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An SoV out of order snippet

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Re: An SoV out of order snippet
Post by kzt   » Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:32 pm

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Alistair wrote:Sorry to ask a foolish question but could any one give me some info dumps on the "twins?"

It's the secret WH complex that leads to the secret MA planet.
Re: An SoV out of order snippet
Post by Vince   » Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:57 pm

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Alistair wrote:Sorry to ask a foolish question but could any one give me some info dumps on the "twins?"

Torch of Freedom, Chapter 50 wrote:Leaving aside any discussions of our senior officers," Hasselberg said after a moment, "there's still your own point, Admiral. The Manties can't possibly realize what they're dealing with from their end of the bridge."
He glanced at the smart wall bulkhead of Trajan's dining cabin as he spoke, and the others followed his gaze to it. The wall was configured at the moment to show not the Felix System, where Vivienne and the rest of TF 4 were currently conducting "routine training exercises," but what lay at the other end of the Verdant Vista Wormhole Bridge.
It was centered on a single star which looked slightly brighter than any of the others in their field of view. In fact, the only reason for its apparent brightness was that it had been considerably closer to the recording pickup than any of the others. It was actually only a lowly M8 dwarf, without a single planet to its name. Or, rather, to its number, for it had never achieved the dignity of the name all its own. It was simply SGC-902-36-G, a dim little star just this side of a "brown dwarf," of absolutely no particular interest to anyone and over forty light-years from the nearest inhabited star system.
It was also, however, home to a never before observed hyper-space phenomenon: a pair of wormhole termini, less than two light-minutes from one another and less than ten light-minutes from SGC-902-36-G itself. In fact, they were precisely 9.24 light-minutes from the star, which put them exactly on its hyper limit, and made them the only wormhole termini in the explored galaxy which were less than thirty light-minutes from a star.
No one had ever encountered anything like it before, and even all these years after its discovery, the Mesan Alignment's hyper-physicists were still trying to come up with an explanation for how the "SGC-902-36-G Wormhole Anomaly" (also known as "The Twins") had happened when all generally accepted wormhole theory said it couldn't have. There were currently, Trajan had been told, at least six competing "main" hypotheses.
Obviously, no one had ever predicted that any such thing was possible. In fact, the Alignment had literally stumbled across it in the course of surveying the wormhole junction associated with the Felix System, where Trajan's task force was currently exercising. Not that the galaxy at large had any idea of that junction's existence, either. It had been discovered initially by a survey expedition backed by the "Jessyk Combine" and operating (very surreptitiously) out of Mannerheim under direct orders from the Alignment. Jessyk never shared survey information with anyone unless there was an excellent reason for it to do so, and in this case the Alignment had decided there was an excellent reason not to broadcast the Combine's discovery.
Felix was an uninhabited star system little more than ten light-years from Mannerheim. The dim K2-class star was brighter than SGC-902-36-G, and it did have one marginally habitable planet, although that was about the best anyone was ever likely to say about it. The planet itself, which had never been assigned any better name than "Felix Beta," was a fairly miserable piece of real estate, with a gravity 1.4 times that of Old Earth, an axial inclination of thirty-one degrees, and a miserly hydrosphere of barely thirty-three percent. With an average orbital radius of right on six light-minutes, it was a cold, arid, dusty, windstorm-lashed, thoroughly wretched lump of dirt, but the Alignment had been considering it as a potential site for further development anyway, because of its proximity to Mannerheim.
The Republic of Mannerheim openly abhorred and despised the genetic slave trade and the outlaw Mesan transstellars which promoted it . . . which was one of the things that made it so valuable to the Mesan Alignment. The fact that Mannerheim's system-defense force was one of the most powerful of the entire Solarian League, and that there was absolutely nothing to associate it with Manpower or the Mesa System's government, didn't hurt, either. As such, it would have been handy, the Alignment had thought, to tuck its secret arsenal away someplace everyone knew was absolutely useless yet was simultaneously close enough to Mannerheim for the MSDF to keep a protective eye on it. Of course, there had been downsides to the proposition, the worst of which was that it would also have been close enough to Mannerheim for someone to innocently stumble across things the Alignment didn't want anyone stumbling over. The chance of someone actually doing that had been remote, to say the least, of course. When it came to concealing things, ten light-years might as well be ten thousand, unless there was something to prompt some busybody into making the trip in the first place.
What no one had expected—until the survey team the Alignment had sent to Felix under cover of the Jessyk expedition completed a thorough analysis of the system primary's emissions—was that there would have been plenty of reason to make the trip, if only anyone had known that Felix was associated with a major wormhole junction. Not on anything like the scale of the Manticoran Wormhole Junction, perhaps, but still considerably larger than most, with no less than four secondary termini.
They led to several interesting places (including the Darius System, which actually had been chosen as the site for the MAN's arsenal), and the Alignment had kept the Felix Junction's existence as "black" as they had the entire colony in Darius.
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: An SoV out of order snippet
Post by JohnRoth   » Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:22 am


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Location: Centreville, VA, USA

Alistair wrote:Sorry to ask a foolish question but could any one give me some info dumps on the "twins?"

To summarize: There is a junction in the Felix system with four remote termini. One leads to The Twins, which leads to Torch. A second leads to Darius. The other two lead to somewhere we haven't been told about. Felix is 10 ly from Mannerheim, which is one of the 11 systems in the Rennaisance Factor.

The higher levels of the Mannerhiem government know about the junction, but they think it has only two remote termini - the two that don't lead to either Darius or The Twins. They're trying to get control of the Felix system legally, by various clandestine business deals, to avoid drawing attention to it.

We don't know where any of these systems, except Torch, are on the map.
Re: An SoV out of order snippet
Post by Alistair   » Mon Aug 29, 2016 2:57 am

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1281
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JohnRoth wrote:
Alistair wrote:Sorry to ask a foolish question but could any one give me some info dumps on the "twins?"

To summarize: There is a junction in the Felix system with four remote termini. One leads to The Twins, which leads to Torch. A second leads to Darius. The other two lead to somewhere we haven't been told about. Felix is 10 ly from Mannerheim, which is one of the 11 systems in the Rennaisance Factor.

The higher levels of the Mannerhiem government know about the junction, but they think it has only two remote termini - the two that don't lead to either Darius or The Twins. They're trying to get control of the Felix system legally, by various clandestine business deals, to avoid drawing attention to it.

We don't know where any of these systems, except Torch, are on the map.

Thanks everyone!
Re: An SoV out of order snippet
Post by Kruhn   » Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:26 pm


Posts: 197
Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:28 pm

Squeeeee!!!!! Admiral Givens and Ovaril Barregos! The ARC e-book can't drop fast enough!
Re: An SoV out of order snippet
Post by Dauntless   » Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:43 pm

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Kruhn wrote:Squeeeee!!!!! Admiral Givens and Ovaril Barregos! The ARC e-book can't drop fast enough!

you do realise the e-arc came online for purchase about a day ago?

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