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Post by cthia   » Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:19 am

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Joat42 wrote:The Mandarins specifically know it's not treason since they invented that smokescreen. We have stupid people in the SL that swallowed the political shenanigans as truth but from the Mandarins viewpoint there is no treason.

This rope is hanging many people.

The Mandarins know it is legally not treason. They know that Beowulf has not legally transgressed against the law! But it doesn't have a damn thing to do with the transgressions Beowulf made against the implied and perceived relationship made between people!

"The law supports you, Beowulf. But you know what you did! And we're gonna get ya. Look out suckers, 'cause we're gonna get ya!"

Crimes of passion are not transgressions made against the law. Crimes of passion are transgressions made against people.

The law isn't the one stabbed 99 times long after the victim is dead!

What did my Driver's Ed. teacher say again? Play it again Sam. . .
It doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong. Dead right or dead wrong, you are still dead.

Drive for the other idiot on the highway too.

This also applies to the highway of life.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by tlb   » Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:49 am

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cthia wrote:What did my Driver's Ed. teacher say again?
It doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong. Dead right or dead wrong, you are still dead.

Drive for the other idiot on the highway too.

This also applies to the highway of life.

I understand that you are very happy with your terms and analogies, but one thing I do not understand is what you, as you alone, think that Beowulf should have done.

Could you please state, or restate, your ideas for the path best taken? Your prescription, suggestion, what have you in a clear, concise way that I can try to follow and perhaps understand. Inquiring minds want to know.
Post by Thunder Child Actual   » Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:38 pm

Thunder Child Actual
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I understand that you are very happy with your terms and analogies, but one thing I do not understand is what you, as you alone, think that Beowulf should have done.

Could you please state, or restate, your ideas for the path best taken? Your prescription, suggestion, what have you in a clear, concise way that I can try to follow and perhaps understand. Inquiring minds want to know.[/quote]

Especially since the two immediate mass deaths caused by Beowulf's "treason" were the result of actions by the MA. An organization that no one knew about until a few months ago in Universe.

The ships destryoed in A Rising Thunder would still have been alive if the MA had not bombed the Flag Bridge and caused all of the missiles to be fired.

The millions of Beowulf civilians that were killed died not as a direct result of SL actions but were killed by bombs placed by the MA.

Beowulf worked with the GA to offer the fleet in A Rising Thunder a chance to surrender without bloodshed. If not for MA actions that would have happened.

They kept Tsang from committing suicide by attacking a defended Wormhole. Should they have just let her fly her ships into that meat grinder?

They worked with the GA so that when the SL sent ships to attack Beowulf those ships failed in their mission. It was only the MA bombs that were set off using the SL attack as a cover that caused damage. So how does Beowulf's "treason" to the SL justify the MA killing millions of its civilians?
Post by quite possibly a cat   » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:09 pm

quite possibly a cat
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Thunder Child Actual wrote:
They kept Tsang from committing suicide by attacking a defended Wormhole. Should they have just let her fly her ships into that meat grinder?

Well, since they were planning an attack on a neutral star system they were clearly pirates. Sounds to me like Beowulf was protecting pirates! So yes, if they weren't going to apprehend the pirates themselves, I think letting Manticore do it would have been ideal.

Step two would have been apprehending themselves for supporting terrorism.
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:26 pm


Your analogy reminds me of a certain Judge who shall not be named also known as "his nameless wife's cuckold." His wife used to be the US Attorney for a certain State who became famous for persecuting a ranching family to enable civil forfeiture of their property. This imbecile judge has such profound discernment that his wife was able to engage in a prolonged and spectacularly indiscrete extramarrital affair that he apparently remained oblivious too until she got herself arrested for stalking her boyfriend. (She must not have been that much fun in bed or her boyfriend wouldn't be complaining about it?) The judge probably believed her when she told him that the case of Syphilliys that pennicillin will not cure which is now rotting his brain is just a little something that he must have picked up from a toilet seat in the courthouse.

Since this judge lacks the testicular fortitude to divorce his phillandering wife, he abuses his authority as a Judge by abusing the citizens of this rural County. He recently gave a marijuana bootlegger a free pass for shooting at his landlord's children with a 12 gauge shotgun in retaliation for the landlord trying to evict him. The ruling appears to be motivated in part by the desire to enable his wife to ressurect her professional and political career by prosecuting the landlord for the tenant's illegal marijunna grow.

The citizens of this rural County are now suffering the consequences. The County is becoming a dumping ground for murdered mothers. The body of the most recent victim who had been beaten to death was discovered in a ditch barely half a mile away from a blueberry field where another murdered mother had been discovered not quite two years ago. Given the incidence of about 100 such murders per year nationally, this county with a population of only 100,000 should not be experiencing this. But why not? The judge is too busy demonstrating their anger at their cheating wife to give a shit.

Does this seem like a valid analogy for the SLN venting its anger with Manticore and Beawulf by committing violations of the Deneb accords and the Erandandi Edict against the innocent people of Hypatia?

Beawulf's mistake was not getting bigger gun and shooting her abusive husband in the back then in the head to make certain that he was dead.
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:33 pm


Just send a courier through to warn the RMN that the pirates are coming.

quite possibly a cat wrote:
Thunder Child Actual wrote:
They kept Tsang from committing suicide by attacking a defended Wormhole. Should they have just let her fly her ships into that meat grinder?

Well, since they were planning an attack on a neutral star system they were clearly pirates. Sounds to me like Beowulf was protecting pirates! So yes, if they weren't going to apprehend the pirates themselves, I think letting Manticore do it would have been ideal.

Step two would have been apprehending themselves for supporting terrorism.
Post by cthia   » Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:42 am

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One particular matter came up already in this thread. I am really trying to see how the fact that instead of the jealous husband - the SLN - actually doing Beowulf harm, it turns out to be the MA using the vengeful patsies, as ultimately affecting the fact that it is all about Beowulf's karma coming home to roost.

I would never have guessed that anyone is as gullible as the League's citizens who are as indoctrinated as any old hog who's able to be force-fed slop and easily led to slaughter.

BUT! There sure as hell ain't no way that I will buy into the swampland that the SLN suddenly found their moral compass and becomes some paragon of unadulterated concern for Beowulf being held against their will with a Manticoran pulsar at their heads telling them to defect, as being the reason they are really in Beowulfan orbit during the referendum.

I'm not going to reinvent this wheel. Nothing has changed.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by cthia   » Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:10 am

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RE: Thunder Child Actual.

cthia wrote:One particular matter came up already in this thread. I am really trying to see how the fact that - instead of the jealous husband, the SLN, actually doing Beowulf harm - it turns out to be the MA using the vengeful patsies, as ultimately affecting the fact that it is all about Beowulf's karma coming home to roost.

I would never have guessed that anyone is as gullible as the League's citizens who are as indoctrinated as any old hog who's able to be force-fed slop and easily led to slaughter.

BUT! There sure as hell ain't no way that I will buy into the swampland that the SLN suddenly found their moral compass and becomes some paragon of unadulterated concern for Beowulf being held against their will with a Manticoran pulsar at their heads telling them to defect, as being the reason they are really in Beowulfan orbit during the referendum.

I'm not going to reinvent this wheel. Nothing has changed.

Why, that would be like totally blaming the MA for the reason Filareta took his fleet all the way to Manticore to be turned into orbital debris.

Edits: grammar police writing tickets.

Last edited by cthia on Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:22 am, edited 3 times in total.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by ldwechsler   » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:15 am

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cthia wrote:RE: Thunder Child Actual.

cthia wrote:One particular matter came up already in this thread. I am really trying to see how the fact that instead of the jealous husband - the SLN - actually doing Beowulf harm, it turns out to be the MA using the vengeful patsies, as ultimately affecting the fact that it is all about Beowulf's karma coming home to roost.

I would never have guessed that anyone is as gullible as the League's citizens who are as indoctrinated as any old hog who's able to be force-fed slop and easily led to slaughter.

BUT! There sure as hell ain't no way that I will buy into the swampland that the SLN suddenly found their moral compass and becomes some paragon of unadulterated concern for Beowulf being held against their will with a Manticoran pulsar at their heads telling them to defect, as being the reason they are really in Beowulfan orbit during the referendum.

I'm not going to reinvent this wheel. Nothing has changed.

Why, that would be like totally blaming the MA for the reason Filareta took his fleet all the way to Manticore to be turned into orbital debris.

When you control the information almost totally, there will always be people to believe.

Also, keep in mind that the League Assembly did NOT really answer to the people but to special interest groups.

The "people" tended to be those on Terra who could riot, etc.
Post by cthia   » Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:17 am

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Did core members and founders receive any of the immense funds collected by the government of Old Chicago? The League apparatus collected a shi— shipload of ca— err loot over the centuries. Was Beowulf a benefactor of some of that looted booty over the centuries? Certainly the states in the US are doled out cash for certain emergencies from the US government. The planets of the SEM receive funding from Manticore for certain things.

Was Beowulf so conscientious over the centuries that it refused government assistance?

I'm also at a loss as to why the League, the SLN, wasn't more intimate with Beowulf. Beowulf is a founder with a junction. Her economy had to have been one of the bigger of the founders. Why didn't the League establish its own system protection in Beowulf space? Why weren't they more concerned with the junction over the years, after it finally did understand its significance?

I know Beowulf has its own BSDF, but it had to take a while to build it, at which point the mighty League should have had more of a hand in the pot.

I understand that many of Beowulf's ships were of League design? But was any of them actual League ships given to Beowulf? Like the captive ships the Star Kingdom gave to Grayson? The League has an immense reserve and they weren't exactly privy to Beowulf's tech advancement. So shouldn't they have had a more active hand, or at least wanted to, in the protection of its best girl? Yet, there was none of the League's tech in Beowulf space.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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