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Post by The E   » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:01 pm

The E

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Location: Meerbusch, Germany

gcomeau wrote:Based on that, guess what news is coming next that they have likely been informed of by certain law enforcement entities?

It's just the stages of Trump reality denial again.

(If you don't know, the stages are:
1. Trump did everything right
2. Trump did nothing wrong
3. Trump did not do this specific wrong thing
4. Nononono, you're not listening to me, I said this specific thing, not this specific thing that sounds almost the same
5. Anyway, a single law professor says that these things shouldn't be wrong, so they aren't.
6. And even if these things were wrong, Trump didn't do them, it's all this other person's fault
7. Look, just because people say in their official depositions that they acted on Trump's orders, that doesn't mean anything.
8. Anyway, we need to build the wall/lock her up/murder immigrants
Post by smr   » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:42 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
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What law did he break (please sight the relevant statue)...wait! Wait! Wait! That's right you can not! Oh your bad! Please pass the popcorn on the Russian Collusion! That's right you can not even sight the laws the President broke. I guess you can try the Impeachment road like the Demoncrats have introduced! When are you going to get a clue...Trump's playing you. Wag the Dog political theory! Trump diverts attention by tweeting and whatever the crisis of the day is. While in the backroom you should be concentrating on what's happening. Trump's a dancing fool. Everyone is memorized or horrified by the dance while neglecting to look behind the curtains! Have you not figured out that we wants this shutdown. He wanted Pelosi as the Speaker because he knows how to play her and Schumer. Have you not figured out that he wants the Mueller probe to continue. He cries poor me while we continue to be memorized by what's happening on stage but we don't see or ignore what's happening behind the curtain.
Post by Joat42   » Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:09 pm


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smr wrote:What law did he break (please sight the relevant statue)...wait! Wait! Wait! That's right you can not! Oh your bad! Please pass the popcorn on the Russian Collusion! That's right you can not even sight the laws the President broke. I guess you can try the Impeachment road like the Demoncrats have introduced! When are you going to get a clue...Trump's playing you. Wag the Dog political theory! Trump diverts attention by tweeting and whatever the crisis of the day is. While in the backroom you should be concentrating on what's happening. Trump's a dancing fool. Everyone is memorized or horrified by the dance while neglecting to look behind the curtains! Have you not figured out that we wants this shutdown. He wanted Pelosi as the Speaker because he knows how to play her and Schumer. Have you not figured out that he wants the Mueller probe to continue. He cries poor me while we continue to be memorized by what's happening on stage but we don't see or ignore what's happening behind the curtain.

This post reminds me of the nutcase I walked past when I was in Burbank (near north Hollywood) in the late 90's. He stood at a corner with a dirty illegible cardboard sign yelling that the president was a puppet controlled by the lizard people.

Anyway, citing specific statues is actually something no one here can do since none of us is running the investigation, but I would guess the statues concerning federal election laws may come into play among other things depending on what really happened.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Post by smr   » Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:22 pm

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Posts: 1522
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So says the man who asks who James Clapper and John Brennan is? I could tell provide details and ultimately because I said it, information would be rejected. So I provide bread crumbs and ask questions. One, that little trick separates the wheat from the chaff. Do you want to know the truth or are you bound by your political beliefs? Is the pursuit of truth wrapped around a political affiliations and/or ideology or just the truth. I love my country but hate my government regardless of who is in power. Governments lie Period!
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:19 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

smr wrote:What law did he break (please sight the relevant statue)...wait! Wait! Wait! That's right you can not! Oh your bad!

Your inability to retain things that are told to you is your issue. You have been told repeatedly what crimes Trump is credibly accused of. Not even counting what is eventually going to come out of Mueller's final report on Russia, which has already brought down MANY Trump campaign personnel and associates...

*Felony campaign finance violations (these have been filed in official court proceedings)
*Obstruction of justice. Multiple counts. If the latest reporting about Cohen's testimony to Congress regarding the Trump Tower deal in Moscow is born out that will only be the latest instance.
*Violations of the Emoluments clause of the Constitution.
*Tax fraud
*Running a fraudulent charitable foundation
*Running a fraudulent university

Trying to pretend Trump is not a criminal is absurd juvenile nonsense. You might as well just be squeezing your eyes shut, clamping your hands over your ears, stomping your feet and yelling "LALALALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU TRUMP DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!"
Post by smr   » Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:45 am

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Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Quit using Buzzfeed as a source! :lol: He's convicted of what...nothing! :shock: Are you going to come out with some lame excuse that they will convict him when he's out of office again? What's the latest rumor that you are going to hang your hat on concerning Trump? I waiting with baited breath! I know you are going to show me a picture where Trump shook some guy's hand and tell me he is a racist or Nazis during a campaign rally. (Wait, you already did that post!) Please post when you have some verified facts from verified sources. For Goodness Sake please wait to verify facts before pushing some sort of drivel, rumor, or innuendo. I get you would believe that Trump is the anti-Christ if you believed in God!

gcomeau wrote:
smr wrote:What law did he break (please sight the relevant statue)...wait! Wait! Wait! That's right you can not! Oh your bad!

Your inability to retain things that are told to you is your issue. You have been told repeatedly what crimes Trump is credibly accused of. Not even counting what is eventually going to come out of Mueller's final report on Russia, which has already brought down MANY Trump campaign personnel and associates...

*Felony campaign finance violations (these have been filed in official court proceedings)
*Obstruction of justice. Multiple counts. If the latest reporting about Cohen's testimony to Congress regarding the Trump Tower deal in Moscow is born out that will only be the latest instance.
*Violations of the Emoluments clause of the Constitution.
*Tax fraud
*Running a fraudulent charitable foundation
*Running a fraudulent university

Trying to pretend Trump is not a criminal is absurd juvenile nonsense. You might as well just be squeezing your eyes shut, clamping your hands over your ears, stomping your feet and yelling "LALALALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU TRUMP DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!"
Post by Daryl   » Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:29 am

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Putin must have an isolated dacha ready for Trump to go to in asylum, after his ride on the tiger comes unstuck.
Post by Eyal   » Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:57 am

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smr wrote:Quit using Buzzfeed as a source! :lol: He's convicted of what...nothing! :shock: Are you going to come out with some lame excuse that they will convict him when he's out of office again?

Shall I take this as a sign you're going to stop harping on Clinton now?
Post by smr   » Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:54 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

I never denied that I hate Hilary! Eyal, I was doing so well to avoid talking about HRC! Oh well!

Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up! :D ... rrison.jpg
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:32 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Dun... dun... dun...

Another one bites the dust... ... index.html

For those keeping score.

  • Micheal Flynn - High level Trump campaign advisor. Trump National Security Advisor. - Indicted. Pleaded Guilty. Cooperating witness. Likely heading for prison even with cooperation agreement recommending leniency because of his extensive ratting out of others.
  • Michael Cohen - Trump personal lawyer and long time fixer. - Indicted. Pleaded guilty. Cooperating witness. Going to prison.
  • Paul Manafort - Trump Campaign Chairman. - Indicted. Found guilty, then pleaded guilty to additional charges. Going to prison.
  • George Papadopolous - Trump campaign foreign policy advisor. - Indicted. Pleaded Guilty. Served time. Cooperating witness.
  • Rick Gates - Deputy Trump campaign chairman under Manafort and Bannon - Indicted, flipped, got charges withdrawn as part of his plea agreement.
  • Roger Stone - Long time Trump personal and business associate - Indicted. Likely heading to jail.

(Oh, and another 12 sealed indictments were filed in DC over the last 2 days. Don't worry smr, I'm sure that's totally coincidental)

Tell me smr, if we replaced the word "Trump" with "Obama" in the above list on a scale from "unhinged" to "frothing at the mouth and chewing the carpet" how crazy would you be going screaming for impeachment and mass arrests of the entire population of the White House right now?

(You don't have to answer, we all already know)

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