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Guns, Guns Guns

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Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by edgeworthy   » Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:49 pm

Lieutenant (Senior Grade)

Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:34 pm

I'm spotting a slight difference here?
Armed police drive pregnant woman to hospital in time to give birth ... cid=HPCDHP
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by The E   » Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:01 am

The E

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Location: Meerbusch, Germany

edgeworthy wrote:I'm spotting a slight difference here?
Armed police drive pregnant woman to hospital in time to give birth ... cid=HPCDHP

The above incident being something that is kind of what you expect in a country that isn't the US (it happened in the UK).
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by smr   » Thu Oct 17, 2019 1:15 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
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Stereotyping much? I know this is a chance to express your Anti-American views. Funny how you follow the communist handbook when attacking other political systems. So do you share your Communist views with your neighbors? I know your secretly a Red Brigade Supporter! Patterns! Patterns! Remember Ostrich Fuhrer you leave lots of patterns! These patterns are like tells in poker! God, I wish I could play you in poker because I would clean you out and normally I do not play for big money!

The E wrote:
edgeworthy wrote:I'm spotting a slight difference here?
Armed police drive pregnant woman to hospital in time to give birth ... cid=HPCDHP

The above incident being something that is kind of what you expect in a country that isn't the US (it happened in the UK).
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:23 pm


The E wrote:
edgeworthy wrote:I'm spotting a slight difference here?
Armed police drive pregnant woman to hospital in time to give birth ... cid=HPCDHP

The above incident being something that is kind of what you expect in a country that isn't the US (it happened in the UK).

That definitely is an ignorant, hate mongering, bigoted statement. America's heavily armed police frequently deliver babies when abrupt labor precludes getting the mother to a hospital. Many of our armed cops are extensively trained in first aid, CPR and even carry defibulators. It is not even unusual for our armed cops to administer first aid that saves the life of a subject that they have just shot! (Then again, some cops will handcuff the neutrealized subject then keep the paramedics away while they bleed out.)

Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by The E   » Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:39 pm

The E

Posts: 2683
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Location: Meerbusch, Germany

smr wrote:Stereotyping much?

So you are claiming that the US does not have a somewhat bad track record when it comes to dealing with people of color in distress?

I know this is a chance to express your Anti-American views. Funny how you follow the communist handbook when attacking other political systems.

Yes, there is a line in there that explicitly tells me to point it out when someone is posting something a bit misleading and really off-topic for a given topic.

So do you share your Communist views with your neighbors?


I know your secretly a Red Brigade Supporter!

Yes, I very definitely support a disbanded, illegal group of italian terrorists that hasn't been active in 30 years. That is definitely what I am doing. You've figured me out, smr, congratulations!

(Jesus bleeding christ you're stupid)

Patterns! Patterns! Remember Ostrich Fuhrer you leave lots of patterns!

Yes, I do. However, as far as I can tell, the "patterns" I leave are rather more innocuous than yours; after all, I do not repeat easily debunked conspiracy theories all the time.

These patterns are like tells in poker! God, I wish I could play you in poker because I would clean you out and normally I do not play for big money!

Yes, I am pretty bad at lying or bluffing.
However, I would rate my chances quite high, actually; Being predictable, as you claim I am, is less of an issue than your style of play as extrapolated from your posting. After all, unlike you, I don't play with open cards.

TFLYTSNBN wrote:That definitely is an ignorant, hate mongering, bigoted statement. America's heavily armed police frequently deliver babies when abrupt labor precludes getting the mother to a hospital. Many of our armed cops are extensively trained in first aid, CPR and even carry defibulators. It is not even unusual for our armed cops to administer first aid that saves the life of a subject that they have just shot! (Then again, some cops will handcuff the neutrealized subject then keep the paramedics away while they bleed out.)

All of the above is true.

But it is also true that american police, on average, does not have a particularly clean record when it comes to pocs in distress.


I am feeling so hurt and attacked right now
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Imaginos1892   » Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:26 pm

Rear Admiral

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Haven’t been around here much for a while, but I see the usual suspects are still as clueless as ever.

Why so ‘Shocked; Shocked!’ that some [gasp] *Armed Police Officers!* did something nice? And so certain that it could never, ever happen here in the United States?

Oh, wait, just last night on the news I saw an Armed Police Officer in Utah drag an unconscious man out of his car two seconds before a speeding train smashed into it. I think that compares favorably with driving somebody to a hospital in heavy traffic.

The E wrote:But it is also true that american police, on average, does not have a particularly clean record when it comes to pocs in distress.

Until the full story comes out and we find that the ‘POC’ was more of a POS, with a long criminal record, was provoking the police, harassing people, or found in possession of incriminating evidence. Of course, the leftist media can’t be bothered to report those insignificant little details.

I want the police to arrest everybody engaging in such behavior, no matter what color they are. It’s called doing their jobs.

By the way, does the French army still patrol Paris in squads of four, with battle armor and submachine guns?
Facts do not depend on opinions. Unfortunately, for far too many people, opinions do not depend on facts, either.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Joat42   » Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:38 pm


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Imaginos1892 wrote:Haven’t been around here much for a while, but I see the usual suspects are still as clueless as ever.

Why so ‘Shocked; Shocked!’ that some [gasp] *Armed Police Officers!* did something nice? And so certain that it could never, ever happen here in the United States?

Oh, wait, just last night on the news I saw an Armed Police Officer in Utah drag an unconscious man out of his car two seconds before a speeding train smashed into it. I think that compares favorably with driving somebody to a hospital in heavy traffic.

The E wrote:But it is also true that american police, on average, does not have a particularly clean record when it comes to pocs in distress.

Until the full story comes out and we find that the ‘POC’ was more of a POS, with a long criminal record, was provoking the police, harassing people, or found in possession of incriminating evidence. Of course, the leftist media can’t be bothered to report those insignificant little details.

I want the police to arrest everybody engaging in such behavior, no matter what color they are. It’s called doing their jobs.

By the way, does the French army still patrol Paris in squads of four, with battle armor and submachine guns?
Facts do not depend on opinions. Unfortunately, for far too many people, opinions do not depend on facts, either.

Facts show that POC in the USA are more likely to have a bad experience when interacting with the police.
Facts show that the police in the USA regularly uses civil forfeiture to confiscate money and items from people without due process.
Facts also show the police in the USA relies heavily on qualified immunity to get away with things that a normal person would get life in jail for.

Although, saying "american police, on average, does not have a particularly clean record when it comes to pocs in distress" is a bit of hyperbole since we don't actually have a real comparison of all types of interactions. With that said, the police do have a poor reputation when interacting with POC, which means any positive interaction stand out more.

Currently, a large part of the police in the USA is exhibiting a "us vs them" mentality - the norm is to be confrontational in an encounter, regardless what ethnic group the civilian belongs to.

In the end it's not about what the left or right media reports, it's about the police doing the job they where supposed to do.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Imaginos1892   » Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:10 pm

Rear Admiral

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Location: San Diego, California, USA

I have never found such to be the case. Of course, when I interact with the police I try to be polite, cooperative and helpful rather than hostile, surly and confrontational. I don't go around dressing and acting like a criminal, either.

“Facts show”? What facts? Police interact with American citizens millions of times every day, and the left-wing media find maybe one or two incidents a month they can blow all out of proportion until it becomes ‘what everybody knows’. Most of them caused by the ‘victim’ copping an attitude.

“Us versus Them?” Most of those minority neighborhoods where the police have to operate are no-shit enemy territory, controlled by violent gangs and criminals. Dozens of police are ambushed and killed every year. The few people who don’t hate and fear the police are too intimidated to cooperate with them. And, of course, the left-wing media and the ‘minority activists’ keep telling them over and over that the police are Out To Get Them — which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when they act on it.

The sad truth is that minorities commit the vast majority of the crimes in this country. Blacks alone commit almost 70% of the crimes, despite making up less than 13% of the population. Since they commit most of the crimes, why should it be a surprise that they are the ones most often in conflict with the police?

A lot of the police are POC’s too. How is it that when a black cop shoots a black criminal in a black neighborhood, and the black Chief Of Police doesn’t immediately fire him, the black District Attorney declines to prosecute, and the black Mayor won’t overrule them, it’s all about racism?
Bullshit remains bullshit no matter how many times it gets quoted.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Joat42   » Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:07 am


Posts: 2149
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Location: Sweden

Imaginos1892 wrote:I have never found such to be the case. Of course, when I interact with the police I try to be polite, cooperative and helpful rather than hostile, surly and confrontational. I don't go around dressing and acting like a criminal, either.

You know, almost everyone acts cooperative around the police. And what the fuck is "dressing and acting like a criminal"? Either someone is a criminal because they broke the law or they are innocent - no matter what clothes they dress in. You are essentially saying that police will go after people dressed in a certain way, which is against the 1st and 4th amendment.

Imaginos1892 wrote:“Facts show”? What facts? Police interact with American citizens millions of times every day, and the left-wing media find maybe one or two incidents a month they can blow all out of proportion until it becomes ‘what everybody knows’. Most of them caused by the ‘victim’ copping an attitude.

You are currently spouting opinion and not fact.

Imaginos1892 wrote:“Us versus Them?” Most of those minority neighborhoods where the police have to operate are no-shit enemy territory, controlled by violent gangs and criminals. Dozens of police are ambushed and killed every year. The few people who don’t hate and fear the police are too intimidated to cooperate with them. And, of course, the left-wing media and the ‘minority activists’ keep telling them over and over that the police are Out To Get Them — which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when they act on it.

Do you have any facts pertaining to these gang-controlled neighborhoods that are all over the country?

Imaginos1892 wrote:The sad truth is that minorities commit the vast majority of the crimes in this country. Blacks alone commit almost 70% of the crimes, despite making up less than 13% of the population. Since they commit most of the crimes, why should it be a surprise that they are the ones most often in conflict with the police?

Ah.. Racial profiling... thank you for proving my point that POC are more likely to have bad interaction with the police.

Imaginos1892 wrote:A lot of the police are POC’s too. How is it that when a black cop shoots a black criminal in a black neighborhood, and the black Chief Of Police doesn’t immediately fire him, the black District Attorney declines to prosecute, and the black Mayor won’t overrule them, it’s all about racism?

Why do you separate the issues? Cops are more likely to shoot a POC, regardless of the color of the officer. It's the reasoning and mentality of the police-force that dictates what happens at each interaction with the public.

That you can't see that the police in the USA has a systemic problem of not adhering to the law and the constitution is a bit frightening. I'm not saying that every officer is a problem, but enough of them are for it to affect the whole force.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by The E   » Sat Oct 19, 2019 8:20 am

The E

Posts: 2683
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Location: Meerbusch, Germany

Joat42 wrote:That you can't see that the police in the USA has a systemic problem of not adhering to the law and the constitution is a bit frightening. I'm not saying that every officer is a problem, but enough of them are for it to affect the whole force.

Conservatives and their fellow travellers will always insist that systemic issues aren't 'real'.

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