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Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:01 am


smr wrote:JOat42, it's obvious that you have not read the book! Before replying to my previous post and future posts, take the time to read the book. The biggest reason to read the books is that he former Special Agent In Charge of the Secret Service. He has been in charge of the Security of the President (3x's). Also, he has done numerous treasury fraud cases. He knows the procedures that must be followed in any case that would go before a Federal Court! His book is well sourced that can be easily fact checked! Come back to me when you actually have the book! I would recommend this book to Gcomeau, Annachie, and Ostrich Fuhrer aka TheE but they will refuse to read the book or lie about reading the book. Joat42 you have been reasonable about the Mueller Investigation and I just ask that you read the book with a open mind. Feel free to fact check the author while reading.

I really, really like the name
Ostrich Fuhrer
Post by Joat42   » Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:15 am


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smr wrote:JOat42, it's obvious that you have not read the book! Before replying to my previous post and future posts, take the time to read the book. The biggest reason to read the books is that he former Special Agent In Charge of the Secret Service. He has been in charge of the Security of the President (3x's). Also, he has done numerous treasury fraud cases. He knows the procedures that must be followed in any case that would go before a Federal Court! His book is well sourced that can be easily fact checked! Come back to me when you actually have the book! I would recommend this book to Gcomeau, Annachie, and Ostrich Fuhrer aka TheE but they will refuse to read the book or lie about reading the book. Joat42 you have been reasonable about the Mueller Investigation and I just ask that you read the book with a open mind. Feel free to fact check the author while reading.

I do hope you aware that the book is written to fit the narrative that was evolved by the Fox pundits and Trump supporters in May 2016 and what happened later.

The funny thing is that if Bonginos assertion that the whole thing was a way to discredit and topple Trump, why didn't the FBI et al make sure to release the "damaging" information during the campaign when it would have been most effective?

Also, why didn't FBI go after Trump and Jr instead of just those people in Trumps team that had dealings with Russia?

I question Banginos motives for writing the book, especially since his ugly hatred for Democrats and liberals shine through. He calls Saul Alinsky a radical Marxist for example, a man that has done far more for the USA than Bongino ever have done and will do. And Alinsky got it right when he feared that propaganda would drive the middle class to the far-right:
Saul Alinsky wrote:making them ripe for the plucking by some guy on horseback promising a return to the vanished verities of yesterday.

Kinda sounds familiar.

The book cites many things that are fact, but Bongino never use those facts to PROVE anything useful. It's cavalcade of "look here! look here!" and leaps to conclusions that are a tad tenuous all the while ascribing nefarious intentions to anyone not on Trumps side which is disingenuous.

The whole thing about FISA warrants isn't surprising for anyone who has kept and eye on FBI's "anti-terror" and "domestic protection" efforts, they have used the FISA-court to get warrants they couldn't get the normal and transparent way - ie using the FISA-court as free candy shop to get what they want.

What really makes me say that the book is just Bongino's way to make a name for himself is that it's totally one-sided. To come to some proper conclusions you NEED to analyze both sides to get the full picture which he never does.

In the end, I doubt we will see the complete release of every bit of information that was gathered during the investigation because there are to many skeletons in the closet on both sides.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Post by smr   » Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:15 am

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To answer your question, elements within FBI, other Intelligence Agencies, HRC, and the DNC never thought Hillary would lose to Trump! I reference Lisa Paige's text about the insurance policy. Also, the elements of the FBI senior leaderships were trying to conceal the cover up of the Hilary Clinton Email Debacle. HRC should have been prosecuted and put in Jail but political patronage prevented this option!

Donald J. Trump is within Death's Ground! He and his family have no choice but to fight! The King Maker's have decided that Trump must go and are waging an unholy war against him and his family. Just remember, always bet on GOLD! Donald J. Trump is much smarter than many people give him credit for. Remember, Trump offered Peace with the Demoncrats but they tried to knife him and his family. Vengeance is coming and Trump has a much bigger tool box to play with than the Demoncrats and the King Makers. The next year shall be interesting to watch and see the Democrats scurry for cover! The rules to the game have changed and many of the Demoncrats do not realize that. That and they (the conspirators) left a long paper trail to follow! Many people are going to jail!
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:04 pm

Michael Everett

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...eight exclamation marks in that post.
Please tell me that you have a piece of paper confirming that you aren't actually insane...

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

(Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC!
ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995
Post by Annachie   » Sun Apr 14, 2019 10:01 pm

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Rudy Giuliani et al are aparently preparing a rebuttal to the Mueller report.

The obvious question presents itself.
Why would he need to prepare a rebuttal to a document that clears his client?

McConnel has said that he doesn't want congress to see the report because it will be leaked.

Again, an obvious question presents itself. If it clears Trump, why would he be worried about it leaking?

Then again, an even more basic question is staring us in the face.
Why has Giuliani seen it?
After all, he needs to know what's in it to rebut it, so he must have.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Post by smr   » Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:51 am

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Yawn! Your still talking about the Russian Hoax! Good, because the Demoncrats are laughing their ass off at your nativity and gullibility behind closed doors! Orange man bad! Demoncrats Good! For 2 years, any article stating that this was a hoax or fraud was derided and assumed bias in favor of Trump! When facts and hard evidence were asked for, the critics had none. Impeach! Impeach! That statement was thrown around like a fact rather than a desired political outcome of the Demoncrats to remove a standing US President in an attempted coup de tat. Most of the media and the Demoncrats were in cahoots. These people played Annachie, Gcomeau, Daryl, and the Ostrich Fuhrer (aka theE) for suckers. Now, 3 different investigations have cleared Trump and his campaign. The full Mueller Report will be out soon after redactions are made. Oh by the way, the Russians are laughing their asses off at you for your stupidity of this hoax.

Hello Michael Everett, I used 8 exclamation marks just for you. Does that last post reference 8 chan? If not, I am clueless in your comment about 8 exclamation points.

Daryl, the dacha in the Black Sea sucks. Trump should have had a nice house in the Greek Islands. :lol:

Trump Jr. 2024! KAG! Keep America Great!
Post by Imaginos1892   » Mon Apr 15, 2019 1:51 pm

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So, what if the Republicans do the unthinkable and nominate Trump again next year?

What if the Democrats pick another candidate even worse than Trump, and he gets a second term?

Trump is a giant middle finger. 2016 was the year the American people said Up Yours to The Great Washington Circle-Jerk.
Post by The E   » Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:05 pm

The E

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Imaginos1892 wrote:So, what if the Republicans do the unthinkable and nominate Trump again next year?

It's not just not unthinkable, it's pretty much inevitable. There are no Republican politicians who can credibly run a primary campaign against Trump; After all, the usual points by which a politician might compete against another (you know, things like personability, rhetorical ability, policy concepts, personal integrity) are things that the republican base does not care about.

What if the Democrats pick another candidate even worse than Trump, and he gets a second term?

Again, as per the above: It doesn't matter who they pick. All that matters is them picking someone early, hope they don't do something too wrong, and then hope that the giant stupidity that is the electoral college is on their side.

Also, hope that in case they do win Trump can manage a peaceful transition of power. Which is probably the most unlikely thing here, given that people like smr or TFLY exist.

Trump is a giant middle finger. 2016 was the year the American people said Up Yours to The Great Washington Circle-Jerk.

Yes, and how many of them regretted it since not getting their expected tax returns?
Post by smr   » Mon Apr 15, 2019 7:07 pm

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Posts: 1522
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Trump 2020 is mostly a done deal! Their a few land mines that Trump could step on!

Trump 2020, Trump 2020, Trump 2020

Imaginos1892 wrote:So, what if the Republicans do the unthinkable and nominate Trump again next year?


What if the Democrats pick another candidate even worse than Trump, and he gets a second term?


Trump is a giant middle finger. 2016 was the year the American people said Up Yours to The Great Washington Circle-Jerk.

Sorry Imaginos1892, I just got kind of Trashy/Creative/Smack Talking/Juvenile posting and too make it worse I am drinking a nice 32 oz. Margarita while cooking! (At least, I am not driving!)
Post by Daryl   » Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:59 pm

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Two things wrong with "Daryl, the dacha in the Black Sea sucks. Trump should have had a nice house in the Greek Islands. :lol:"
You can be extradited from the Greek islands, and having spent some time there I can vouch for their simple unadorned natural beauty. Wouldn't suit old Mr gold toilet and garish decorations at all.

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