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Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?

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Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:56 pm


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smr wrote:1) 36 years ago and no proof that will stand up in court.

Contemporaneous accounts from other people are beginning to come out. Polygraph results may not be admissible in court but she took one and passed it. She told her therapist about this years ago, long before Kavanaugh was ever in the running to be on the Supreme Court. Those women the GOP rounded up to make sign a letter supporting Kavanaugh are backpedaling fast in large numbers.

That may or may not all add up to a *prosecutable* case but it isn't nothing smr... do you really not give a crap if someone who did what was described in this accusation gets a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the country?

Are you that freaking far gone morally in your Trump worship?

2) a registered democrat that feels it's her civic duty but declines to press charges. We heard that before Alabama. 3) Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill demonstrate that the Demoncrats will stop at nothing to derail the SCOTUS process.

Yeeeeah.... most people take a slightly different view of those events.

4) Feinstein sat on letter since July only releases the letter when they are going to lose.

Actually she only released it when news she had it leaked, she was going to sit on it the whole time because apparently she's freaking clueless and didn't think it was "appropriate" to bring "personal life issues" into the confirmation process. As if a Supreme Court candidate possibly being an attempted rapist was irrelevant.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by noblehunter   » Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:01 pm

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smr wrote:1) 36 years ago and no proof that will stand up in court. 2) a registered democrat that feels it's her civic duty but declines to press charges. We heard that before Alabama. 3) Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill demonstrate that the Demoncrats will stop at nothing to derail the SCOTUS process. 4) Feinstein sat on letter since July only releases the letter when they are going to lose. That's OK, I be sure to vote straight Republican in less than a month!

If they wanted to sabotage the nomination, you'd think they'd come up with something better than a sexual assault allegation. If they were going to lie, why not come up with something that would actually work at getting Kavanaugh rejected.

But glad to see you're okay with an unrepentant rapist and liar on the Supreme Court.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Joat42   » Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:13 pm


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smr wrote:Funny you say Conservative blame Obama. Is not that is what Obama did with Bush. I can remember 5 years into his Presidency and he was blaming Bush for problems that were occurring. Now, Obama claims credit for the turnaround. Personally, I think Trump has done a good job with the economy. He has a lot to be desired with tweeting and acting Presidential. However, he has set a new standard with politicians because he actually works at keeping his campaign promises.

Please provide a factual reference where Obama criticized Bush, what you remember as we all know is usually in error.

And good with the economy? Only if you are already very rich. The man is a bad businessman with a history littered with failed companies and lawsuits. I'd say the economy is doing OK so far in spite of Trumps shenanigans.

It's amazing how people can be so emotionally invested in their choices that they refuse to see the truth even though it's repeatedly kicking them in the head.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:34 pm


I see that the Democrats are trotting out the same sexual harassment ploy that they used against Clarence (aka "Long Dong Silver") Thomas. Judge Thomas was actually honest enough to be insulted by the suggestion that it was an appropriate nickname for him.

These allegations would have far more credibility if the Democrat had not engaged in such blatant threats of sexual assault against conservative women including Governor Palin and her underage daughters. David Letterman even made jokes about it on national television. The Glenn Rice allegation that they dredged up sounds suspiciously like an actual sexual assault. Too bad that Sarah didn't shoot him. Also, the alleged event appears to be an exaggerated case of teenaged males making a lewd and clumsy overture but accepting that No means No. It has never happened to me of course, but most men have been rebuffed during their formative years.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by ywing14   » Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:19 pm

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I'll be interested to see how it plays out.

-I agree that unless someone confesses there will never be enough to prosecute or take it to court.

-I'd have to see the polygraph questions first and she'd have to be polygraphed again before I could really take the poly as valid. I've seen plenty of people pass polygraphs administered through their attorneys and then fail with law enforcement. The fact that he's a retired FBI agent doesn't mean anything to me.

-Also saw that, Kavanaugh's mother judged against her parents during a home foreclosure.

All that being said given the specificity of her allegation and my experience with victims I find it to be credible at the moment and think he should withdraw unless information to the contrary is produced.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:43 pm


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The GOP is resisting calls to pull Mark Judge (the third person said to be in the room) in to testify.

I defy anyone to give an explanation for that that is consistent with the GOP having any interest whatsoever in getting to the truth of this matter. Judge has issued public denials that Kavanaugh is guilty, if he was willing to stick to that *under oath* give me a single plausible reason the GOP wouldn't want him in that hearing telling that to the world on camera? They would be BEGGING him to go in there. They would drag him in under subpoena.

Judge has also written to the Senate committee saying “I have no more information to offer the Committee and I do not wish to speak publicly regarding the incidents described in Dr. Ford’s letter.”

He is a friend of Kavanaugh's. I invite anyone to consider why he would be resistant to being put in a spot to testify in a setting where lying about what happened is a criminal offense. And why the GOP is *just fine* with that.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by smr   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:59 pm

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I defy you to explain why the accuser (Democratic Ideologue) did not come forward before Cavanaugh was nominated for the Supreme Court. Her parents have history with his mom...would you like the court case #. 2) Why did she have a lawyer in August? 3) Why no specific dates and times if she was so traumatized. 4) Repeating same pattern of Democratic attacks on Clarence Thomas. 5) No pattern of behavior such as this. (Sexual Predators repeat crimes!) 6) Been through 6 FBI backgrounds investigations. 7) Passed Numerous Lie Detector Tests (SOP) while employed as Government Employee! 8) Democrats allegedly made an offer to withdraw sex misconduct accusation if Trump Admin did not declassify FISA warrants.

Please bring out the hard evidence. Wait their is statue of limitations. FBI declines to investigate. (See previous answer!) Good luck Gcomeau, I can not wait to hear your latest whine (Music to my ears)! To quote Obama, "Elections have Consequences!"

gcomeau wrote:The GOP is resisting calls to pull Mark Judge (the third person said to be in the room) in to testify.

I defy anyone to give an explanation for that that is consistent with the GOP having any interest whatsoever in getting to the truth of this matter. Judge has issued public denials that Kavanaugh is guilty, if he was willing to stick to that *under oath* give me a single plausible reasons the GOP wouldn't want him in that hearing telling that to the world on camera? They would be BEGGING him to go in there.

Judge has also written to the Senate committee saying “I have no more information to offer the Committee and I do not wish to speak publicly regarding the incidents described in Dr. Ford’s letter.”

He is a friend of Kavanaugh's. I invite anyone to consider why he would be resistant to being put in a spot to testify in a setting where lying about what happened is a criminal offense. And why the GOP is *just fine* with that.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:34 pm


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smr wrote:I defy you to explain why the accuser (Democratic Ideologue) did not come forward before Cavanaugh was nominated for the Supreme Court.

I refer you to what *constantly* happens to women who do come forward, particularly against powerfully politically connected men. If you need an example, look what is happening to her right now. Any other incredibly ridiculously obvious questions?

Her parents have history with his mom...would you like the court case #.

Couldn't give less of a crap.

2) Why did she have a lawyer in August?

Because she was starting to consider coming forward ...

3) Why no specific dates and times if she was so traumatized.

What are you talking about?

4) Repeating same pattern of Democratic attacks on Clarence Thomas.

Yeah, because it's not like there could possibly be more than one powerful male political figure with a history of abusive behavior towards women in his past in America!!!! I mean ehat are the odds????

5) No pattern of behavior such as this. (Sexual Predators repeat crimes!) 6) Been through 6 FBI backgrounds investigations.

You get that those investigations aren;t fool proof and if the victim hadn't come forward yet there was nothing to lead them down this path?

They're not hauling everyone who ever knew the guy in for interrogation and polygraphs when they do those things you know.

7) Passed Numerous Lie Detector Tests (SOP) while employed as Government Employee!

And I'm sure they asked him about this incident nobody knew about when he did. :roll:

8) Democrats allegedly made an offer to withdraw sex misconduct accusation if Trump Admin did not declassify FISA warrants.

Alleged by WHO?

Ok, I responded to your questions. Going to respond to mine?
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by ywing14   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:50 pm

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I don't think either Dems or Reps are handling it well at all. Dems (specifically pelosi) sat on the information for too long. If she really cared about the woman and her privacy Pelosi would have brought it up earlier. Pelosi likely could have used the information to get Kavanaugh struck from the shortlist prior to his selection if she'd used the info earlier and we wouldn't be in the situation we are now. I think the Reps should have Judge, the Accuser Testify, and anyone else from that party testify.

Waiting as long as that woman did is not uncommon in sexual assaults. So the fact that she waited until 2012 is not an issue as far as I am concerned.

All federal government polygraphs I'm aware of asked if you've ever committed a felony so Kavanaugh should have had to answer that question quite a few times.

FBI shouldn't be the lead agency in the investigation it should really be the County or State where the crime occurred.
Last edited by ywing14 on Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by ywing14   » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:55 pm

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In the two Polygraphs I've taken for my federal employment one of the questions I was specifically asked was have I committed any felonies.

Frankly her's and his results don't really mean anything to me. We don't what questions were asked to her or how it was worded. Also don't know if she failed any times before she passed. We don't know if he's failed any times before finally passing.

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