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The end of American democracy?

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Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:36 pm


Posts: 2747
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gcomeau wrote:Well not the end of Democracy yet but not for lack of Trump trying. He just incited a mob in DC to try to storm the Capitol and stop Biden's election certification and they're battling Capitol Police as we speak.

Welcome to the tail end of the attempted coup anyone who was paying attention to Trump the last 4 years knew he would try if he lost an election.

They've now breached the Senate building, multiple Capital buildings under evacuation orders.

Every one of these assholes needs to face sedition charges. Including and especially the alpha Asshole who deliberately incited them into the attack in an attempt to retain his presidency through a coup.

Now let's hear some more from the "TDS" crowd about how all our warnings Trump would pull exactly this shit in emulation of all his dictator role models were liberal delusion...
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by n7axw   » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:00 pm

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gcomeau wrote:
gcomeau wrote:Well not the end of Democracy yet but not for lack of Trump trying. He just incited a mob in DC to try to storm the Capitol and stop Biden's election certification and they're battling Capitol Police as we speak.

Welcome to the tail end of the attempted coup anyone who was paying attention to Trump the last 4 years knew he would try if he lost an election.

They've now breached the Senate building, multiple Capital buildings under evacuation orders.

Every one of these assholes needs to face sedition charges. Including and especially the alpha Asshole who deliberately incited them into the attack in an attempt to retain his presidency through a coup.

Now let's hear some more from the "TDS" crowd about how all our warnings Trump would pull exactly this shit in emulation of all his dictator role models were liberal delusion...

What I am wondering is where the security is that should have dealt with this mess...


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:37 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

n7axw wrote:
gcomeau wrote:They've now breached the Senate building, multiple Capital buildings under evacuation orders.

Every one of these assholes needs to face sedition charges. Including and especially the alpha Asshole who deliberately incited them into the attack in an attempt to retain his presidency through a coup.

Now let's hear some more from the "TDS" crowd about how all our warnings Trump would pull exactly this shit in emulation of all his dictator role models were liberal delusion...

What I am wondering is where the security is that should have dealt with this mess...



Well Capitol security is under Federal Jurisdiction. So... Trump's.

So... you know.

That said, on some small level I'm glad it's playing out this way. Because after these seditious pieces of crap are knocked back and this process completes and Biden is sworn in there is going to be no more possibility of anyone trying to pretend Trump was anything but a traitorous aspiring dictator who had to be dragged kicking and screaming out of office after losing the election and trying to incite a violent coup to overturn US democracy and maintain power. This absolutely seals what his entries in the history books are going to be, forever.

And screw every single person who stuck with him after watching him building up to this for four straight freaking years.
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by lightningstar519   » Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:29 pm


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Crazy events in Washington! Trump has morphed from a whining High Ridge to a reprehensible Zhaspahr Clyntahn about to launch the Sword of Schueler. The worst part of the issue is that almost half of the callers to C-Span seem to have bought his line of bullshit.
Some of the conservative conspiracy theories
:arrow: The election was rigged and the violence is justifiably protecting democracy
:arrow: The rioters were Antifa disguised as Trump supporters
:arrow: QAnon ordered the rioters to save Donald Trump.
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by Daryl   » Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:30 pm

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I first came on here over a decade ago, finding the then opinions of the hard rights on here to be intriguing. How people could consider armed insurrection or sedition to be an appropriate response to a government that you disagreed with, was a new experience for me. Now those people have in the main left here, presumably finding new internet gathering sites where non rights don't introduce pesky facts and logic.
I did venture onto a couple of such sites, and gave up disgusted at the nasty loony tunes statements on them.
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by Joat42   » Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:00 pm


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Daryl wrote:I first came on here over a decade ago, finding the then opinions of the hard rights on here to be intriguing. How people could consider armed insurrection or sedition to be an appropriate response to a government that you disagreed with, was a new experience for me. Now those people have in the main left here, presumably finding new internet gathering sites where non rights don't introduce pesky facts and logic.
I did venture onto a couple of such sites, and gave up disgusted at the nasty loony tunes statements on them.

Have you visited Baen's Bar lately? Some people frequenting the place are more or less promoting violence against anyone not on the right. The pure vitriol spewed forth is astounding and I cannot fathom why Baen doesn't do anything about it since it reflects poorly on them.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by Annachie   » Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:37 pm

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I believe the correct response is "Holy shitshow Batman"
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by BobfromSydney   » Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:18 am


Posts: 226
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I'm glad the amount of physical injury and loss of life was minimal, but I've heard stories of the people who broke into the congress reading senator's and congressperson's emails and having access to what should be private and secure documents that were stored in the Capitol building.

If there were any foreign spies disguised as part of the Trump mob (or acting as Agent Provocateurs) they would have been able to freely access a treasure trove of top secret and confidential documents.

If the US government wants to give Julian Assange the death penalty for espionage, then every single one of those people who entered the building by force should also be charged with treason as well and be subject to the full force of the law.

They've turned the light on a hill into a burning dumpster.

I'm also disappointed but not surprised at the [important people who probably have security clearances] that do not password protect their computers.
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by Daryl   » Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:39 am

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Funny that. They were one of the sites I was talking about. Vile and dangerous crap.
Just for a bite, if fly reads this, what do you think about Sarah Palin's claim that these rioters were actually Antifa in disguise out to discredit Trump?

Joat42 wrote:
Daryl wrote:I first came on here over a decade ago, finding the then opinions of the hard rights on here to be intriguing. How people could consider armed insurrection or sedition to be an appropriate response to a government that you disagreed with, was a new experience for me. Now those people have in the main left here, presumably finding new internet gathering sites where non rights don't introduce pesky facts and logic.
I did venture onto a couple of such sites, and gave up disgusted at the nasty loony tunes statements on them.

Have you visited Baen's Bar lately? Some people frequenting the place are more or less promoting violence against anyone not on the right. The pure vitriol spewed forth is astounding and I cannot fathom why Baen doesn't do anything about it since it reflects poorly on them.
Re: The end of American democracy?
Post by n7axw   » Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:46 am

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Location: Viborg, SD

No. I haven't been on Baens... not that I've been deliberately avoiding them. I don't do right wing web sites... bad for my blood pressure.

I am up watching certification process. I have been worried about today for weeks. So I am going to stay up for the rest of the state roll call... and see Joe Biden formally acknowledged as president-elect. All that will be left will be inaugration...


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.

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