. 2nd 1/C 1/1 2nd AnTS AM 1.1-U (K or W)
L Ambor, Herbalist (rated "Surgeons Assistant)
..Charlie Co, 1/1 2nd And T Scts AM 1.1-S, 2.2-U
R Tiras, trooper, ?plat/C Co.
..1/1 2nd AnTS AM 2.2-K
B vos Hoven, combat engineer, C Co.,
..1/1 2nd AnTS AM Mythal 1.1-U
E Wilthy, senior baggage handler,
..1/C 1/1 2AnTS AM 1.1-S, 2.2-U
I Jaboth, cook, Ch Co, 1/1 2nd AnTS AM 1.1-S 2.2-U
Y Farl, ?/Able Co, ?/?, 2nd AnTS AM 6-S
Y Ranlak, trooper, Bravo Co, 901 Light Cav AM 2.2-S
Iggar "Iggy" Shulthan, senior Hummer Handler,
.. Charlie Co, 1/1, 2nd And Tem Scouts AM 1.1-S 1.2-S
S Krankark, 3rd sd, 1/C 1/1, 2nd AnTS AM 1.2-U
L Porath, Inteligence, Neshok's section 3-S 4-S 6-S
...selected for promotion to Sword
E Harnak, Platoon Sword, 1/C 1/1 2nd AnTS
AM 1.1-S 1.2-W,C 6-R
N Morikan, Gifted Healer, C Co, 1/1 2AnTS AM 1.2-K
G Traith, surgeon, C Co, 1/1 2nd AnTSct AM 1.2-K
C Vormak, surgeon, C Co., 1/1, 2nd AnTSct AM 1.2-K
S Laresk, Special Ops, Senior NCO 2.1-K
..Fallen Timbers Negotiations, AM
K Nourm, Platoon Sword, 2/Able, 5/306 Inf,
.. AM 2.2-S 6-S
---SENIOR Sword
B Kalcyr, senior NCO (Company Sword?) 2.20-S 6-S
..Bravo Co., 901st Light Cavalry (Unicorn) AM
---CHIEF Sword
O Threbuch (either Battalion Sword or Company Sword)
..with Charlie Co, 1/1, 2nd And Tem Scouts, AM
..Attendant on 100 Jasak Olderhan 1.1-S 1.2-S
Under-Captain T chan Rothag, Sifter, PAAF 2.1-S
D Yar, Talented Healer, chanTeshForce PAAF 2.2-U
R Traygan, Voice, Negotiators PAAF 2.1-K
S Baulwan, Voice, Ft Shaylar PAAF 3-K
W chan Lyrosk, Voice, Ft Brithak PAAF 4-K
E chan Rodair, Talented Healer, Ft Brithak 4-U
K chan Darma, Voice, Ft Salby PAAF 8-S
-Commander of 25
T Berhala, Flight Leader, AMAF 2.2-S
..Skyfire, his red dragon, 2.2-W
L Urkora & red Cloudtiger, both 2.2-K
S Mankahr & yellow Skykill, both 8-K
H Arthag, 2/Argent/92nd PAAF 1.2-S, 2.1-S
D chan Baskey, Negotiator PAAF 2.1-S
M chan Talmarha, Mortar Co PAAF 2.2-K
P chan Dersal, Marine Pla PAAF 2.2-U
G chan Harthu, Marine Pla PAAF 2.2-U
T Makaree, Gifted Healer PAAF 6-C&W
S Vuris, Infantry Pla PAAF 8-S
T chan Noth, Infantry Pla PAAF 8-U
JANAKI chan Calirath, 3/C, 2/177 TA 8-K
- Com 50
S GARLATH, C/O 1/C 1/1 2AnTS AM 1.1-K
T Ulthar, C/O 3/C 1/1 2AnTS AM 2.2 W&C 6-R
I Halesak C/O 2/A ?/? 2AnTS AM 4-S 6-S
J Sarma C/O 2/A 5/306th Inf Reg AM 2.2-S 6-S
T Narshu, Special Ops, AM 2.1-K
I Rahndar, Gifted Engineer, 7 Zydar AM 8-K
D Fahrlo & black Deathclaw AMAF both 8-S
N Yorhan & yellow Windslasher AMAF both 2.2-K
-Company Cap
B CHAN TESH, C/O @Hell's Gate PAAF 1.2-S, 2.2-K
G Halifu, C/O Fort Shaylar PAAF 3-K
F chan Rorarik, C/O Ft Brithak PAAF 4-C&K
G Silkash, surgeon Ft Ghartoun PAAF 6-C&W
Four at Ft Salby: no data given 8-U
- Com 100
JASAK OLDERHAN C 1/1 2AnTS AM 1.1-W (just a scratch)
H Thalmayr, C Co. 1/1 2AnTS AM 1.2-W&C 6-R
O Kiliron, C Co. 7th Zydor H D AM 8-U
H Geyrsof, 3012th Strike & yellow Graycloud AM 8-K
S Desmar, 2029th Strike AM 8-K (We know this
.. because 50 Fahrlo was the ranking survivor)
- Com 500
G Urlan, 7th Zydor H D, AM 8-K
C Myr, 1st Provisional Talon & black Razorwing both 8-K
- Regiment-Cap
N Velvelig, Ft Ghartoun PAAF 6-W&C
R chanSkrithik, Ft Salby PAAF 8-W
--Chalgyn employees
Falsam chan Salgmun 0-K
Ghartoum chan Hagrahyl, crew chief 1.1-K
Fanthi chan Hiridi 1.1-K
Divis Erkol, clerk 1.1-K
Braiheri Futhai 1.1-K
Barris Kasell 1.1-K
Elevu Gitel 1.1-K
Levok Rilthan 1.1-K
Yorlahn Naldar, cook 1.1-K
Tymo Scleppis, Talented Healer 1.1-K
All other Chalgyn people present 1.1 K
Erthik Varden, Voice, SPA 4-K
Lamir Ilthyr, Voice, SPA 4.1-K
Syrail "Kersai" Targal, Father, Thermyn 6-K
Raysith Targal, Mother, Thermyn 6-S
Syrail Targal, age 13, Voice 6-S
R Skirvon, UAC Representative, 2.1 C
U Dastiri, UAC Member, 2.1 C&K
Did I miss anyone (who was at a battle)?
Note: except by Enemy Action, no one died, or was hurt.
At all! Anywhere in the two books!
Howard T. Map-addict
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Tue May 19, 2015 1:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Last post Links re Military Ranks & People, & Casualties
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:40 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

for People & Places Not In Cast List or Glossary:

Old thread for Officers is at:
or else it may be at:

I have added that Officers' Data to this thread.

That thread also includes an essay by David Weber
about Balkar chan Tesh and Jasek Olderham.
for Worlds Outgoing from Sharona towards Arcana:
to compare Places on Earth, Sharona, Arcana, see:
for Sharona and Arcana civilians and groups:

Also this thread is for Colleges,
and also for Magical Animals,
and for Voice Flick Hum: people sending messages,
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Last post Links re Military Ranks & People, & Casualties
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:18 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA


I am adding *non-spoiler* data about military people
as it comes up, from the Sample Chapters of RtoH.
I code it as R*3*H because it is the third book.


Howard T. Map-addict wrote:for People & Places Not In Cast List or Glossary:

Old thread for Officers is at:
or else it may be at:

I have added that Officers' Data to this thread.

That thread also includes an essay by David Weber
about Balkar chan Tesh and Jasek Olderham.
for Worlds Outgoing from Sharona towards Arcana:
to compare Places on Earth, Sharona, Arcana, see:
for Sharona, and Arcana, Civilians and Groups:

Re: Military Ranks, People, and then Casualties
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:30 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

This Post #Seven in this Thread
is to be a Record from the first two books only.

Post #One will be updated to include book three people.

HTM, 6/2/16

Howard T. Map-addict wrote:Links to other threads in this group are in a
separate post at the end of this thread.

I have added the Officers' List to this one.
I have extracted all data here from HG & HHNF.
More Data from ROAD TO HELL to be put in Post #1 (mostly),
... coded R3H because it is the third book.
All data not given by Weber & Evans is vacant here.
Please see the disclaimers in my other lists of
extracted data.
c2007 Weber & Evans. All data theirs; all errors mine.

NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
#/letter = number of platoon/letter of company
#/# = number of battalion/number of regiment
.2.[matches man in CastList, not named in text]
PAAF Portal Authority Armed Forces
TA Ternath Army; also all Ternath Armed Forces
TN Ternath Navy
UA Uromath Army
TTE TransTemporalExpress (Sharona railway to outworlds)
AM Arcana Military (all)
AMAF Arcana Air Force
""""""""""""""ENLISTED PEOPLE"""""""""""""""
--------------- SHARONA --------------
All NCOs mentioned in the books are called ???-Armsman
-----Trooper - 2
Mikal Grigthir, Scout, Arthag's Platoon PAAF
??? Wirtha, Arthag's Platoon, PAAF
... not in Glossary, HG page 308-10
-----Under-Armsman - 4
Rokal chan Yaran, Prince Janaki's Platoon TA
.(promoted to Petty-Armsman)
Sirda chan Milhenai, Fort Shaylar PAAF
.(called "Sirda" in text; full name in Glossary)
Lyntail chan Turkan, Fort Ghartoum PAAF
Kardan Verais, Fort Salby PAAF
Harth Loumas, Plotter, Arthag's Platoon, NewFarnal PAAF
Nolis Parcanthi, Whiffer, Arthag's Platoon, Farnalian
Joral Hardoran, Fort Shaylar, Farnalian PAAF
... not named in text
.2. [big POW Porath beat up first]
Grethar Bantha, Flicker, Ft. Shaylar PAAF
Erkam Varla, Fort Ghartoun, PAAF
Rokal chan Yaran, Prince Janaki's Platoon TA
.(promoted from UnderArmsman)
Soral Hilovar, Tracer, Arthag's Platoon Ricathian
Tairsal chan Synarch, Flicker, chanTesh Force PAAF
Farzak Partha, Captain's Orderly, Ft. Shayler PAAF
Paras chan Barsak, Fort Salby PAAF
Quelovak chan Sairath, senior NCO,
.chan Talmarha's Mortar Platoon PAAF
Yairkan Kuralk, Ft. Shaylar, Arpathian PAAF
...not named in text
.2.[Neshok's senior POW, murdered first]
Folsar chan Tergis, Voice, Ft. Ghartoun PAAF
Orek Isia, Flicker, Fort Salby, PAAF
-----CHIEF Armsman
Rayl chan Hathas, Senior NCO, Arthag's Platoon PAAF
Dunyar chan Therson, Senior NCO, Ft. Shaylar PAAF
Virak chan Treskin, Flicker, Negotiators, PAAF
Corash chan Braikal, Senior NCO, Janaki's Platoon TA
Wesiar chan Forcal, Distance Viewer, Ft Salby PAAF R3H
-----MASTER Armsman
Frai chan Kormai, Senior NCO, chanTesh Force PAAF
Hordal Karuk, Senior NCO, Ft Ghartoun Arpathian PAAF
.......................................... R3H ..
Tesan chan Garath, Senior NCO, FT. Salby PAAF
---------------- ARCANA ----------------
All NCOs in books are named after handheld shock weapons
---TROOOPER, Second Class ---------------
Yurak Osmuna, 2nd squad, 1st platoon, Charlie Company,
..1st battalion, 1st regiment, 2nd Andaran Temp'l Scouts
---TROOPER ------------------------------
Emiyet Borkaz, first squad, 1/C, 1/1,
..2nd Andaran Temporal Scouts AM
Branak Kurthar 2nd squad 1/C, 1/1 Second And. T. Scouts
Jugthar Sendahli, third squad 1/C, 1/1, AM
..2nd And T. Scouts AM Garthan

- - - - RANKS NOT GIVEN - - - - -
(below 3 were wounded by Ghartoum's crew.
Their ranks are not given. None are in Cast List.)
??? Korval, assistant dragon gunner, 1/C, 1/1 2ATS AM
??? Nilbor, 1/C, 1/1, 2nd And T Sct AM
??? Urkins, 1/C, 1/1, 2nd And T Sct AM
(500 Klian's clerk named on page 352, not in Cast List)
??? Verayk, clerk at desk, 500 Klian's outer office
(I find no data whether Shield or Lance outranks other)
Gaythar Haaklan, Squad Shield, 2nd 1/C 1/1 2nd AnTS AM
Layvak Ambor, Herbalist (rated "Surgeons Assitant)
..Charlie Co, 1/1 2nd And T Scts AM
---------- first seen in R3H -----------
Fraysyr Hathnor, Platoon Clerk, 2/A 5/306 (Sarma's) AM
Foswail Tohsar, prison guard, Ft Ghartoum
---LANCE ----------------------------
Rewelyn Tiras, trooper, ?plat/C Co. 1/1 2nd AnTS AM
Bok vos Hoven, combat engineer, C, 1/1 2nd AnTS AM Mythal
Erdar Wilthy, senior baggage handler, 1/C 1/1 2AnTS AM
Inkar Jaboth, cook, Ch Co, 1/1 2nd AnTS AM
Yirman Farl, ?/Able Co, ?/?, 2nd And T. Scouts AM
Yurain Ranlak, trooper, Bravo Co, 901 Light Cav AM
---JAVELIN --------------------------
Iggar "Iggy" Shulthan, senior Hummer Haandler,
.. Charlie Co, 1/1, 2nd And Tem Scouts AM
Sherlan Krankark, 3rd squad, 1/C 1/1, 2nd AnTS AM
Lisaro Porath, Inteligence, Neshok's section ..R3H..
...selected for promotion to Sword

---SWORD ----------------------------
Evarl Harnak, Platoon Sword, 1/C 1/1 2nd AnTS AM .R3H.
Naf Morikan, Gifted Healer, C Co, 1/1 2AnTS AM
Garmak Traith, surgeon, C Co, 1/1 2nd AnTSct AM
Chul Vormak, surgeon, C Co., 1/1, 2nd AnTSct AM
Seltym Laresk, Special Ops, Senior NCO
.. Fallen Timbers Negotiations, AM
Keraik Nourm, Platoon Sword, 2/Able, 5/306 Inf, AM

---SENIOR Sword ---------------------
Barcan Kalcyr, senior NCO (Company Sword?) ..R3H..
.. Bravo Co., 901st Light Cavalry (Unicorn) AM
unnamed Hummer-Handler, staff, 1000 Toralk
---CHIEF Sword
Otwal Threbuch (either Battalion Sword or Company Sword)
..with Charlie Co, 1/1, 2nd And Tem Scouts, AM
..Attendant on 100 Jasak Olderhan
"Under-Captain" might be a Warrant Officer
Trekar chan Rothag, Sifter, chanTesh Force,
.. with Negotiators, PAAF, Narhathan
(Cast List says "Rothag" without a "chan."
Narhath is part of Ternith, so he should get a chan.)
No other possible Sharona W-O positions mentioned
Air Force only
SQUIRE (pilot of Transport Dragon)
Muthok Salmeer, Tactical Transport Windclaw, AMAF
I try to group equal ranks together, Sharonans first.
Each named officer commands the unit listed after
his name, unless I specify another position.
name-choices for officers: SHARONA
All Ternath, PAAF, and some other jurisdictions
are called "Captains of (a type of) unit."
This includes staff officers, seconds-in-command,
and officers with other assignments.
Uromath officers have different titles,
including Lord of Horse = Brigade-Captain.
name-choices for officers: ARCANA
All officers are "Commanders of (a number [of people])"
PETTY-Captain -8- \\
Hulmok ARTHAG (until promoted Platoon-Captain)
Rokan Traygan, Voice, chanTesh Force, PAAF
Delokahn Yar, Talented Healer, chanTesh Force PAAF
??? chan Shermayr, Infantry Officer, Ft. Shaylar PAAF
...(not in Cast List; p 134 HG)
Shansair Baulwan, Voice, Ft Shaylar PAAF Arpathian
Waird chan Lyrosk, Voice, Ft Brithik PAAF
Esalk chan Rodair, Talented Healer, Ft Brithik, PAAF
Kaliya chan Darma, Voice, Ft Salby PAAF
\\Commander of TWENTY-FIVE -5- (AMAF only)
Talos Berhala, a Flight Leader in 3012 Strike AMAF
........... pilot of Red Dragon Skyfire
Lairys Urkora, in 3012, red Cloudtiger AMAF
unnamed in BerhalaFlight 3012, red Daggerclaw AMAF
unnamed in BerhalaFlight 3012, red Deathstar AMAF
Sherlahk Mankahr, 3012, yellow Skykill AMAF
PLATOON Captain -10- \\
Hulmok ARTHAG, Second Platoon, Argent Company,
.. 92nd Independent Cavalry Battalion PAAF Arpathian
Morek chanTalmarha, a Mortar Co, chanTesh Force PAAF
Parai chanDersal, a Marine Platoon, chanTesh Force
Gerail chanHarthu, a Marine 'toon, chanTesh Force
JANAKI chanCALIRATH, 3rd Platoon, Copper Company,
.. 2ndBattalion/177th Regiment, Ternath Marines TA
.... heir to the Ternath Throne
Dorzon chanBASKAY, Viscount Simrath, with chan Tesh,
.. he had a "batman" back at his base,
.. who packed his trunk for him,
.. including the civilian suit from his sister.
... We don't know if all Platooon-Captains have batmen,
... or only those who are also nobles.
Tobis Makaree, Gifted Healer/Assistant Surgeon, .R3H.
.. Fort Ghartoun, PAAF
Selan Vuras, an infantry platoon, Ft Salby PAAF Limathian
Tarkel chanNoth, an infantry platoon, Ft Salby PAAF
Harek chanMorak, an engineer officer, Ft Salby PAAF

\\Commander of FIFTY -11-
??? Thaylar 1/C, 1/1, 2nd AnTS, On Medical Leave AM
.. not in Cast List
Shevan Garlath, 1st platoon, Charlie Company, 1st
.. Battalion/1st Regiment, 2nd AndaranTemporalScouts AM
Thurman Ulthar, 3rd/C, 1/1, 2nd AnTS AM ..R3H..
Iftar Halesak, ??/Able Co, ?/?, 2nd AnTS, AM
... HHNF p159 second/CastList first platoon
.... battalion & regiment not given
Jaralt Sarma, 2nd/A, 5/306 regiment AM
.. (not proven whether that bat. has Alpha or Able Co)
... in R3H, 3rd platoon, Able, 343rd regiment ..R3H..
Imal Rahndar, Gifted Combat Engineer, 7th Zydar H D AM
Tharian Narshu, Special Ops, Escort C/O,
.. Fallen Timbers Negotiators AM
Delthy Fahrlo, special assignments,
.. First Provisional Talon, AMAF black Deathclaw
Nairdag Yorhan, Flight 3012, AMAF yellow Windslasher
Jolika Larshal, command dragon, 1000 Toralk AMAF
Daris Varkal, Fort Wyvern, AMAF transport dragon Skyfang

COMPANY-Captain -10- \\
Balkar chan TESH, Copper Co., 1/9th Cavalry, PAAF
.. also Senior Officer at Hell's Gate
Grafin Halifu, Fort Shylar, PAAF Uromathan
Feryal chan Rorarak, Fort Brithak, PAAF
Golvar Silkash, Senior Surgeon, Ft Ghartoun PAAF .R3H.
Orkam Vargan, XO, Fort Salby PAAF Shurkali
Lorvam Mesarion, Sr Arty Off, Ft Salby PAAF New Farnal
Gairion Krilar, Senior Medical Off, Ft Salby PAAF
Meris Nalkher, Senior Engineer Off, Ft Salby PAAF
Lisar chan Korthar, Staff Voice, 3rd Dgn Div TA .R3H.
Foram chan Eris, engineer (retired),
... railroad construction engineer, Karys, TTE

\\ -9- Commander of ONE HUNDRED
JASAK OLDERHAM, Charlie Company, First Battalion,
.. First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts,
... (detached) AM *a hero of the books*
Hadrign Thalmayr, Charlie Co, 1/1, 2ndAnTS AM .R3H.
Sylair Worka, Bravo Co, 901 Lt Cav (Unicorn) AM
Orkal Kiliron, Charlie Co, 7th Zydor H D, AM
Sahlis Desmar, 2029 Strike AMAF black Thunderclap
Horban Geyrsof, 3012 Strike AMAF yellow Graycloud
[CO not named] 4016th Strike AMAF [dragon not named]
Faryx Helika, 5001st Strike AMAF red Firefang R3H
.. (there must also be two other Strikes, no data)
Surtel Kormas, Senior Gryphon-Handler AMAF

vacancy (where Bat-Ill-Lion--Captain might be)\\

\\ -10- Commander of FIVE HUNDRED
Saar Klian, fort Rycharn AM
.. (on p245-HG Jasek tells Gadrial that Klian also
.. commands a battalion, which has units scattered
.. over three universes.)
Waysal Grantyl, Fort Wyvern AM
Herak Mahrkrai, Chief of Staff to Harshu, R3H
Alivar Neshok, Senior Intel Officer, AEF AM R3H
Dayr Vaynair, Senior Gifted Healer, AEF AM
Gyras Urlan, 7th Zydor Heavy Dragoons, AEF AM
Chalbos Isrian, an infantry battalion, AEF AM
Pahkrys Eswayr, an infantry battalion, AEF AM
.. also Senior Battalion C/O, Carthos sub-force
Cerlos Myr, First Provisional Talon, AEF AMAF R3H
..................... black Razorwing
Karth Mala, Senior AF officer, Carthos sub-force AMAF

vacancy (no hint of any Sharonan rank comparable to
Arcanan Com-1000 or Earthly Lieutenant-Colonal)\\
\\ -2- Commander of ONE THOUSAND
Tayrgal Carthos, Senior Ground Officer,
........... Arcanan Expeditionary Force AM
Klayrman Toralk, Senior AF Officer, AEF AMAF R3H
.. R3H says that he also commands the
.. First Provisional Army Air Transport
.. Command (AATC) "Aerie" AMAF, which began with
.. 188 transport dragons, then lost 18 at Salby.
REGIMENT-Captain, 2nd Lord Of Horse -4- .all in R3H.
Namir Velvelig, Ft Raylthar/Ghartoun PAAF ..R3H..
........... Arpathian
Rof chan Skrithik, Fort Salby PAAF .. R3H ..
Tarnal Garsal, Windlord Garsal, 2nd in Command,
........... Markan Cavalry Brigade UA .. R3H ..
Merken chan Isail, Chief of Staff, 3DD TA .R3H.

\\ -2- Commander of TWO THOUSAND
Nith (vos &) mul Gurthak, Fort Talon AM
.. also Senior Officer in the nine most distant
.. worlds known in this chain.
Maynkos Harshu, Second-ranking Officer, same 9 Outworlds
.. also CO Arcanan Expeditionary Force AM ..R3H..
BRIGADE-Captain, Lord of Horse -2- \\
Jukan Darshu, Sunlord Markan, a Cavalry Brigade UA R3H
Renyl chan Quay, First Brigade, 3rd Drg Div TA .R3H.
---- below this line, 1st seen in ..R3H.. ----
Shodan chan Khartan, Second Brigade, 3DD, TA
\\ -1- Commander of FIVE THOUSAND
Sir Thankhar Olderhan, Duke of Garth Showma
.. ex C/O, Second Andoran Temporal Scouts AM
DIVISION-Captain -5- \\
Arlos chan Geraith, 3rd Dragoon Division TA .R3H.
Yarkowan chan Manthau, 9th Infantry Div TA
Ustace chan Jassian, 21st Infantry Div TA
Thersahl Raynor, Commandant, PAAF
... from Tathswir Republic, New Farnal
Inar Alvaru, Commandant-designate, PAAF Arpathia
... (not in Cast List or Glossary)
\\ -0- Commander of TEN THOUSAND
none named
CORPS-Captain -1- \\
Fairlain chan Rowlan, Fifth Corps, TA

no higher grades given for any armed forces until:
Thalyar chan Gristhane TA
.. also seems to act as War Minister
???? chan Baraeg TA 3,000 years ago
\\ Commander-of-Armies (Andara)
Housip Kellaria, centuries ago, made Kellarian Accords
High Commands, War Departments, etc
(Sharona's version of High Command not founded yet)
\\Commandery; High Commandery AM
each listed in Glossary; may be two names for same group.
Arcanan version of Joint Chiefs/Pentagon
None of its members are named in HG or HHNF.

1000 Toralk thinks of it as the "Commandery"
2000 mul Gurthik as the "High Commandery"
SHARONA: 1 rank given; 1 person named.
.. Commands Calirath escort to Tajvana
.. two Armored Cruisers
ARCANA: none named; one mentioned
a Navy coxswain, in the diplomats' boat
Howard T. Map-addict

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