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Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Sat May 10, 2014 3:20 pm

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Location: Ukraine

You so called "simple truth" i call simple lies. Just that.
In your writtings i see ears of Lavrov and Churkin.
Right Sector -- nazis? Perhaps you belive that in L'viv people gets their fingers cuted off for russian language? Because those in RuSSia belive.
And of course your sources are more reliable and your view is more correct that my becose you are out there. Despite the fact that i realy have frends and co-workers allover the country and personaly whas in more that one of our cities, including Donetsk.
If(but then we'll be living in a different world) RuSSia would stop fanning the flames over east and south we have already been on our way towards the restoration.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Tenshinai   » Sat May 10, 2014 5:39 pm


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Taras_Potatos wrote:You so called "simple truth" i call simple lies. Just that.
In your writtings i see ears of Lavrov and Churkin.
Right Sector -- nazis? Perhaps you belive that in L'viv people gets their fingers cuted off for russian language? Because those in RuSSia belive.
And of course your sources are more reliable and your view is more correct that my becose you are out there. Despite the fact that i realy have frends and co-workers allover the country and personaly whas in more that one of our cities, including Donetsk.
If(but then we'll be living in a different world) RuSSia would stop fanning the flames over east and south we have already been on our way towards the restoration.


Believe what you want. It is unfortunately your nation heading down the drain because you prefer the faerytale version.

You just don´t get it, Russia doesn´t need to do ANYTHING to "fan the flames". Your current coup regime did that far beyond what was sensible after years of regional demands for a looser federal state with the preceeding "merely corrupt and inept" ruling politicians.

You really expect the people whose fears of a new "truly evil" regime in Kiev now in their eyes came true, that they would greet that with contentment or just ignore it?

They were already unhappy with the previous regimes, and *boom* a regime some of whose members are actually talking about ethnic cleansing, and you think they would just sit back and do nothing?

If Janukovich suddenly came back and took over by force of arms, would you sit back and relax and do nothing?

Yes, Right Sector and Svoboda are outspokenly extremeists and many of them call themselves nazis or some variation on that.
Check Svoboda´s history. When the party was created they used NSDAP as their template.
They have since drifted in many directions, but their core of people who are admirers of the German NSDAP is still there and part of both leadership and dominates the membership.

If you don´t mind that, well then that´s just sad...
Re: Ukraine
Post by namelessfly   » Sun May 11, 2014 11:33 pm


New Tom Clancy novel?
Shit Storm Rising.
Thank you President Obama for inciting the demonstrations
Last edited by namelessfly on Tue May 20, 2014 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Tue May 20, 2014 7:32 pm

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Posts: 86
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Location: Ukraine

VICE News: Ukraine Coverage
18 hours of video. English language. ... wbOCDO472B

Russian "reporter" works as targeting asisstant for terrotists ...
Russian "reporters" caught with MANPADS in the trunk ... X3jA#t=146
An intresting analisys of this MANPADS. In russian language. ... -donbasse/
Something about terrorism, identicality between polish GROM E2 and ruSSian SA-24 Grinch and ruSSian launch mecanism with ruSSian IFF module attached to polish launch tube.
Peacefull protesters capturing one of FC Shakhtar (Donetsk') busses.
Women in Kramatorsk driving away bandits. They dont want to be cover for terrorists.
Later women began to recive threats from anonymous.

And about event in Odesa. SSU found сhloroform in soot and garbage in Trade Unions building.
And for today we have over 10000 internal refugees from Crimea, mostly crimean tatars, third of refugees are children.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:48 pm

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Posts: 86
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Location: Ukraine

And now we have ruSSian invasion forces on east of Ukraine.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:45 pm

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It seems that a squad of Russian paras were captured when they “accidentally” crossed into Ukrainian territory! ... ing-266744

…and yet another group of armed tourists; driving heavy amour, are currently visiting lovely bucolic Ukraine!
Etc. etc.

The problem with playing “chicken”, is that sooner rather then later you’ll have a smash up.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:21 pm

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So now the gloves are off! The pretense is over!
The “Little Green Men” in unmarked Russian uniforms that had been observed in the Crimea, and eastern Ukraine, have miraculously metamorphosed into regular Russian Army troops.
So much for the naïve belief that they were simply “local insurgents crossing back and forth between Russia and the Ukraine.
Like Hitler’s plan for Czechoslovakia in the late ’30’s; where he also made use of the German minority in the Sudetenland to fuel his plan. Putin & Co., following the same game book have now gobbled up the Crimea, and is set to add the eastern part of the Ukraine to the pot.
What’s next?
The rest of the Ukraine? Moldova? Georgia?
What will satisfy Putin and the nationalists once they get rolling?
Re: Ukraine
Post by Tenshinai   » Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:55 pm


Posts: 2893
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Location: Sweden

Arol wrote:

So now the gloves are off! The pretense is over!
The “Little Green Men” in unmarked Russian uniforms that had been observed in the Crimea, and eastern Ukraine, have miraculously metamorphosed into regular Russian Army troops.
So much for the naïve belief that they were simply “local insurgents crossing back and forth between Russia and the Ukraine.
Like Hitler’s plan for Czechoslovakia in the late ’30’s; where he also made use of the German minority in the Sudetenland to fuel his plan. Putin & Co., following the same game book have now gobbled up the Crimea, and is set to add the eastern part of the Ukraine to the pot.
What’s next?
The rest of the Ukraine? Moldova? Georgia?
What will satisfy Putin and the nationalists once they get rolling?

No need for facts or reality when you make up your opinions. Good boy, keep lapping up the propaganda, be a proper shill.

And i find your comparison with nazis exceptionally disgusting when it´s part of the people ruling Kiev that runs around shouting "one people, one nation" and wants to "cleanse" the country from "others".
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:05 pm

Lieutenant (Senior Grade)

Posts: 86
Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:04 pm
Location: Ukraine

Crap. Bullshit. An change discussion point.
Btw. Tiahnybok and Yarosh have together less that 3% on last election.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Zakharra   » Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:55 pm

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At the very least, Russia's hand is starting to be shown, and despite their promises otherwise, people are seeing they have been lying all of this time. Personally, I think the Ukrainian military should bomb the hell out of those convoys, or -any- convoy of military vehicles that isn't their own. If it kills Russian troops, good. They shouldn't have been there to be killed in the first place and Russia would have no good reason to scream or whine about it since they have been promising, even now, that none of their troops are in Ukrainian territory.

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