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The Trump Administration's War With Reality

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Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by pappilon   » Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:27 pm

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1074
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pappilon wrote: Yeah, I guess its true "Il est un de nous"

gcomeau wrote:I honestly can't tell if you're being serious, sarcastic, or making an attempt at parody...

Seriously trying to mock Trump's supporters. I guess you'd have to have lived in Louisiana during the Edwin Edwards Era to understand. He talks like us, he acts like us. He must be one of us! (yeah, not a direct translation)
The imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.
Ursula K. LeGuinn

Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:21 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Just a reminder that Trump uses accusations of fake news the way he uses capitalization. He just throws it out there at random eith no particular reason or justification.

2 days ago, the president making an announcement to the entire country that a major media organization had deliberately fabricated reporting about him adding a new lawyer to his team: ... 83523?s=19

Yesterday... 24 hrs later... White House confirms Trump adding new lawyer to his team. Joseph DiGenovo.

He lies like he breathes.
Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by smr   » Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:49 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
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As opposed to Obama, who authorized the spying on Trump and then had to use a false dossier to retroactively approve the wiretapping to cover the spying. A false dossier created by Hilary. Where were we, oh yes we were going to discuss the proof of collusion. Was the before we found out the Democrats had Sessions investigated by McCabe for lying to Congress only to get fired for lying to the FBI about leaks. More popcorn please! A frozen margarita would soothe my parched throat. Hey this better than a book or a dumb tv drama or soap type show. Please go to the library and read the Art of the Deal. This book would help you understand Trump daddy (to quote Milo). I don't think you will ever like him but it help you understand how he operates. Yes I would prefer a more soothing type of President but he's better than crooked Hillary.

gcomeau wrote:Just a reminder that Trump uses accusations of fake news the way he uses capitalization. He just throws it out there at random eith no particular reason or justification.

2 days ago, the president making an announcement to the entire country that a major media organization had deliberately fabricated reporting about him adding a new lawyer to his team: ... 83523?s=19

Yesterday... 24 hrs later... White House confirms Trump adding new lawyer to his team. Joseph DiGenovo.

He lies like he breathes.
Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:13 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

smr wrote:As opposed to Obama, who authorized the spying on Trump

Never happened... the FBI got a warrant to surveil Carter Page (not Trump) from a FISA court (not Obama). Presidents don't authorize these things. Would you please learn how your own government actually works?

And FYI, the judge presiding over that court was a Republican appointee.

and then had to use a false dossier to retroactively approve the wiretapping to cover the spying.

Also never happened.

A false dossier created by Hilary.

No it was not created by her... this has been firmly established by the congressional investigations. This is like a master class in right wing delusional BS. Every sentence an illustration.

Where were we, oh yes we were going to discuss the proof of collusion. Was the before we found out the Democrats had Sessions investigated by McCabe for lying to Congress only to get fired for lying to the FBI about leaks.

Do you have a problem with the FBI doing its exact job?

More popcorn please! A frozen margarita would soothe my parched throat. Hey this better than a book or a dumb tv drama or soap type show. Please go to the library and read the Art of the Deal. This book would help you understand Trump daddy (to quote Milo).

You know a ghostwriter wrote that right? And the author himself, Tony Schwartz, says it's pure PR BS and if he were writing it today he would title it "The Sociopath"?

I mean really, do you base ANY of your views on actual facts?
Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by smr   » Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:26 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

How long was Trump being wiretapped? The logs are their. The text messages between the lead FBI investigator and his girlfriend said that Potus wanted to be kept abreast of the situation. FYI the Judge set aside Flynn's agreeing to plead guilty. The judge is looking at Prosecutor Misconduct. For God's sake he had to sell his house to pay for lawyers. He's a retired General not a millionaire. So far Trump collusion case has produced no indictments on Trump. The Paul Manafort case has nothing to do with Trump that occurred 10 years before. So again, where is the evidence? What has the Special Counsel dug up on Trump? A few girlfriends on the side. A billionaire without a mistress. Just go look at long line of mistresses to our ex-Presidents. Nothing really damming so far but that could always change. If that happens, we will get rid of him.

Just because you can not either follow the paper trail or disbelieve the proof...that's your problem not mine. You will cherry pick the information that makes you fell comfortable. Again not my problem...your bs stinks just like the rest of us. Do I have a problem when the FBI does it job in a non-partisan fashion. NO but that was not happening under the previous Administration. (Again it's one man perception verses another man's perception.) Now, what type of warrant was it? Now, that's the kicker (what type of fisa warrant was it?)!

gcomeau wrote:
smr wrote:As opposed to Obama, who authorized the spying on Trump

Never happened... the FBI got a warrant to surveil Carter Page (not Trump) from a FISA court (not Obama). Presidents don't authorize these things. Would you please learn how your own government actually works?

And FYI, the judge presiding over that court was a Republican appointee.

and then had to use a false dossier to retroactively approve the wiretapping to cover the spying.

Also never happened.

A false dossier created by Hilary.

No it was not created by her... this has been firmly established by the congressional investigations. This is like a master class in right wing delusional BS. Every sentence an illustration.

Where were we, oh yes we were going to discuss the proof of collusion. Was the before we found out the Democrats had Sessions investigated by McCabe for lying to Congress only to get fired for lying to the FBI about leaks.

Do you have a problem with the FBI doing its exact job?

More popcorn please! A frozen margarita would soothe my parched throat. Hey this better than a book or a dumb tv drama or soap type show. Please go to the library and read the Art of the Deal. This book would help you understand Trump daddy (to quote Milo).

You know a ghostwriter wrote that right? And the author himself, Tony Schwartz, says it's pure PR BS and if he were writing it today he would title it "The Sociopath"?

I mean really, do you base ANY of your views on actual facts?
Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by Annachie   » Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:32 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3099
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You might want to post a link to the Flynn plea being set aside SMR.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by The E   » Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:26 am

The E

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Annachie wrote:You might want to post a link to the Flynn plea being set aside SMR.

Do you really expect smr to do anything that might resemble research? Or to admit fault if he found something that didn't agree with him?
Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by Joat42   » Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:18 am


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Location: Sweden

The E wrote:
Annachie wrote:You might want to post a link to the Flynn plea being set aside SMR.

Do you really expect smr to do anything that might resemble research? Or to admit fault if he found something that didn't agree with him?

It's the typical defense mechanism used by people who doesn't want reality to intrude on their beliefs.

In my opinion, anyone who doesn't examine their beliefs regularly from all angles to see if they are still valid has stagnated as a person.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by pappilon   » Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:40 am

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1074
Joined: Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:29 pm

The biggest problem with bullshit is that it can be factually correct. A lie, according to my verrrry old Baltimore Catechism, is anything said with the intent of deceiving others.

Some people's BS detectors just work better tan others'. Somehow, truth has become a nebulous goal.
The imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.
Ursula K. LeGuinn

Re: The Trump Administration's War With Reality
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:32 am


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

smr wrote:How long was Trump being wiretapped? The logs are their.

Oh REALLY? Show us the Trump wiretap logs. We'll wait.

The text messages between the lead FBI investigator and his girlfriend said that Potus wanted to be kept abreast of the situation.

Sigh.... "the situation" being the counter intelligence investigation into Russian election attacks. That "situation" being both the FBI's job to investigate and the President's job to keep on top of.

It's stunning you think you are laying out some kind of scandal here.

FYI the Judge set aside Flynn's agreeing to plead guilty.

Again, SHOW US. Show us where the judge set aside Flynn's guilty plea.

You are completely full of crap.

The judge delayed the sentencing hearing, AT THE SPECIAL COUNSEL'S REQUEST, because Flynn isn't done spilling his guts and his sentence depends on how helpful he was as a cooperating witness.

The judge is looking at Prosecutor Misconduct.


Geez, you are so full of crap I'm mildly amazed you haven't spontaneously burst in a giant crapsplosion.

For God's sake he had to sell his house to pay for lawyers. He's a retired General not a millionaire.

Yeah well maybe he shouldn't have committed the crimes that got him in trouble then. Boo-fucking-hoo.

So far Trump collusion case has produced no indictments on Trump.

It is not the "Trump collusion case".

It is a general investigation into the entire Russian attack on the election, any involvement it may have had with the Trump campaign directly, and whether Trump obstructed justice in attempting to interfere in that investigation.

Spoiler: more indictments are coming.

The Paul Manafort case has nothing to do with Trump that occurred 10 years before. So again, where is the evidence? What has the Special Counsel dug up on Trump? A few girlfriends on the side. A billionaire without a mistress. Just go look at long line of mistresses to our ex-Presidents. Nothing really damming so far but that could always change. If that happens, we will get rid of him.

You do get that Mueller's team has proven basically leak proof and there is no way in hell they are broadcasting anything they have on anyone until they decide it's time to indict that person right? ESPECIALLY if that person is the demonstratedly unstable tantrum throwing president who could try ordering the entire investigation shut down and provoke a constitutional crisis if he gets tipped off something he really doesn't like is coming.

You pointing to them not producing anything on anyone they haven't issued an indictment against *yet* is meaningless.

Just because you can not either follow the paper trail

Non existent imaginary paper trails are notoriously difficult to follow.

We'll all be here waiting for you to show us anything you have been asked to show us...

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