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Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!

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Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by Spacekiwi   » Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:45 pm


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I think show honor, starting from the feet and moving up, with a window beside her every so often as she walks along, with glimpses of part of the ship behind her, and little to no noise except maybe the bgm, to set it up as a really serious scene.

its not paranoia if its justified... :D
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by Daryl   » Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:43 pm

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I agree that 20 minutes was wrong (written late at night) and a short intro like in the Bond films would be better, but I did mean that the intro would be wham bam anyway, not a dry documentary.
Tenshinai wrote:
Daryl wrote:After that initial 20 minutes keep it moving.

20 minutes? :shock: Everyone would be asleep after that. Bad, nay dreadfully terrible idea of doom.

It´s a movie, most likely focused on action, not a documentary.
An extremely extended presentation of the "universe background" is a severe mismatch with the type of movie.
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by Bruno Behrends   » Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:50 am

Bruno Behrends
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I like that idea :) Not a big fan of narrative introductions here either.

savadrin wrote:
Solly wrote:
I wonder how will they give the opening sequence. They can't just jump into the meeting or Honor right away. Maybe a quick history of all the nations, very brief over view since a lot of new comers who never read the books will be expecting aliens. I hope it takes off.

That being said here's how I'd open up the film.

Show the galatic map (which you can find here) ... iverse.png

highlight each nation as to what year it was founded, and stick to the terran calander. I think having to use the Manticorian calander at this stage would probably confuse people. Highlight the solarian leauge and have a voice over of what it is and when it was founded. highlight the year and then spread out to the systems as mankind goes from system to system. Next highlight Andermani Empire, along with the Confederacy. Then zoom in on the Haven and Manticore border highlight both at the same time with their systems each. Then someone gives a voice over of when they were founded etc. Then give a overview of the current situtation between the two Star Nations. As far as what the voice over actually says I don't know. Have an amazing classical musical introduction that is awe inspiring.

Then cut to the rest of the film. That's my opening, which was inspired by the long forgotten Wing Commander film.

How would you introduce the universe?

i'd do it exactly opposite. i absolutely loathe narrated introductions in movies. i'd make the intro part of the movie a tag-along as Honor walks through the space station on the way to take command at the beginning of on basilisk station. abstract shots that don't show her face, but highlight specifics of the uniform while showcasing the space station itself.

i'd have her pass through some open areas bustling with personnel, with holo-screens giving news-bytes in order to drop info on the audience like politics and important names and events. maybe she walks close to some groups of lower ranked navy personnel, close enough to overhear snippets of conversation about assignments, or some new youthful middies excitedly discussing ships and what kind of ship they hope to be assigned to.

narration is unnecessary and off-putting. let the story tell itself, don't give me a history lesson.
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by dscott8   » Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:16 am


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IIRC, On Basilisk Station begins with a Peep strategic meeting which could set the basic framework and introduce the baddies. It ends with the Peeps looking at a hologram of the Star Kingdom, so you could zoom in on that and fade from holo to live action as Honor arrives to take command. Weber has written the opening scenes for them. No need to clutter it up with narrative explanations, let the viewers pick it up as they go along.
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by Seawolf509   » Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:15 am

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Guys and Gals,

Remeber film length will be about 90-100 minutes in length, so what they will be able to do will be limited. The point is to make an interesting movie that will generate cash and support doing additional movies if that is what RFC wants to happen.

Young plot line would be excluded since to won't have alot of bearing on the movie. Status of the relationship between Manticore and the Republic could be summed up in a 30 second voice over. Could forget the whole grav lance issue as well and just start with Fearless arriving on station.

Unless they get major funding they won't be able to get A list stars, (unless they are fans of the series), CGI budget will be limited so they will have to bank on the story line and making tree cats work.
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by yannosh   » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:03 pm


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Seawolf509 wrote:Guys and Gals,

Remeber film length will be about 90-100 minutes in length, so what they will be able to do will be limited. The point is to make an interesting movie that will generate cash and support doing additional movies if that is what RFC wants to happen.

Young plot line would be excluded since to won't have alot of bearing on the movie. Status of the relationship between Manticore and the Republic could be summed up in a 30 second voice over. Could forget the whole grav lance issue as well and just start with Fearless arriving on station.

Unless they get major funding they won't be able to get A list stars, (unless they are fans of the series), CGI budget will be limited so they will have to bank on the story line and making tree cats work.

and that is exactly why I expect the movie to be an absolute disappointment. I don't care about A list actors. Frankly, I hope there are none. But so much cutting out would leave OBS in-name only, and frankly I don't want to watch yet another space battle action packed lightshow.
Give us proper Honor, with all her motivations and troubles. That includes Pavel Young. I'd much see her being shafted by Young on screen, and hear Alexander brothers/Hamish and Jim Webster discus the political ramifications of it, than The Marines vs stilties thank you very much. I'm not saying it would be horrible to cut out some events, infodumps and characters (heck novels could use some more pruning as is). Some things would have to be dumped, that is the nature of conversion from one medium to another. All I (and I hope many others) ask is for it to try to be true to the spirit of the story, not it's form.

Ceterum censeo Foedam solariam delendam esse.

Even the best in the world cannot measure up to a dozen highly motivated good-enoughs.
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by Seawolf509   » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:42 pm

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While I prefer the same as you,for any chance at that happening they would have to do it for cable and not the big screen. I thinking along the lines of the DUNE mini- series.
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by rdt   » Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:21 pm


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Remember that after the Prologue there is a relatively long war games sequence which sets the motivation for being sent to Basilisk and for many crew members' discontent. And that setup just won't play well on-screen. Weber is usually pretty careful about making sure we understand why what is happening is happening. I do not know what the script (is there a shooting script?) says, but, as was already pointed out, there is only about 90 to 120 minutes to get the story told. My guess is that On Basilisk Station, the novel, will, at best, be the "based on" label for the movie. Do not expect it to be the movie. Alas...
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by kzt   » Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:32 pm

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The main problem with OBS is the conclusion of the fight is based on a complex set of buzzwords interacting, and you can't practically convey the info needed to understand what the hell is going on inside a movie. Or at least I can't think of any way to do it that isn't boring or takes way too long.
Re: Honor Harrington Movie looks like a GO!
Post by Seawolf509   » Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:07 pm

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kzt wrote:The main problem with OBS is the conclusion of the fight is based on a complex set of buzzwords interacting, and you can't practically convey the info needed to understand what the hell is going on inside a movie. Or at least I can't think of any way to do it that isn't boring or takes way too long.

So you get rid of the OBS conclusion

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