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Boycotting Movies

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Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by Dilandu   » Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:48 pm


Posts: 2536
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Location: Russia

Imaginos1892 wrote:
So, it’s great to celebrate every sexual preference EXCEPT the one shared by about 95% of us? You want all of us to hide in shame because some assholes said mean things to the 5%? You're painting 300 million people guilty for the actions of a few thousand?

You seems to be missing the point really greatly. The tradition of gay prides were born exactly because LGBT for quite a long time were deprived of many basic civil rights, and faced widespread & supported by government and media bigotry and discrimination. The government, that, as I may remind you, was elected not by "few thousands" but by all 250+ millions peoples (there were fewer of you at this time)

Please show me any single civil right that heterosexuals and explicitly heterosexuals were denied of in all American history.

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by Dilandu   » Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:52 pm


Posts: 2536
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Location: Russia

Imaginos1892 wrote:
That is the leftist way — divide people up into groups based on their opinions on ONE subject, pretend that they all have identical opinions on every completely unrelated subject, and demonize some groups because a few individuals have said or done Bad Things.

Yeah, like you, Americans demonize 144,5 million of us, Russians, because a few dozens were accused of somehow interfering with your president elections.

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Jun 06, 2019 7:33 pm


Dilandu wrote:
Imaginos1892 wrote:
That is the leftist way — divide people up into groups based on their opinions on ONE subject, pretend that they all have identical opinions on every completely unrelated subject, and demonize some groups because a few individuals have said or done Bad Things.

Yeah, like you, Americans demonize 144,5 million of us, Russians, because a few dozens were accused of somehow interfering with your president elections.

That was actually the British who interfered in the 2016 election by producing the Steel Dossier and giving it to Senator McCain to incite the Russians Hacked the Elections meme.
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by Imaginos1892   » Thu Jun 06, 2019 9:42 pm

Rear Admiral

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Location: San Diego, California, USA

Dilandu wrote:The government, that, as I may remind you, was elected not by "few thousands" but by all 250+ millions peoples

And then, a large majority of those 250 million people decided that was wrong, and changed the government.

Dilandu wrote:
Imaginos1892 wrote:That is the leftist way — divide people up into groups based on their opinions on ONE subject, pretend that they all have identical opinions on every completely unrelated subject, and demonize some groups because a few individuals have said or done Bad Things.

Yeah, like you, Americans demonize 144,5 million of us, Russians, because a few dozens were accused of somehow interfering with your president elections.

You've done it again! A few Democrat politicians are raising a stink about supposed interference (which they have not produced any evidence of, after three years) and you blame all 327 million of us! Many of whom oppose their political witch-hunt.

Even the politicians are not blaming all Russians, only a few corrupt individuals.

Leftists. They literally don't know what they're saying.
Facts do not depend on opinions. Unfortunately, for far too many people, opinions do not depend on facts, either.
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by Dilandu   » Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:39 pm


Posts: 2536
Joined: Sat May 07, 2011 1:44 pm
Location: Russia

Imaginos1892 wrote:And then, a large majority of those 250 million people decided that was wrong, and changed the government.

Yeah, AFTER the LGBT community attracted attention by demanding civil rights & the end of persecution. Now maybe you understood, why the gay prides have a meaning, and straight prides are nothing more than exercise in camouflaging the bigotry?

Imaginos1892 wrote:You've done it again! A few Democrat politicians are raising a stink about supposed interference (which they have not produced any evidence of, after three years) and you blame all 327 million of us! Many of whom oppose their political witch-hunt.

Then why the US politic considering Russia became more and more hostile, and ethnic Russians, living in USA, started to feel the prejudice? Sorry, things just didn't work in your model.

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by The E   » Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:14 am

The E

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Location: Meerbusch, Germany

Imaginos1892 wrote:We don’t NEED to have the same rights as the LGTBQ community? WTF, O? Where in the Constitution does it say we must prove a NEED to have rights?

You have all the rights that LGBTQ people have.

Arguably, you still have more rights than them.

So, it’s great to celebrate every sexual preference EXCEPT the one shared by about 95% of us? You want all of us to hide in shame because some assholes said mean things to the 5%? You're painting 300 million people guilty for the actions of a few thousand?

"said mean things" is a funny way of saying "creating and enforcing legislation making open displays of non-hetero/non-binary sexuality illegal". Pride exists because for a very long time, it was completely impossible to be "out and proud" without severe consequences. Hell, while non-discrimination language is now common in legislation, there are still plenty of businesses who will refuse to provide you with services (or who will provide worse or more expensive services) when they know you're gay or trans.
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by Joat42   » Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:06 am


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Location: Sweden

As someone said:
When you are used to being privileged, the demand for equality feels like oppression.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by Daryl   » Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:01 am

Fleet Admiral

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A current topic in our country is how a prominent footballer (in Rugby Union, proper football) is in trouble because he keeps tweeting that gays will go to hell. He is in a fundamentalist Christian sect.
Because of this his $4M contract has been torn up, and he is suing. He does seem to be unaware of the quote attributed to Christ that "A camel has more chance of passing through an eye of a needle, than a rich man into heaven".
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by The E   » Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:09 am

The E

Posts: 2698
Joined: Tue May 07, 2013 1:28 pm
Location: Meerbusch, Germany

It never ceases to amaze me that people seem to equate freedom of speech and freedom from consequence.
Re: Boycotting Movies
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:24 am


Dilandu wrote:Just recalled, that in 1930s the US own Nazi (yeah, there were a bit of them) in New York suddenly found themselves in big problems with mafia. Quite a lot of 1930s mobsters were of Jewish origin, and they didn't like at all when some bigoted clowns started to sprout antisemitic slogans.

After some pretty hard "lessons" from NY mobsters (no killing, but a lot of broken Nazi bones...), the horrified Nazi demanded police protection for their rallies. The NY major unexpectedly agreed - and provided "police protection", that, "incidentally", consisted only of black & Jewish policemen. :D

So, by the end of 1930s, the NY Nazi were completely disorganized, laughable bunch, that were too afraid to even meet each other. :) Effective results, huh?

By the time that the Facism and National Socialism movements arose, the Jewish/American "mobsters" had evolved into legitimate proffessionals and retailer, and were replaced by either Irish/American mobsters or Italian/American mobsters, both of whom were predominantly Catholic.

Very, very few police officers in modern America are Jewish and even fewer were Jewish back in the 1930s. Black police officers were almost non existant until well after World War 2.

Stop spewing feces and deal with reality.

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