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Ebola Virus

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Ebola Virus
Post by cthia   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:31 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
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One of my favorite non-fiction reads is The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. Ever so often, I read it. The last I read it was the beginning of last summer. Enter this very sweet fourteen year old girl that I met at a Church function. Immediately she developed such a huge crush, and would stare longingly into my eyes. She has the loveliest blue eyes, and I was quite uncomfortable what I saw in them. She was lost in me. Luckily I learned long ago to turn such crushes into opportunities to teach. Since she was interested in anything that came out of my mouth, I talked to her about school, curricula, her teachers, her future plans, et cetera. It came up about her plans to travel to Africa in the latter part of the summer with her Church on a missionary trip. Forever aware of her smitten nature, I saw another opportunity at deflecting the conversation and inquired "aren't you worried about contracting the Ebola virus?"


"Yea, it's..." I proceeded to tell her all about the history of the virus and the book. I promised to get her a copy and did so. Later, her mother said the book freaked her out, made her a bit anxious. I sort of felt sorry about that. It's such a descriptive book. Not for the I. I told my little admirer about my first read of the book. There was a girl sitting beside me, curious about my "Ewws, and Ahs," in reaction to the quite explicit graphic detail of real life incidences. She asked what I was reading. I explained. She asked to read a little. I warned her about the graphic nature of it. She insisted that she can handle it, "I'm a medical student at Duke." So I presented a couple passages for her to read. "Ewwww, oh my God!" And shoves the book back at me!

It is now just a year after, and there's an Ebola outbreak presently in the news! I am apprehensive. It's the most serious Ebola outbreak to date. The Ebola virus is a slate wiper. It decimates entire villages. It dies out only after there is no one left to infect. If you haven't read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, please do so, especially since it is in the news now!

The Hot Zone, by Richard Preston.
The seats are narrow and jammed together on these commuter airplanes, and you notice everything that is happening inside the cabin. The cabin is tightly closed, and the air recirculates. If there are any smells in the air, you perceive them. You would not have been able to ignore the man who was getting sick. He hunches over in his seat. There is something wrong with him, but you can't tel exactly what is happening.

He is holding an airsickness bag over his mouth. He coughs a deep cough and regurgitates something into the bag. The bag swells up.

Perhaps he glances around, and then you see that his lips are smeared with something slippery and red, mixed with black specks, as if he has been chewing coffee grounds. His eyes are the color of rubies, and his face is an expressionless mass of bruises. The red spots, which a few days before had started out as starlike speckles, expanded and merged into huge, spontaneous purple shadows; his whole head is turning black-and-blue. The muscles of his face droop. The connective tissue in his face is dissolving, and his face appears to hang from underlying bone, as if the face is detaching itself from the skull. He opens his mouth and gasps into the bag, and the vomiting goes on endlessly. It will not stop, and he keeps bringing up liquid, long after his stomach should have been empty. The airsickness bag fills up to the brim with a substance known as vomit negro, or the black vomit. The black vomit is not real y black; it is a speckled liquid of two colors, black and red, a stew of tarry granules mixed with fresh red arterial blood. It is hemorrhage, and it smells like a slaughterhouse. The black vomit is loaded with virus. It is highly infective, lethal y hot, a liquid that smell of the vomit negro fills the passenger cabin. The airsickness bag is brimming with black vomit, so Monet closes the bag and rolls up the top. The bag bulging and softening, threatening to leak, and he hands it to a flight attendant.

Many are not aware of the outbreak right here in the US on October 2, 1989 in Reston, Va. Ebola Reston.

Please read up on it. You may need the info if it reaches our shores, or if you're travelling abroad! And do check out current news!!!

Again, I seriously recommend the book. It sits on my coffee table.

There has been two significant, informative forks of this thread. I'd like to keep the information together, but threads inevitably become separated. Therefore ...

Important forks of this thread ...

Sustainability vs Survivalist

Practical Tips, Etc. & Format

Edit 2:
An eighth of the Hot Zone in audio

Ebola virus outbreak 2014 warning

Pestilence : Mutating Airborne Ebola Virus Diagnosed inside US for the first time

In the Hot Zone with Virus X - Richard Preston:

Elbows-Deep in Ebola Virus - Richard Preston:

Last edited by cthia on Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:03 am, edited 4 times in total.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by namelessfly   » Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:20 pm


I definitely need to read THE HOT ZONE!

It would go well with John Ringo's THE LAST CENTURION which was premised on a global plague.

Keep in mind that Obama's political grandstanding to orchestrate the current tidal wave of illegal immigrants virtually ensures that not onlywill Ebola and other nasty plagues reach our shores, the incrediably incompetently managed holding facilities where illegal aliens are staged prior to being dispersed around the country ensure that most of them will be infected with multiple plagues.

I wonder what a plague that kills a few million Americans will do to the global economy.

cthia wrote:One of my favorite non-fiction reads is The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. Ever so often, I read it. The last I read it was the beginning of last summer. Enter this very sweet fourteen year old girl that I met at a Church function. Immediately she developed such a huge crush, and would stare longingly into my eyes. She has the loveliest blue eyes, and I was quite uncomfortable what I saw in them. She was lost in me. Luckily I learned long ago to turn such crushes into opportunities to teach. Since she was interested in anything that came out of my mouth, I talked to her about school, curricula, her teachers, her future plans, et cetera. It came up her plans to travel to Africa in the latter part of the summer with her Church on a missionary trip. Forever aware of her smitten nature, I saw another opportunity at deflecting the conversation and inquired "aren't you worried about contracting the Ebola virus?"


"Yea, it's..." I proceeded to tell her all about the history of the virus and the book. I promised to get her a copy and did so. Later, her mother said the book freaked her out, made her a bit anxious. I sort of felt sorry about that. It's such a descriptive book. Not for the I. I told my little admirer about my first read of the book. There was a girl sitting beside me, curious about my "Ewws, and Ahs," in reaction to the quite explicit graphic detail of real life incidences. She asked what I was reading. I explained. She asked to read a little. I warned her about the graphic nature of it. She insisted that she can handle it, "I'm a medical student at Duke." So I presented a couple passages for her to read. "Ewwww, oh my God!" And shoves the book back at me!

It is now just a year after, and there's an Ebola outbreak presently in the news! I am apprehensive. It's the most serious Ebola outbreak to date. The Ebola virus is a slate wiper. It decimates entire villages. It dies out only after there is no one left to infect. If you haven't read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, please do so, especially since it in is in the news now!

The Hot Zone, by Richard Preston.
The seats are narrow and jammed together on these commuter airplanes, and you notice everything that is happening inside the cabin. The cabin is tightly closed, and the air recirculates. If there are any smells in the air, you perceive them. You would not have been able to ignore the man who was getting sick. He hunches over in his seat. There is something wrong with him, but you can't tel exactly what is happening.

He is holding an airsickness bag over his mouth. He coughs a deep cough and regurgitates something into the bag. The bag swells up.

Perhaps he glances around, and then you see that his lips are smeared with something slippery and red, mixed with black specks, as if he has been chewing coffee grounds. His eyes are the color of rubies, and his face is an expressionless mass of bruises. The red spots, which a few days before had started out as starlike speckles, expanded and merged into huge, spontaneous purple shadows; his whole head is turning black-and-blue. The muscles of his face droop. The connective tissue in his face is dissolving, and his face appears to hang from underlying bone, as if the face is detaching itself from the skull. He opens his mouth and gasps into the bag, and the vomiting goes on endlessly. It will not stop, and he keeps bringing up liquid, long after his stomach should have been empty. The airsickness bag fills up to the brim with a substance known as vomit negro, or the black vomit. The black vomit is not real y black; it is a speckled liquid of two colors, black and red, a stew of tarry granules mixed with fresh red arterial blood. It is hemorrhage, and it smells like a slaughterhouse. The black vomit is loaded with virus. It is highly infective, lethal y hot, a liquid that smell of the vomit negro fills the passenger cabin. The airsickness bag is brimming with black vomit, so Monet closes the bag and rolls up the top. The bag bulging and softening, threatening to leak, and he hands it to a flight attendant.

Many are not aware of the outbreak right here in the US on October 2, 1989 in Reston, Va. Ebola Reston.

Please read up on it. You may need the info if it reaches our shores, or if you're travelling abroad! And do check out current news!!!

Again, I seriously recommend the book. It sits on my coffee table.
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by Dieu_Le_Fera   » Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:09 pm

Lieutenant (Junior Grade)

Posts: 45
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Location: Philadelphia

So illegal immigrants are the new boogeymen? Alright, nevermind the fact that we are a globalized community and going to another country is as routine as crossing the street. It isn't the "illegals" who fly about, and travel around the world, they can't even afford to feed and clothes themselves. So please, find a better scapegoat.
"Battle Cruisers lead the way!"
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by namelessfly   » Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:10 pm


At least try to not be a politically correct idiot.

Health screenings for tourists and immigrants with relevant vaccinations are absolutely routine and mandatory. Health screenings were the primary function of the Ellis Island immigration processing center.

Your type of thinking is not only enabling this systematic violation of US law by the Federal Government, it is being used to rationalize the gross incompetence (or perhaps evil intent?) that is virtually ensuring that this wave of illegal immigrants will have profound impacts on American health with fatalities that will dwarf the 9-11 attacks.

Dieu_Le_Fera wrote:So illegal immigrants are the new boogeymen? Alright, nevermind the fact that we are a globalized community and going to another country is as routine as crossing the street. It isn't the "illegals" who fly about, and travel around the world, they can't even afford to feed and clothes themselves. So please, find a better scapegoat.
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by Dieu_Le_Fera   » Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:27 pm

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Oh no you called me a "politically correct idiot", that harms me it really does. But the last time I checked this country was founded on immigration. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” that little quote is written down somewhere... or have you forgotten it? Maybe it should be replaced with a sign that says "No Vacancy".

Should we build a wall on the southern boarder? It worked so well in Berlin (insert internet sarcasm here) but that should not stop your naivety.
"Battle Cruisers lead the way!"
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by pokermind   » Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:13 pm

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I have no problem with legal immigration, or rational guest worker programs. I have a big problem with those who break our laws and cross the border illegally.

1) They have broken our laws entering the country illegally.

2) They crowd ahead of those seeking legal entry, I hate line crashers!

3) They bring illness for which there is no cure like drug resistant STDs and tuberculosis let alone an exotic like Ebola.

4) They strain local facilities to the breaking point. The Feds let them in but the local taxpayer pays the bills.

What part of ILLEGAL gives you and other open border people the most trouble? Securing our borders is a constitutionally mandated role of the Federal Government and they are failing at it miserably due to political correctness. I don't care what race an illegal immigrant is they should all be deported.

Rant over,

CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by Dieu_Le_Fera   » Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:13 pm

Lieutenant (Junior Grade)

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pokermind wrote:I have no problem with legal immigration, or rational guest worker programs.

I hate to say it but you do have a problem with immigration, just by using the word. It is a dirty word, one that despite legal or not they are still labeled an "immigrant". You are not calling them citizens. See the difference?
"Battle Cruisers lead the way!"
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by pokermind   » Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:32 pm

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Location: Jerome, Idaho, USA

Dieu_Le_Fera wrote:
pokermind wrote:I have no problem with legal immigration, or rational guest worker programs.

I hate to say it but you do have a problem with immigration, just by using the word. It is a dirty word, one that despite legal or not they are still labeled an "immigrant". You are not calling them citizens. See the difference?

I beg to differ I have a problem with illegal immigration. Legal does not equal illegal one is condoned the other is a crime. Our nation is a nation of laws as well as immigrants. I love seeing those who choose to become Americans going through the legal process and finally getting citizenship.

If I stuck a gun in your face and demanded your money that is illegal, but under your definition of legal and illegal immigration being the same I would not have committed a crime. Without laws there is anarchy this leads to vigilantism where justice is not reasoned, but the passions of the crowd.

CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by biochem   » Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:08 pm

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namelessfly wrote:I definitely need to read THE HOT ZONE!

It would go well with John Ringo's THE LAST CENTURION which was premised on a global plague.

Keep in mind that Obama's political grandstanding to orchestrate the current tidal wave of illegal immigrants virtually ensures that not onlywill Ebola and other nasty plagues reach our shores, the incrediably incompetently managed holding facilities where illegal aliens are staged prior to being dispersed around the country ensure that most of them will be infected with multiple plagues.

I wonder what a plague that kills a few million Americans will do to the global economy.

Actually, I'm more worried about airports. Imagine how fast it could spread if a carrier of a virulent airborne virus walked through Heathrow.
Re: Ebola Virus
Post by Zakharra   » Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:54 am

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Posts: 619
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Dieu_Le_Fera wrote:
pokermind wrote:I have no problem with legal immigration, or rational guest worker programs.

I hate to say it but you do have a problem with immigration, just by using the word. It is a dirty word, one that despite legal or not they are still labeled an "immigrant". You are not calling them citizens. See the difference?

As pokermind says, it's not the immigration that bothers a lot of people it's the illegal immigration that bothers us. Legal immigration it fine and good, Illegal immigration on the other hand is not fine, nor is it good. It does more harm than helps and those illegals are a source of unnoticed diseases entering the country. If they want to enter the US, they should do it legally. Not illegally.

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