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Will there be anothor Fury book?

Alicia DeVries and the Furies will make for an interesting way to start a conversation! Join us here to confer about "In Fury Born."
Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:08 pm

Michael Everett

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John Prigent wrote:Oh dear,, two spelling mistakes in successive posts. I think I'll have to start using the spill chucker.

But I'd rather have Tanzanian beer - the Safari brand for choice. I can't stand the taste of British beer (or Irish).


...that would be because beers brewed in the UK actually have a proper taste, yes?

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Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by John Prigent   » Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:28 am

John Prigent
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Possibly! I only drank the Tanzanian kind because the water wasn't safe to drink (as I found out the hard way) so it was a choice of cold beer or hot tea/coffee.
Michael Everett wrote:
John Prigent wrote:Oh dear,, two spelling mistakes in successive posts. I think I'll have to start using the spill chucker.

But I'd rather have Tanzanian beer - the Safari brand for choice. I can't stand the taste of British beer (or Irish).


...that would be because beers brewed in the UK actually have a proper taste, yes?
Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by Alizon   » Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:54 pm


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Just wanted to put my two cents in here and say that this is one of my favorite books and I'd very much like to see the story continued. Of course DW churns out more quality fascinating stories than it seems possible for one person to write, but I think this particular story is exceptional and it would be amazing to see it continued.
Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by Cheopis   » Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:08 am

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I would certainly buy another Furyverse book
Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by scathir   » Tue May 13, 2014 11:28 am


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dwatson120 wrote:Another story idea occurs to me--one of the team--Ferhat, Alicia, Megarea, and Tisophone--discovers evidence that one or both of Tis's "sisters" may still be alive--asleep, as she was, or imprisoned by a black hole or some unknown agency.

Even better, one of her sisters awakens, but has less morality and hates the modern world. The crew needs to stop her. Not only would their opponent be another fury, but tisphone would have to deal with hunting one of he old sisters.
Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by Roguevictory   » Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:38 am

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KNick wrote:
As in any of the other forums, we can discuss anything and everything. For instance, what are the chances of another governor trying to secede from the Empire? Do you think that others are starting to think the Empire is becoming to big and unwieldly? Would checking out the loyalty of bureaucrats be a good use of Ally and Tisiphone?

What happens if they encounter secessionists who don't have tons of innocent blood on their hands? IMO as big as the empire is there have to be worlds, systems, and probably a sector or two who have legitimate complaints against the empire, which the empire can afford to fix without causing bigger problems elsewhere.
Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by navyweather1   » Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:31 am


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scathir wrote:
dwatson120 wrote:Another story idea occurs to me--one of the team--Ferhat, Alicia, Megarea, and Tisophone--discovers evidence that one or both of Tis's "sisters" may still be alive--asleep, as she was, or imprisoned by a black hole or some unknown agency.

Even better, one of her sisters awakens, but has less morality and hates the modern world. The crew needs to stop her. Not only would their opponent be another fury, but tisphone would have to deal with hunting one of he old sisters.

Alternately, we may need a new face, since Fury's triumvirate of vengeful vixens (Alicia, Tisiphone and Megaera) already closely resemble the original Furies (Alecto, Tisiphone and Megaera). Following Alicia's family disaster, they seem to have taken as their mission to purge the universe of those who prey upon the innocent. This focus on physically removing the forces of evil might bring them (in a positive sense) to the attention of Nemesis...Put the heroines of Fury in a "can't win" pickle at the hands of some all-powerful, arrogant, hubristic politicos who run a galaxy-wide slavery operation. Place them in critical circumstances from which only a new force can extract them...and bring in the heavy hitter.
Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by AJKohler   » Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:56 am

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Alternately, we may need a new face, since Fury's triumvirate of vengeful vixens (Alicia, Tisiphone and Megaera) already closely resemble the original Furies (Alecto, Tisiphone and Megaera). Following Alicia's family disaster, they seem to have taken as their mission to purge the universe of those who prey upon the innocent. This focus on physically removing the forces of evil might bring them (in a positive sense) to the attention of Nemesis...Put the heroines of Fury in a "can't win" pickle at the hands of some all-powerful, arrogant, hubristic politicos who run a galaxy-wide slavery operation. Place them in critical circumstances from which only a new force can extract them...and bring in the heavy hitter.[/quote]

Oooooh, I like that! Add my vote to this one.
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Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by shdwwlf   » Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:28 pm


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Any new Fury book would have my vote!

Of course, now I'm going to have to make the time and reread the book since I haven't touched it in a couple of years, right after I reread some of the early Safehold books....
Re: Will there be anothor Fury book?
Post by odinlowejr88   » Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:58 am


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While Alicia and co. are extremely powerful they have several weaknesses such as:
- With enough numbers they can still be overwhelmed whether in person-to-person battles or ship to ship battles.
- They can only affect their local area and still take time to travel from place to place.
- A way to resist their mental powers could always be introduced whether via other telepaths, a device, or something else.

So it shouldn't be that hard to come up with a plot that exploits these to keep things interesting like:

The lizards secretly building up a much larger fleet than the humans and/or getting in a sneak attack to start that destroys much of the humans fleet.

Coming into contact with a new hostile alien race (lots of neat variations could be done with this such as the emperor deciding or Alicia convincing him to use her as an envoy to the lizards because the invaders are too strong to beat without the lizards joining forces with them.)

A new species of telepathic mind controlling aliens coming into contact with humanity and starting to take control of the human's governments "from within" and Alicia's powers make her the only one capable of investigating them without getting controlled.

Also a book could be done just chronicling the high points of the different investigations that Alicia and co. get sent on. She would be more of a Mary Sue in this instance but challenges could still be developed and Mary Sue stories, if done just right, can still be really fun to read. I'm thinking something similar in some ways to James H. Schmitz's Telzey Amberdon novels.

And there are several plots people have mentioned in previous posts that should be workable.

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