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HFQ Official Snippet #12

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by Charybdis   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:28 pm

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n7axw wrote:
Charybdis wrote:"Prince Nahrman, I presume" said Nynian, tartly! :lol:
"Mostly" replied Nahrmahn, tersely. 8-)
Merlin quivered, tensely. :?

Nah,... doesn't work. Nahrmahn is never "terse" about anything.


In this case I demur, Nahrmahn is succinct and this is just the kind of answer he'd use even with it being terse.

Oops - Safehold spelling error s/b Nahrmahn. Now corrected (mild) curse you RFC!

What say you, my peers?
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by isaac_newton   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:36 pm

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anwi wrote:[quote="isaac_newton]
There's one hard fact in your very quote snippet :-)
St Kohdy and his hikousen. To me there was some definite question as to the level of tech that Khhdy had access to. We knew that he had a 'magic' sword, as one of the warriors faithful to Langhorne/Schuhler. This shows a yet higher 'angelic' level of knowledge, I would say.

If you know what hikousen really stands for, I'd be interested. ;) Obviously, it's related to kyousei hi, but what exactly and how he used it, remains unclear, or?
What we know is that Kohdy had a battlesteel sword, had access to angelic transport (courtesy of whom is unclear), that he lost to an oppposition "seijin" and thereafter started doubting in Chihiro, and that he died while visiting Schueler in Zion.
I'm not convinced that tranlates into a significantly higher initial level of knowledge for Kohdy. What he knew when he died is one of the crucial bits of the puzzle and likely snippets away...[/quote][/quote][/quote]

I had assumed/misremembered that kyousei hi was hikousen [or vica versa :roll: ]

Well - my thinking was that you could give a battle steel sword to anyone on Safehold and they would just accept that it was permanently razor sharp and unbreakable sword, but clearly a sword, needing a trained mortal hand to wield - so completely in line with their experience.

By contrast a skimmer is totally, completely out of kilter with normal Safehold life and its mode of operation, whether by voice or hand is different from anything else experienced - hence the need for angelic education...
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by Charybdis   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:49 pm

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eldrwyrm wrote:
Charybdis wrote:"Prince Nahrmahn, I presume" said Nynian, tartly! :lol:
"Mostly" replied Nahrmahn, tersely. 8-)
Merlin quivered, tensely. :?

Only Sharley is allowed to do things 'tartly.' ;)

Really, you must look at the documentation from that eminent researcher 'samwise';
"How Firm a Foundation"
Rahnylds wife one tart
Yairley one tartly
Nahrmahn one tartly
Duchairn one tartly
Cori's one tartly
Irys one tartly
Sharleyan five tartlies.

In A Mighty Fortress 9 tartlies 1 tart):
Howsmyn one tart
Mahklyn one tartly
Mahrlys one tartly
Anvil Rock two tartlies
Lock Island two tartlies
Sharleyan three tartlies

In By Heresies Distressed (5 total)
Harys one tartly
Gray Harbor one tartly
Cayleb one tartly
Sharleyan two tartlies

In Schism (5 tartlies, 3 tarts)
Mahkneel 1 tart
Nahrmahn 1 tart
Teynair 1 tart
Ohlyvya 1 tartly
Merlin 1 tartly
Sharleyan 1 tartly
Cayleb 2 tartlies

In Armageddon (two tartlies, 1 tart)
Nahrmahn 1 tartly
Cayleb 1 tartly
Thus tragically thou takest tartness totally non-unique to Sharleyan.

What say you, my peers?
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by dwileye13   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:41 pm

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eldrwyrm wrote:
Charybdis wrote:"Prince Nahrmahn, I presume" said Nynian, tartly! :lol:
"Mostly" replied Nahrmahn, tersely. 8-)
Merlin quivered, tensely. :?

Only Sharley is allowed to do things 'tartly.' ;)

Really, you must look at the documentation from that eminent researcher 'samwise';
"How Firm a Foundation"
Rahnylds wife one tart
Yairley one tartly
Nahrmahn one tartly
Duchairn one tartly
Cori's one tartly
Irys one tartly
Sharleyan five tartlies.

In A Mighty Fortress 9 tartlies 1 tart):
Howsmyn one tart
Mahklyn one tartly
Mahrlys one tartly
Anvil Rock two tartlies
Lock Island two tartlies
Sharleyan three tartlies

In By Heresies Distressed (5 total)
Harys one tartly
Gray Harbor one tartly
Cayleb one tartly
Sharleyan two tartlies

In Schism (5 tartlies, 3 tarts)
Mahkneel 1 tart
Nahrmahn 1 tart
Teynair 1 tart
Ohlyvya 1 tartly
Merlin 1 tartly
Sharleyan 1 tartly
Cayleb 2 tartlies

In Armageddon (two tartlies, 1 tart)
Nahrmahn 1 tartly
Cayleb 1 tartly

Thus tragically thou takest tartness totally non-unique to Sharleyan.

Somewhere I am SURE I have a tart response :D :?
I am not young enough to know everything!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by blind_pyro   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:15 pm


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Bahzellstudent wrote:Thanks RFC - another wonderful snippet.

And now we know that Kohdy had a 'magical' flying machine (Japanese words are used for all the 'special' things that the Archangels had - so no reason for Ninian to 'know' any Japanese; just to know that it is the word for a flying machine); and that also perhaps explains how Merlin was able to persuade Ninian to get into the flyer - 'I'm a sort of seijin, and like Kohdy I have the use of a holy artifact that can travel faster than anything you have ever seen.....'.

I had been concerned about how he could get them in the flyer without telling her the whole story
Possible meanings:
1. kyousei blackmail
2. kyousei coercion
3. kyousei compulsion
4. kyousei correction
5. kyousei enforcement
6. kyousei extortion
7. kyousei great
8. kyousei lovely voice
9. kyousei magnificent
10. kyousei obligation
11. kyousei paragenesis
12. kyousei reform
13. kyousei remedy
14. kyousei splendid
15. kyousei symbiosis
16. kyousei. Training

1. hi blaze
2. hi cost
3. hi day
4. hi expense
5. hi faulty-
6. hi fire
7. hi flame
8. hi hail
9. hi ice
10. hi light
11. hi negation
12. hi no
13. hi non-
14. hi proportion
15. hi ratio
16. hi spoon
17. hi sun
18. hi sunlight
19. hi sunshine
20. hi the noes
21. hi. Wicked person

Have fun with that.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by dan92677   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:45 am


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dwileye13 wrote::twisted:
USMA74 wrote:Thank you for the snippet. It doesn't make up for a local high school team stealing the Chiefs' jerseys and playing last night, but it is close. :lol:

A totally satisfactory game . . . . . for a Broncos Fan :twisted:

Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by Thrandir   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:05 am


Posts: 161
Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:08 am
Location: QLD., Australia

Thanks RFC

The conversation was most enlightening :)
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by cralkhi   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:32 am

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Maybe a hikousen is a lesser version suitable for seijins, only angels get kyousei hi?

blind_pyro wrote:Possible meanings:

No need - the OAR glossary says "kyousei hi literally 'great fire' or 'magnificent fire'"
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:37 am

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Hi Dwileye13,

OTOH, it could be the prelude to a whole lot of the background, ie the WAtF, and things we didn't know we didn't know or 'unk-unks' about Safehold and differences between Schueler and Chihiro etc.

Given RFC's penchant for detail, BGV's campaign might be 50 pages from now. ;)


dwileye13 wrote:
anwi wrote:Snip

First, thanks for the snippet.
Then, I have to admit that RFC got me on that one. I wouldn't have thought that Merlin simply takes Aivah to the Cave without her (and Sandariah) knowing the truth. A daring move.
Other than that, few hard facts. We've to assume that Narmahn will be some surprise to Aivah very soon. And Nimue II is probably piloting the other skimmer.
Oh, and 90 minutes taking more than 10 days is a cruel, cruel fate.

I love an optomist. This feels like the end of that trail for a while and RFC gets such joy from hanging us off cliffs, this thread will pick up somewhere else in the next snippet.

BGV most likely or in South March

Mr. Weber, Thank you for the snippet and get some rest, please make the next one a big one!
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by Earldrygulch   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:19 am

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BobG wrote:pbreed wrote:
Ok... I got a weird feeling about this snippet....
Merlin is taking people and Nimue to the one place where all the records, owl, Narlman etc is located. Suppose that there was more than one vest pocket nuke left around un-accounted for...

What would happen with no Owl, no Merlin, no Nimue, no federation records, all gone from a single blast....

That's been worrying me, too.

-- Bob G

If that happens the seies is over.

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