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The Sorting Hat

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The Sorting Hat
Post by roseandheather   » Fri May 02, 2014 9:18 am


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Location: Republic of Haven

Okay, so it's been done for pretty much every set of fictional characters ever created by now - why not add the Honorverse to the list? :twisted:

Which Hogwarts House do you think your favorite characters should be in, and why?

(I'm well aware this thread may well die a very fast death because if I'm not the only member of the Potter Generation on this forum, I'm one of maybe a handful, but I hope you'll come and play with me nonetheless! And obviously, I'd be happy to explain my reasoning for any one of these characters. At length. :lol: )

Honor Harrington
Hamish Alexander
Elizabeth Winton
Michael Oversteegen
Lester Tourville
Aivars Terekhov
Abigail Hearns
Javier Giscard
Mark Sarnow
Wesley Matthews
Raoul Courvosier

Estelle Matsuko
Sonja Hemphill
Shannon Foraker
Katherine Mayhew

Thomas Theisman
Warner Caslet
Augustus Khumalo
Allen Higgins
Elaine Mayhew

Eloise Pritchart
Emily Alexander
Alfredo Yu
Naomi Kaplan
Benjamin Mayhew
Jennifer Bellefeuille
Esther McQueen

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Amaroq   » Fri May 02, 2014 3:18 pm

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No villains? Or would they all be in Slytherin? :lol:
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by roseandheather   » Fri May 02, 2014 4:04 pm


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Amaroq wrote:No villains? Or would they all be in Slytherin? :lol:

I didn't want to insult any of the Houses by assigning such vile creatures to them :lol: , but I can tell you that Pavel Young was without a doubt a Slytherin. As are pretty much all the MAlign. When I was thinking this up last night there was at least one major villain I thought was a Ravenclaw, but I can't remember who it was now... :roll: go figure. I'm sure it'll come to me again.

The main difference I've noticed between the Goodies I put in Slytherin (Eloise, Naomi, etc.) and the Baddies is not how much ambition they've got, but what exactly that ambition is. For example, Eloise's driving ambition is basically, "Avenge my sister, keep the man I love safe, and rebuild the nation I love," so while she will go to great and often sneaky lengths to make that happen, it's all directed toward a good cause - and she has such a strong moral compass that she can still keep on the side of the angels.

Or, to take another example, Naomi (and this goes for Alfredo and Jennifer as well) is really cunning - I'd say that she's probably the single sneakiest tactician in the books - but her (admittedly a bit more simple) ambition is "keep my nation safe".

But, yes, there is a reason that the heroes are disproportionately loaded in favor of Gryffindors, and the baddies are disproportionately loaded in favor of Slytherins. Poor Eloise - she's stuck with some pretty bad company. :lol:

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by crewdude48   » Fri May 02, 2014 5:03 pm


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roseandheather wrote:For example, Eloise's driving ambition is basically, "Avenge my sister, keep the man I love safe, and rebuild the nation I love,"

Well, two out of three ain't bad.

(I should let you know that I am an ass, just ask my wife. Also, I did try to walk away, it just didn't work. )
I'm the know, that or His Dudeness, or Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by roseandheather   » Fri May 02, 2014 5:43 pm


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crewdude48 wrote:
roseandheather wrote:For example, Eloise's driving ambition is basically, "Avenge my sister, keep the man I love safe, and rebuild the nation I love,"

Well, two out of three ain't bad.

(I should let you know that I am an ass, just ask my wife. Also, I did try to walk away, it just didn't work. ) are a comprehensive ass who owes me an apology and several boxes of tissues. :cry: :evil:

I will say, however, that the mere fact she was able to stand aside and let Javier serve on the front lines is indicative of quite a wide Gryffindor streak in our dear President - she knew that Javier could very well die in the service of the star nation they both loved, and she also knew that if she really loved the man he was, she couldn't stand in his way. As much as The Event of Which We Do Not Speak makes me cry on a regular basis, I can't help but marvel at the strength of what they shared. There's a reason I will always hail them as the great love story of the Honorverse.

"I could not love thee, dear, so much
Loved I not honor more."

*heartbroken sniffle* NOW GET OUT. :cry:

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Festival   » Fri May 02, 2014 11:17 pm

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I quite like the list! As an unapologetic Pottergeek (I mean, until very recently I had a wizard rock side project, ferchrissakes!), I've some additions and other babblings:

Victor Cachat? Ravenclaw. Nope, not Slytherin or Gryff...Ravenclaw. All his other qualities notwithstanding, Victor is one of the Honorverse's finest examples of why the true weapon is the mind.

Allison Benton-Ramirez y Chou Harrington? Hufflepuff...just because Huffs are the epitome of family loyalty and security doesn't mean they're dull...or don't know the best use of that warm rug in front of the hearth. A-hem...

Mateo Gutierrez? Another Hufflepuff. Think of a fiercely protective badger...bigger than an NFL interior lineman...with a flechette gun.

Stacey Hauptmamn? Slytherin. Slytherins aren't all about power (it's just handy) per your sorting of Eloise there.

Perfect call on my beloved Shannon Foraker as a Ravenclaw (well, duh...). No coincidence that I see Evanna Lynch playing her on screen. Easiest casting decision ever...
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by roseandheather   » Fri May 02, 2014 11:45 pm


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Location: Republic of Haven

Festival wrote:I quite like the list! As an unapologetic Pottergeek (I mean, until very recently I had a wizard rock side project, ferchrissakes!), I've some additions and other babblings:

THANK MERLIN I AM NOT ALONE HERE!! (Started reading the books at age ten, was seventeen when Deathly Hallows hit the shelves, went to every midnight release party from GoF on - I am the Potter Generation. :lol:)

Festival wrote:Victor Cachat? Ravenclaw. Nope, not Slytherin or Gryff...Ravenclaw. All his other qualities notwithstanding, Victor is one of the Honorverse's finest examples of why the true weapon is the mind.

Good ol' Victor was one of the few tossups I had, but I think you came down on the right side of it. He's not ambitious, and he's not so much cunning as he is mind-bogglingly clever. I'd almost want to put him in Hufflepuff, because of his ginormous loyal streak and distaste for the limelight, but his curiosity and cleverness overwhelms everything else. That boy's a Ravenclaw, all right. Zilwicki, on the other hand - well, he belongs with us in our badger den. :mrgreen:

Festival wrote:Allison Benton-Ramirez y Chou Harrington? Hufflepuff...just because Huffs are the epitome of family loyalty and security doesn't mean they're dull...or don't know the best use of that warm rug in front of the hearth. A-hem...

Another good call. She's got a hefty dose of Ravenclaw in her, but at her core she's a Hufflepuff. The fact that she got the hell out of Beowulf because she only wanted to be a doctor "doing what a doctor does" and not be followed by her family legacy is a dead giveaway.

(Also, if that was a hint that yours truly is a member of the badger sett, you'd be absolutely right. :lol: )

Festival wrote:Mateo Gutierrez? Another Hufflepuff. Think of a fiercely protective badger...bigger than an NFL interior lineman...with a flechette gun.

Mateo basically has a neon arrow flashing "Hufflepuff" at him. Actually, so do most of the Grayson armsmen. Never was there a 'Puff so Huffle as Andrew LaFollet.

Festival wrote:Stacey Hauptmamn? Slytherin. Slytherins aren't all about power (it's just handy) per your sorting of Eloise there.

Yep, another one for the "Slytherin good guy" list. One of my dearest fandom friends is a Slytherin, so I always get a bit tetchy when people start waving the "All Slytherins are evil!" placard around... :evil:

Festival wrote:Perfect call on my beloved Shannon Foraker as a Ravenclaw (well, duh...). No coincidence that I see Evanna Lynch playing her on screen. Easiest casting decision ever...

Um, that is legitimately the best casting decision of all time and I think Evergreen should probably hire you. Also, yeah, Shannon is all Ravenclaw. As is her Manticoran counterpart. Can you imagine what those two would be like if they'd grown up together??

Now, I have a problem for which I need your help. And that problem is, "where the hell do we Sort Michelle Henke??" :lol:

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Crown Loyalist   » Fri May 02, 2014 11:56 pm

Crown Loyalist

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I haven't read the books in years, and I never did finish the series or see all the movies, but Henke is a Gryffindor. For sure. Along with Alistair McKeon the two of them might be the best suited for Gryffindor I can think of.

It's the whole, "Oh, screw it, let's just blow up the bad guys," attitude they both have.
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by roseandheather   » Sat May 03, 2014 12:09 am


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Crown Loyalist wrote:I haven't read the books in years, and I never did finish the series or see all the movies, but Henke is a Gryffindor. For sure. Along with Alistair McKeon the two of them might be the best suited for Gryffindor I can think of.

It's the whole, "Oh, screw it, let's just blow up the bad guys," attitude they both have.

I'm absolutely deadlocked between "Fuck yes I don't care if I'm the queen's first cousin, I am absolutely going to serve on the front lines!" Gryffindor!Henke and "No special treatment no special treatment don't you fucking dare give me something I haven't earned even though I probably already have 'cause it'll look like I've been given special treatment DID I MENTION THE 'NO SPECIAL TREATMENT'" Hufflepuff!Henke.

McKeon, though - absolutely a Gryff. Like I said, there's a reason Gryffindor is disproportionately loaded in this list. :lol:

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by AJKohler   » Sat May 03, 2014 7:56 am

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roseandheather wrote:
Crown Loyalist wrote:I haven't read the books in years, and I never did finish the series or see all the movies, but Henke is a Gryffindor. For sure. Along with Alistair McKeon the two of them might be the best suited for Gryffindor I can think of.

It's the whole, "Oh, screw it, let's just blow up the bad guys," attitude they both have.

I'm absolutely deadlocked between "Fuck yes I don't care if I'm the queen's first cousin, I am absolutely going to serve on the front lines!" Gryffindor!Henke and "No special treatment no special treatment don't you fucking dare give me something I haven't earned even though I probably already have 'cause it'll look like I've been given special treatment DID I MENTION THE 'NO SPECIAL TREATMENT'" Hufflepuff!Henke.

McKeon, though - absolutely a Gryff. Like I said, there's a reason Gryffindor is disproportionately loaded in this list. :lol:

A most interesting list/concept. Don't feel so - whatever - about being a Potterite; I enjoyed all of the books, too - in the British versions, not the re-vocabularized US ones - and I'm old enough to be collecting Social Security. I was in my 50's when I first encountered them.

Mike Henke's insistence on 'no special treatment' seems to be deeply rooted in, among other things, her insistence on being able to get things done the right way without what she perceives as interference plus a certain amount of personal nobility (as opposed to the hereditary kind). I'd say that it's more an aspect of her Gryffindor self than anything else.

Damn! Now you've given me something else to occupy my mind while I'm trying to write four current books, set up covers for two that are being published, market the one that's out and query agents on one that I just recently finished. Thank you very much!

Oh, what the hell. I'll live. I'm not going to be able to get everything done anyway. :D
Tony - Please read Repeat
Vietnam veteran - 187th Assault Helicopter Company, Tay Ninh, RVN 1968 - 1969

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