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Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?

In the breaks in his writing schedule, David has promised to stop by and chat for a while!
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by SpiritualMadMan   » Sat May 08, 2010 7:17 am

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With CGI and good musical scoring, the time lapse can be done.

It's a matter of having a clock on the wall and noting the time sweep as people watch the clock and displays "count down".

There would almost have to be either a narrator or captioning as the scope and scenes change between ships, though.

Of cours, distinctive uniforms for each group of combatants would probably be sufficient to keep the audience on track.

I could see a zoom in shot of the ship in Question it's name "Captioned" and then zoom onto the appropriate deck, compartment or bridge...

The idea of starting between OBS and HotQ sounds good.

But, a lot of background would be lost and have to be filled in by careful screen writing and "memories" remembered.

For instance when Honor mentions that a Harrington was the first adoptee, woould there be a separate episode or a short "Memory" sequence?

Maybe one of us will win the Lottery and then we could see it happen.

With the CGI techniques pioneered in Avatar just about anything is possible these days.

I guess the real question would be whether to do each book as a stand-alone made for TV movie... Or, do a weekly series.

I agree that Sci-Fi (SyFy) is a disappointment lately. Star Gate Universe especially! Too soap opera-ish.

Unfortunately, I can't think of a better venue right now.

As much as I like Cote de Pablo, I think she is a bit short to play Honor. Angelina Jolie, is tall enough and athletic enough.

Of course, new comers would come less expensively. :)

And, there are a host of folders out there for Casting Directors to scan through.

Mike Sr.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by exolethrév̱ei   » Fri May 14, 2010 2:24 pm

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SpiritualMadMan wrote:With CGI and good musical scoring, the time lapse can be done.

It's a matter of having a clock on the wall and noting the time sweep as people watch the clock and displays "count down".

There would almost have to be either a narrator or captioning as the scope and scenes change between ships, though.

Of cours, distinctive uniforms for each group of combatants would probably be sufficient to keep the audience on track.

I could see a zoom in shot of the ship in Question it's name "Captioned" and then zoom onto the appropriate deck, compartment or bridge...

The idea of starting between OBS and HotQ sounds good.

But, a lot of background would be lost and have to be filled in by careful screen writing and "memories" remembered.

For instance when Honor mentions that a Harrington was the first adoptee, woould there be a separate episode or a short "Memory" sequence?

Maybe one of us will win the Lottery and then we could see it happen.

With the CGI techniques pioneered in Avatar just about anything is possible these days.

I guess the real question would be whether to do each book as a stand-alone made for TV movie... Or, do a weekly series.

I agree that Sci-Fi (SyFy) is a disappointment lately. Star Gate Universe especially! Too soap opera-ish.

Unfortunately, I can't think of a better venue right now.

As much as I like Cote de Pablo, I think she is a bit short to play Honor. Angelina Jolie, is tall enough and athletic enough.

Of course, new comers would come less expensively. :)

And, there are a host of folders out there for Casting Directors to scan through.

Mike Sr.

Personally, I have to agree with the general sentiment. Jolie could pull of Honor if she really tried, but I think that the actress who did Commander Ivanova in Babylon 5 would be better.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by rdt   » Fri May 14, 2010 11:59 pm


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Clauadia Christian played Ivanova. See
for photos.

Forget trying to cast HH. If (BIG IF) there ever is a movie or TV series, the casting will probably be of someone intended to bring in an audience of millions, plus easy sales of overseas distribution. Whether she (given Hollywood, a "she" may be problematic, as well) looks anything like our picture of HH based on DWs descriptions does not signify.

I went to see The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo, having read the book, and was astonished at how much the strong female central character looked like the description of her that Larsson wrote. Let the Europeans make the film or TV series. Buy the DVD with subtitles.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by Telra   » Wed May 26, 2010 4:21 am

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its really hard to come up with some natural cast that would feel right for a majority.
prolong complicates things. Based on the characters, i for instence imagine Cordelia Ransom as some old hag :-/

But who i think would be the cream ala cream, top actor for Admiral White Haven would be ... kill me ... Liam Neelson.

Honestly, if there would be a Honorverse TV show or movie, probably the best thing to do would be avatar style animation. Enough close to real actors to feel real, but giving the possibility to create the right characters.

As for shoving the long time battles with things happening simultainlously I envision something like in the Hulk movie, where the screen split to a several comic-like windows. One window could show the bridge and the main storyline, while smaller could show the flying missiles, the battle and something like a tacctical overwiev of the situation
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by rdt   » Sat May 29, 2010 1:42 am


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Whatever they do, there will be one movie, later on, called "Honor Begins" where they will go back and start with this girl, we see her sneaking into the whatchacallit mountains, getting adopted, paragliding, meet her parents, etc. Then she applies for admission to Saganami, we see all the stuff there with Henke as her roomie, the shower/rape scene, agonies over math, martial arts, mentoring by Raoul, and finally the her Middie cruise with Captain Bachfish. Wow! Here's my $8 (senior citizen, weekday rate), I'm ready!
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by dreamrider   » Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:22 am

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Sasha wrote:One problem that I foresee in translating David Weber's writing to film is that his battles have realistic timing in the books. This would have to be lost in films, as audiences wouldn't be able to sit and wait for the ships to get close enough to one another to fire. Because of the actual realism and devotion to actual science and tech, a LOT would be lost in translation to film.

I have to admit that I would love to see CGI treecats, though.

So I take it that in reading the books, when you are reading a battle description and the approach vector to the next decision point is about 4 hours in duration, you set the book aside for 4 hours before continuing to read??

Of course the visual media can cover the telescoping of the more tedious elapsed time periods of battles! They do it all the time. Some screenwriters and directors better than others, but that is true of every element of the storytelling.

In particular example, have you never seen a submarine movie? They ALWAYS have days and hours of ship positioning, or dead slow maneuvering, or just waiting, compressed into about 10 seconds. They show a clockface or something, or have some minor character mention their boredom (a dead giveaway that something is about to blow), and then they get on with the next action bit.

Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by exolethrév̱ei   » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:49 pm

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I mentioned this over in the Dahak page, but even if, for some obscure reason, they could never do HH as a movie or TV series, it could very easily be made into a good anime, in which case you have all the time you need to be detailed. Sci-fi anime is by no means unpopular, either...look at the various Gundams. Known around the world, and very well done. Sure its a "cartoon" or "anime", but anime has better graphics (for want of a better word) than your typical cartoon. I think that any Weber would make a fine anime, especially with modern graphics generators. Just a thought, lemme know what you all think!
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by SYED   » Sat May 21, 2011 9:26 pm

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Starfire and Safehold are the easier screen adaptions, easier to do with flash backs and time skips.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun May 29, 2011 3:39 pm

Michael Everett

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SYED wrote:Starfire and Safehold are the easier screen adaptions, easier to do with flash backs and time skips.

Actually, given all the props, clothes, armour etc which must be left over from things like Hercules, Xena et al, wouldn't the War God series be easier to do?

Just a thought.

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

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Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by runsforcelery   » Sun May 29, 2011 4:24 pm

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Michael Everett wrote:
SYED wrote:Starfire and Safehold are the easier screen adaptions, easier to do with flash backs and time skips.

Actually, given all the props, clothes, armour etc which must be left over from things like Hercules, Xena et al, wouldn't the War God series be easier to do?

Just a thought.

Bad, Michael! No cookies for you!

I will only say this. We are in the final stages of completing (as in, writing actual contract language) a movie option on the Honorverse. Said option is visualizing multiple movies, beginning with OBS and progressing. It will be done by one of the cutting edge CGI/3-D houses in the world, it will (assuming present plans hold) use live actors, and "Nimitz will be expensive. CGI for quadrapeds is a pain in the butt!" according to one of the guys who will be doing the work. Of course, he smiled a lot when he said it.

Assuming the process proceeds as scheduled (always an interesting assumption . . . in the Chinese curse sense), the production process will run about five years: 2 of creative development; 1 for nailing down things like cast, director, etc., and 2 years for principal photography and special effects (which would be done in house). And I have been specifically retained as a creative consultant for the project by people who are insisting that "Special effects cannot make a successful movie. Special effects can make a satisfying visual spectacle, but what makes a movie is character and what make a series of movies is character illuminated by story."

See why I like these guys?

"Oh, bother!" said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead.

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