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Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa

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Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa
Post by SYED   » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:12 pm

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THe purple lords are bad guys clearly, they treat their subjects like slaves and allow magic to be carried out, and likely make sure there are no new mages locally.
All purple lords are part elven people. The elven race was created from warlocks, those that were using a form of forbidden magics.
WHo wants to bet the wizard lords are offering to rstore the warlock magic to them?
Re: Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa
Post by FriarBob   » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:55 pm

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SYED wrote:THe purple lords are bad guys clearly, they treat their subjects like slaves and allow magic to be carried out, and likely make sure there are no new mages locally.
All purple lords are part elven people. The elven race was created from warlocks, those that were using a form of forbidden magics.
WHo wants to bet the wizard lords are offering to rstore the warlock magic to them?

Why would people who have wizardry -- a talent that they DO have access to (they are also half-human, remember) -- even want access to an inferior talent like warlock magic?

And even if they were crazy enough to want it, did you forget so quickly that Gwynyttha the Wise was a wizard of at least greater skill and possibly also power than even Wencit? Do you really think the dark wizards -- almost every one of which is almost certainly a wand wizard or at best a "semi-wild" wizard who took the dark shortcut to great power instead of the "wild wizard crisis" path to super-extreme power -- could possibly undo what she created?

Now I'll bet just about every copper kormak I own (oops, don't own any, but let's pretend for a second) that the dark wizards are definitely seeking to ALLY with the Purple Lords. But their sales points will be money (which alone will be a huge draw to people portrayed to be as greedy as the Purple Lords) and GREATER power (more wizardry skill/training), not lesser power.
Re: Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa
Post by SYED   » Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:56 pm

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Wencit knows this, the blacks wizards know this, the purple lords only know magic was used to take their ancestor powers, and with their views on blood line and sheer arragonce, they believe they deserve to have the power returned.
WHy not want both powers, and they would want the warlock powers as they would solely belong to those of elven blood, so the purplelords.
Re: Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa
Post by rakenan   » Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:17 pm


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I would bet that the dark wizards of Kontovar aren't offering the Purple Lords anything of the kind.

The knowledge that elves descend from warlocks, and lost their magic in exchange for immortality at the founding of the Empire of Ottovar, gives a completely new meaning to our mundane understanding of the word "obscure." The odds that anybody in charge of negotiating with the Purple Lords even knows what warlocks were, much less thinks he can sell a feat that is probably impossible to the Purple Lords as a bargaining point, are minuscule.

Besides, what's the point? The Purple Lords are going to be so desperate for trade when the canal guts their monopoly that they'll probably sell themselves to the dark wizards of Kontovar for pocket change. No need to attempt the certainly difficult and likely impossible restoration of warlock magic to people whose entire source of racial pride is their 50% inheritance of the gift their ancestors received for giving up that magic. The Purple Lords are proud that they are half elves. I doubt they'd be thrilled to become half warlocks instead.
Re: Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa
Post by SYED   » Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:42 pm

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I just realised since they kept themselves so pure in hteir bloodlines, it means its doubtful they bred with those the magical talent, so it would be rare to impossible for there to be purple lord wizards. Wanna bet hose few who are wizards are the ones behind the conspiracy, and they want to be incharge.
Re: Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa
Post by Greyman   » Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:44 am

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SYED wrote:I just realised since they kept themselves so pure in hteir bloodlines, it means its doubtful they bred with those the magical talent, so it would be rare to impossible for there to be purple lord wizards.
Specifically, Half-Elves can only breed true with Elves and Half-Elves. Breeding with Humans always results in Humans.

So the Purple Lords can only pick up new human bloodlines from first-generation Half-Elves.

On the other hand, if one of their original forbears was of a wizard bloodline, by now almost all of them would share that ancestry.
Re: Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa
Post by BrightSoul   » Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:20 am

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SPOILER reply below quote

SYED wrote:I just realised since they kept themselves so pure in hteir bloodlines, it means its doubtful they bred with those the magical talent, so it would be rare to impossible for there to be purple lord wizards. Wanna bet hose few who are wizards are the ones behind the conspiracy, and they want to be incharge.

I seem to recall a mage talking about how Bortalic reeks of Dark Wizardry in WMC. I think it was the Baron of North Riding's brother in discussion with Bahzell and Brandark in the park.
Re: Purplelords: The bad guys of Norfressa
Post by Jay6722   » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:39 pm


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Brightsoul you're right that a relative Baron Halthan told Bahxell and Brandark Bortalik reeked of magic, but it wasn't Baron Haltnan's brother that told them it was his cousin.

BrightSoul wrote:SPOILER reply below quote

SYED wrote:I just realised since they kept themselves so pure in hteir bloodlines, it means its doubtful they bred with those the magical talent, so it would be rare to impossible for there to be purple lord wizards. Wanna bet hose few who are wizards are the ones behind the conspiracy, and they want to be incharge.

I seem to recall a mage talking about how Bortalic reeks of Dark Wizardry in WMC. I think it was the Baron of North Riding's brother in discussion with Bahzell and Brandark in the park.
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