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Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?

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Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Annachie   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:21 pm

Fleet Admiral

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If I understand the timeline correctly, Pelosi didn't sit on the letter she passed it on to the FBI.

At some point after that it leaked, then Pelosi admitted to having it.

IMO, and to my understanding, Pelosi was doing the right thing.

After it got out, well there's not really a right thing.

Now it would appear that the GOP were acting on that information prior to it being public. Right thing, wrong thing, meh. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Now, whoever leaked, that was the wrong thing.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by ywing14   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:40 pm

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Annachie wrote:If I understand the timeline correctly, Pelosi didn't sit on the letter she passed it on to the FBI.

At some point after that it leaked, then Pelosi admitted to having it.

IMO, and to my understanding, Pelosi was doing the right thing.

After it got out, well there's not really a right thing.

Now it would appear that the GOP were acting on that information prior to it being public. Right thing, wrong thing, meh. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Now, whoever leaked, that was the wrong thing.

My reading of the situation is that she didn't provide the letter to the FBI until several days ago. Then it sounds like Pelosi needs to clean her own house because someone leaked that she had the information and she did a terrible job respecting the woman's privacy and the details of the alleged sexual assault. From where I stand it looks like a shrew and cold blooded political maneuver on Pelosi's part to stop the nomination.

certainly agree it's Six of one, half dozen of the other. Frankly everyone needs to now testify under oath and then let the chips fall where they may.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:53 pm


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ywing14 wrote:gcomeau

In the two Polygraphs I've taken for my federal employment one of the questions I was specifically asked was have I committed any felonies.

This is overlooking the mindset of the average person who has engaged in such behaviour. That it was drunken partying and everyone was doing it and surely the girl really wanted to participate whatever her protestations and it definitely wasn't them doing anything *wrong*.

Asked a generic "have you committed a felony?" question under those conditions I would have no surprise at him passing.

Ask him "did this specific incident ever occur?" on the other hand...
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by ywing14   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:57 pm

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Posts: 389
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gcomeau wrote:
ywing14 wrote:gcomeau

In the two Polygraphs I've taken for my federal employment one of the questions I was specifically asked was have I committed any felonies.

This is overlooking the mindset of the average person who has engaged in such behaviour. That it was drunken partying and everyone was doing it and surely the girl really wanted to participate whatever her protestations and it definitely wasn't them doing anything *wrong*.

Asked a generic "have you committed a felony?" question under those conditions I would have no surprise at him passing.

Ask him "did this specific incident ever occur?" on the other hand...

Well you can say that about any question. A polygraph is only as good as the questions and the Polygrapher. I've seen plenty of people get hemmed up on the felony question. We had a guy who confessed to being involved in an armed robbery. If we use your belief above for their mindset then they'd still pass because they believed she was a willing participant.

Polygraphs are useful in getting confessions but as far as ensuring the truth goes I don't think so.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by ywing14   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:36 pm

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Posts: 389
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I find the whole situation bad because while I'd like a conservative justice selected but I find the allegations credible.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by smr   » Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:46 am

Vice Admiral

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This is election season...their will a series of booms until election day!

The Silent Majority has come to battle expect many casualties. We will take your arrows, our ranks will thin and We will engage. Victory will be measured come election day. This is nothing more than a SMOKESCREEN covering the enemies movement.

This one is for TheE:

Cavanaugh will probably be the next SCOTUS appointment.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Daryl   » Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:15 am

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Our hard right talk about their "silent majority", until at election time they get about 10% of the vote.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Joat42   » Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:21 am


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Location: Sweden

smr wrote:Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Boom

This is election season...their will a series of booms until election day!

The Silent Majority has come to battle expect many casualties. We will take your arrows, our ranks will thin and We will engage. Victory will be measured come election day. This is nothing more than a SMOKESCREEN covering the enemies movement.

This one is for TheE:

Cavanaugh will probably be the next SCOTUS appointment.

It's quite indicative of your mindset when you refer to the whole thing with words like 'battle', 'casualties' and 'enemies'.

And the concept of the silent majority - which one do you refer too? The people who was too lazy to have an opinion on the Vietnam war? Or perhaps you are talking about the dead? Or perhaps you are referring to Cambreleng's speach:
Cambreleng wrote:Whenever majorities trample upon the rights of minorities—when men are denied even the privilege of having their causes of complaint examined into—when measures, which they deem for their relief, are rejected by the despotism of a silent majority at a second reading—when such become the rules of our legislation, the Congress of this Union will no longer justly represent a republican people.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by smr   » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:20 am

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Time will tell Daryl!

Daryl Says: Our hard right talk about their "silent majority", until at election time they get about 10% of the vote.

Cambreleng wrote:Whenever majorities trample upon the rights of minorities—when men are denied even the privilege of having their causes of complaint examined into—when measures, which they deem for their relief, are rejected by the despotism of a silent majority at a second reading—when such become the rules of our legislation, the Congress of this Union will no longer justly represent a republican people.

Like the Censorship taking place at Goggle, Facebook, Twitter, Reedit, and Social Media platforms! Better for all to have discussions in forums rather than censored. When people feel like they are slaves, they will take counsel within the dark. The only result of counsel in the dark is WAR. Discussions taking place within the light allows for counsel and grievances to be aired and some issues addressed. The ability to discuss topics and grievances openly is like a pressure release valve that prevents a boiler from exploding.

smr wrote:Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Boom

This is election season...their will a series of booms until election day!

The Silent Majority has come to battle expect many casualties. We will take your arrows, our ranks will thin and We will engage. Victory will be measured come election day. This is nothing more than a SMOKESCREEN covering the enemies movement.

This one is for TheE:

Cavanaugh will probably be the next SCOTUS appointment.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Joat42   » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:01 am


Posts: 2149
Joined: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:01 am
Location: Sweden

smr wrote:..snip..
Cambreleng wrote:Whenever majorities trample upon the rights of minorities—when men are denied even the privilege of having their causes of complaint examined into—when measures, which they deem for their relief, are rejected by the despotism of a silent majority at a second reading—when such become the rules of our legislation, the Congress of this Union will no longer justly represent a republican people.

Like the Censorship taking place at Goggle, Facebook, Twitter, Reedit, and Social Media platforms! Better for all to have discussions in forums rather than censored. When people feel like they are slaves, they will take counsel within the dark. The only result of counsel in the dark is WAR. Discussions taking place within the light allows for counsel and grievances to be aired and some issues addressed. The ability to discuss topics and grievances openly is like a pressure release valve that prevents a boiler from exploding.

The Cambreleng quote I provided just went over your head. Wooosh...

Censorship? What censorship? They are private forums and if someone break the rules on what's allowed and their posts are removed it's not censorship. The only ones that complain it's censorship are asshats that spew forth bile that's not fit for general consumption. Racists, nazis and right + left wing conspiracy nuts. If they aren't happy with the current social media platforms they are entirely free to create their own.

If Duckk removes a post here that breaks the forum rules, is it censorship?

Your mindset is that you are 100% right and you are willing to promote violence to make it right. It's the typical response of a fanatic.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.

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