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Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:21 pm

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So you have watched "Heimkehr" by khuilo? :mrgreen: Funny. So there where ruSSian soldiers in Crimea, or not? Rhitorical question, you may not answer if you don't like.

Acording to information providet by Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Cherkasy region for the Radio Liberty NO SINGLE titushka died in this incident. Innocent unarmed athletic looking protesters, armed with spiked baseball bats, knives and even machete.

And THIS is one of the dozen examples of cooperation between Berkut and titusky.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Mon May 02, 2016 11:41 am

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It's been two years since tragic events in Odesa.

Group of civil investigators called "The May 2 Group" published a video in which they are explaining what was the cause which led to such ending.

Their website
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Sat May 07, 2016 2:14 pm

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Bellingcat Report – Origin of Artillery Attacks on Ukrainian Military Positions in Eastern Ukraine Between 14 July 2014 and 8 August 2014 ... y-attacks/
Re: Ukraine
Post by uaresearcher   » Tue May 31, 2016 4:04 pm


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recently I read an interesting article about the demographics of Ukraine and I am wondering if Putin wages war against Ukraine in order to weaken Ukraine as a nation by reducing the number of the male population because in Ukraine live much more women than men and that ratio will because of the war increase rather than decrease:
Re: Ukraine
Post by Tenshinai   » Fri May 12, 2017 9:29 pm


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Just as an aside i read about a few weeks ago.

Porosjenko is currently the Ukrainian president with the lowest ever public support.

When the coup that got rid of Yanukovich happened, he was the Ukrainian president with the highest public support ever.

Gotta love EUSANATOs definition of "will of the people".

Which reminds me, anyone who wants to argue about Crimea? Go tell Kosovo they belong to Serbia again, because THEIR vote for a change of nationality was based on a small group of politicians only, while Crimea´s popular vote just went the same way as the preceeding 5 popular votes held over the last 25 years.

Accepting Kosovo but not Crimea means your 100% hypocrits.
If you´re lucky, maybe the ghost of the post-mortem exonorated Milosevich will haunt you?
Re: Ukraine
Post by Daryl   » Sat May 13, 2017 6:31 am

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Anecdotal I know, but I served with several special forces people who had served in the UN forces over there, and they were totally sickened by what they saw the Serb militias doing. Rules of engagement meant that they officially had to stand aside while atrocities were done in front of them. Unofficially in talks over a few drinks, it seems that after nightfall without TV cameras, some of these militia failed to make it back to base.

Tenshinai wrote:Just as an aside i read about a few weeks ago.

Porosjenko is currently the Ukrainian president with the lowest ever public support.

When the coup that got rid of Yanukovich happened, he was the Ukrainian president with the highest public support ever.

Gotta love EUSANATOs definition of "will of the people".

Which reminds me, anyone who wants to argue about Crimea? Go tell Kosovo they belong to Serbia again, because THEIR vote for a change of nationality was based on a small group of politicians only, while Crimea´s popular vote just went the same way as the preceeding 5 popular votes held over the last 25 years.

Accepting Kosovo but not Crimea means your 100% hypocrits.
If you´re lucky, maybe the ghost of the post-mortem exonorated Milosevich will haunt you?
Re: Ukraine
Post by Tenshinai   » Sun May 14, 2017 11:57 am


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Daryl wrote:Anecdotal I know, but I served with several special forces people who had served in the UN forces over there, and they were totally sickened by what they saw the Serb militias doing. Rules of engagement meant that they officially had to stand aside while atrocities were done in front of them. Unofficially in talks over a few drinks, it seems that after nightfall without TV cameras, some of these militia failed to make it back to base.

Oh, bad things happening there was never in question. I know people who were there in the Swedish Battalions that went there.
The problem is with how it was presented and getting the "full picture".

One of the reasons for Milosevich to be posthumously exonorated was because Serbians under orders, as in military and police doing what they were commanded to do were rarely responsible, it was when they did NOT follow orders that bad shit happened.
You also nailed it right off, so called "militias", really just mostly thugs that fought against the Serbian military and police about as much as against anyone else. They spent most of their time killing and stealing. Calling them "Serbian" militias however is mostly just ridiculous. Most of them couldn´t care less about the finer details of national politics.

Then there´s how just about ALL sides involved did nasty stuff. The Serbs were probably not even the worst of them, probably not even by far, yet they were portrayed as scum of the earth massmurderers and the SOLE instigators of anything bad in the area.

But hey, the likely worst of them were the plucky heroes of the story selected as USAs golden boys, so obviously THEY couldn´t be THAT bad, right?

And the blatant "fixing" the news was on a level that would have made Goebbels and Baghdad Bob envious. As an example, there was a picture that drew some fame, showing a bunch of people inside what was suggestively looking very close to a concentration camp, with the people suitably thin and despondent appearing.
This was used to further sell the notion of the Serbs being Hitler wannabes.

The problem is, that the picture in question was of refugees. And if the camera had shifted its view just a little to the side, it would have showed the fence ending in an unguarded opening big enough to drive a truck through, sideways.

The place was a ramshackle refugee camp, but to the rest of the world it was used as proof of how evil the Serbians were, because "obviously", that was a death camp, nazi-style.

The sad thing is that the photographer even tried to get his OTHER photos posted as well, including the ones showing what it really was, but only the one picture that was the easiest to make into something it wasn´t, was actually published en masse.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Thu May 18, 2017 2:47 pm

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Tenshinai wrote:Porosjenko is currently the Ukrainian president with the lowest ever public support.

When the coup that got rid of Yanukovich happened, he was the Ukrainian president with the highest public support ever.

Lowest ever rating of Ukrainian president belongs to Viktor Yushchenko: 9% in 2009

Yanukovych had like 10% in 2014

Poroshenko currently have a bit more then 10%. But it's a bit manipulative because the question was: "Who would you choose, happen the election on next Sunday". And he still have the majority between 10? possible candidates.

Following picture shows average ratings of ours presidents based on data from major local sociological agencies. It ends on 2016. ... _large.png

But sure, it's only 16% of people are satisfied with he's performance.

Last edited by Taras_Potatos on Fri May 19, 2017 4:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Taras_Potatos   » Thu May 18, 2017 3:18 pm

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Tenshinai wrote: while Crimea´s popular vote just went the same way as the preceeding 5 popular votes held over the last 25 years.

Even russians stopped claiming that this so called referendum was free, but not you. Keep going. :D

By the way. Today is a sad anniversary of Krimea Tatar deportation. Currently they're getting almost the same treatment from occupation regime as they had from USSR regime after WW2.
Re: Ukraine
Post by Tenshinai   » Fri May 19, 2017 10:50 am


Posts: 2893
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Location: Sweden

Taras_Potatos wrote:Even russians stopped claiming that this so called referendum was free, but not you. Keep going. :D

By the way. Today is a sad anniversary of Krimea Tatar deportation. Currently they're getting almost the same treatment from occupation regime as they had from USSR regime after WW2.

Hmm, lets see, noone can point to any traces of coercion, noone prevented the rare few "pro-Ukraine" supporters to stand in public and shout about it or put up posters, noone was prevented from voting, noone was forced to vote, no "extra" voters were brought in, etc etc...

Yes, absolutely terrible, truly terrible that the referendum managed a level of "free vote" better than most elections.

The Russians have stopped bothering about it because it is irrelevant, it is done and over with. And funny thing, the people claiming that it was a rigged election are very careful about not going there and asking people about it, nor do they want a repeat.

It´s really rather pathetic.

Ah, so your heart bleeds for the Tatars.
How very sad, almost as sad as how Ukraine became a facist country whose police repeatedly just stood to the side and watched neonazis kill people because they were (supposedly) the wrong ethnicity.

Oh yes, did you know by the way, that Ukrainian media has become a laughingstock?
The article about Ukraine being the origin of modern humans was definitely a laugh.
And then the one about how "ancient Ukrainian people" was somehow the "purest aryans".

Yes yes, do keep going as you are, i´m sure it will all work out so well.

Following picture shows average ratings of ours presidents based on data from major local sociological agencies. It ends on 2016.

Seriously? :lol:

You realise that the Yanukovich number is from AFTER the coup?

AND they´re including "yay new guy!" numbers repeatedly? That´s either incompetence or propaganda...
And conveniently missing some numbers, i guess those were considered too "corrupted" to show.

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