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HFQ Official Snippet #12

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by dwileye13   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:36 am

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USMA74 wrote:Thank you for the snippet. It doesn't make up for a local high school team stealing the Chiefs' jerseys and playing last night, but it is close. :lol:

A totally satisfactory game . . . . . for a Broncos Fan :twisted:
I am not young enough to know everything!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by n7axw   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:43 am

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dwileye13 wrote:
Randomiser wrote:"Aivah’s eyes gleamed with anticipation, yet his indirect reference to how little she still knew, how much faith it had required to come this far on the basis of so few hard facts, awakened an undeniable darkness under the anticipation"

I think that's why nobody came up with this explanation of the trip to the cave beforehand. It does take an enormous amount of trust to allow the most deadly warrior in the world and another Seijin you have never met, maybe even never heard of, to take you off to an unknown destination in a scary flying machine like nothing you have ever seen before. Since she's as ruthlessly logical as Nahrman, though, in hindsight I suppose it's just playing out the implications of her decision to approach Merlin in the first place. She knows that there would be no way of escaping if Merlin really wanted her dead anyway, however good she is against others, so it has to be better to go along. Takes lots of er... 'backbone' though.

I still think her insistence on taking along Sandaria is very strange. It reminds me of the early Star Trek where SOP seemed to be that all the senior officers should go off the ship on dangerous away missions to unknown planets together. Watching the re-runs that just seems so gratuitously unrealistic. One would think that for the sake of the SSK it would have been prudent to keep Sandaria as far away from this as possible in case of 'Oopsies'.

I would think Sandaria was included because she is the complete confidant of Nynian. If for some reason Nynian was to go missing Sandaria would have the information on where she went and with who she went.

If you are going to deep freeze one it had better be both.

I have always believed that Nynian will do just fine with the truth. But if it were to turn out that she didn't, I like the cyro option rather than just offing her.

I wouldn't be surprised if Nynian had a few cards of her own up her sleeve.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by Tanstaafl   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:14 am


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n7axw wrote:
I have always believed that Nynian will do just fine with the truth. But if it were to turn out that she didn't, I like the cyro option rather than just offing her.

I wouldn't be surprised if Nynian had a few cards of her own up her sleeve.


I don't think the cryo option is needed. Owl is very well capable of excevating a Raffles Hotel beside his cave. In which the guests can await the end of the religious wars while studying the earth federation libraries from their room.

Give them limited access to some snarc monitoring, say markets and harbors from 100 meters up and such.
They might make a good cadre for Safehold after this episode is over. These aren't bad people, just people who need more time to come to grips with the earth history.

And another reason to take Sandaria with them is that Ninian has to trust her 100%. She needs to know that her XO can handle the revelations.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by RHWoodman   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:19 am

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Thanks so much for this snippet!

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Have you considered holding an exorcism to remove the Demon Murphy before you start the hardware upgrade? :lol:
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by Captain Igloo   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:57 am

Captain Igloo
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Thank you for the snippet.

And i just discovered, hikousen is the japanese word for airship or blimb..... :twisted:
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by phillies   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:23 pm


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And she is about to meet Prince Nahrman, and perhaps the actual Nimue Alban.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by fallsfromtrees   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:16 pm

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Thank you so very much for the snippet. My only regret is that you apparently posted it about 3 minutes after I went to bed last night, and I had to wait until now to read it. Sob, whimper.
Hope that all goes well with the hardware upgrade, and that afterwords, you never have (enter wishful thinking mode)another hardware issue. (/wishful thinking mode) :lol:
dwileye13 wrote:
anwi wrote:Snip

First, thanks for the snippet.
Then, I have to admit that RFC got me on that one. I wouldn't have thought that Merlin simply takes Aivah to the Cave without her (and Sandariah) knowing the truth. A daring move.
Other than that, few hard facts. We've to assume that Narmahn will be some surprise to Aivah very soon. And Nimue II is probably piloting the other skimmer.
Oh, and 90 minutes taking more than 10 days is a cruel, cruel fate.

I love an optomist. This feels like the end of that trail for a while and RFC gets such joy from hanging us off cliffs, this thread will pick up somewhere else in the next snippet.

BGV most likely or in South March

Mr. Weber, Thank you for the snippet and get some rest, please make the next one a big one!

No the next snippet will continue the conversation, and then as they get the the cave, cut to a new location. Much better cliff hanger that way.

The only problem with quotes on the internet is that you can't authenticate them -- Abraham Lincoln
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by pbreed   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:29 pm

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Ok... I got a weird feeling about this snippet....
Merlin is taking people and Nimue to the one place where all the records, owl, Narlman etc is located. Suppose that there was more than one vest pocket nuke left around un-accounted for...

What would happen with no Owl, no Merlin, no Nimue, no federation records, all gone from a single blast....
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by n7axw   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:35 pm

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pbreed wrote:Ok... I got a weird feeling about this snippet....
Merlin is taking people and Nimue to the one place where all the records, owl, Narlman etc is located. Suppose that there was more than one vest pocket nuke left around un-accounted for...

What would happen with no Owl, no Merlin, no Nimue, no federation records, all gone from a single blast....

Possible. But not the way RFC tells his stories.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by anwi   » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:41 pm


Posts: 176
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There's one hard fact in your very quote snippet :-)
St Kohdy and his hikousen. To me there was some definite question as to the level of tech that Khhdy had access to. We knew that he had a 'magic' sword, as one of the warriors faithful to Langhorne/Schuhler. This shows a yet higher 'angelic' level of knowledge, I would say.

If you know what hikousen really stands for, I'd be interested. ;) Obviously, it's related to kyousei hi, but what exactly and how he used it, remains unclear, or?
What we know is that Kohdy had a battlesteel sword, had access to angelic transport (courtesy of whom is unclear), that he lost to an oppposition "seijin" and thereafter started doubting in Chihiro, and that he died while visiting Schueler in Zion.
I'm not convinced that tranlates into a significantly higher initial level of knowledge for Kohdy. What he knew when he died is one of the crucial bits of the puzzle and likely snippets away...

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