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Honorverse ramblings and musings

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Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by KNick   » Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:16 pm


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cthia wrote:All of this talk of Economics and Houseman, can anyone remember how Willard Neufsteiler came to be Honor's financial advisor? Somehow, I think he was recommended by the Hauptmans. Am I correct? Who is the man in the hotseat for the Hauptmans, or does Willard handle both?

Who handles the financial affairs of the Queen? Her personal holdings?

Sorry, cthia. I could not find a reference as to who recommended Neufsteiler. All I found was the statement in Field of Dishonor that he had been her adviser since shortly after Basilisk, so he was definitely not recommended by Hauptman. As for who did recommend him, I have not found a name.

As for Hauptman, I imagine he has several people in managerial positions who handle things under his direction. The only name specifically given is his law firm once Honor started using them after Honor Among Enemies.

Try to take a fisherman's fish and you will be tomorrows bait!!!
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by Jonathan_S   » Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:33 am

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cthia wrote:
IANS Hellbarde was a heavy cruiser of the Imperial Andermani Navy.
Around 1919 PD, the ship was commanded by Kapitän der Sterne Guangfu Gortz. She shadowed the Manticoran heavy cruiser HMS Jessica Epps, conducting a number of subtle provocations against it.

When Jessica Epps ordered a ship falsely transmitting an Andermani transponder code to stop, Hellbarde opened fire. In the following engagement, Hellbarde was pounded into a wreck, while Jessica Epps was destroyed with all hands. (HH10)

Hellbarde had a hard-on for Jessica no doubt. Could that have been the work of the MAlign? Could the MAlign have engineered a war between the then RMN and the Andermani? There'd be one hell of an alternate Honorverse if so. Too late now I think, but what if?

If the wrong officer would have been in Harrington's place, things may not have turned out so well. It was both Honor's level headedness and the respect most navies have for her that made lemonade out of lemons during that incident.
Unless Haven reconsidered it's Thunderbolt timeline I don't see a prolonged shooting war between Manticore and the Andies. Once Haven kicked that off, and it looked like Manticore might be eliminated as the buffer zone between Haven and the Andies, their Emperor would almost certainly call for an end to the war and offer support to Manticore.

He's much more concerned about a resurgent Haven potentially expanding his way than he is about Manticore throwing their weight around and preventing his expansion into Silesia.

On the other hand without Honor there the war with Haven would have all kinds of weird variations. No Honor means no Protectors Own at Sidemore. So that attack probably does knock out the fleet base and the detachment of wallers there. (Although if a shooting war had kicked off with the Andies then maybe Manticore diverts more of their fleet there, or else the wallers are out conduction ops so the raid only takes out the base facilities and misses it's real target, the wallers.

But if significant ships were diverted to Silesia then maybe even with Grayson reinforcement there isn't enough force left to hold Trevor's Star. (Or at least aren't enough to cause that raid to withdraw without fighting; so even if they hold the system Manticore and Grayson might lose a significant number of their modern wall). And right at that moment (assuming the attack on Grendlesbane still succeeds) Haven is in a better position to make good on their losses than Manticore is.

Like I said, lots of things change, even if Manicore and the Andies don't get into a prolonged war.
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by cthia   » Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:16 am

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KNick wrote:
cthia wrote:
All of this talk of Economics and Houseman, can anyone remember how Willard Neufsteiler came to be Honor's financial advisor? Somehow, I think he was recommended by the Hauptmans. Am I correct? Who is the man in the hotseat for the Hauptmans, or does Willard handle both?

Who handles the financial affairs of the Queen? Her personal holdings?

Sorry, cthia. I could not find a reference as to who recommended Neufsteiler. All I found was the statement in Field of Dishonor that he had been her adviser since shortly after Basilisk, so he was definitely not recommended by Hauptman. As for who did recommend him, I have not found a name.

As for Hauptman, I imagine he has several people in managerial positions who handle things under his direction. The only name specifically given is his law firm once Honor started using them after Honor Among Enemies.

Thanks for looking KNick. I am almost, almost sure that one of the Hauptmans recommended Neufsteiler, as amends for, well Klaus. I wanted to reread that.

****** *

Hi-jacked from the all-in thread...
runsforcelery wrote:
Remember that the treecats are still in the process of coming into the open as bodyguards and partners. It will take some time for the Alignment to recognize what’s happening and begin factoring that into its planning, and while that time is passing, treecats will be establishing additional colonies on additional planets, precisely because of the species’ experience with Oyster Bay.

I always thought that the treecats' offer to join in the effort to become bodyguards should/would remain classified?
1. A safety precaution as per the cats as a species.
2. To increase effectiveness born of the element of surprise.

Did I miss something? Why will it be publicized that the cats will assume a bodyguard role? Won't that make it dangerous for the cats? Moreso? Or is it viewed that merely announcing it will act as a deterrent? Reminds me of present day high-profile informants. You want to protect your informants or they may never get a chance to...inform.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by SWM   » Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:59 am

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cthia wrote:
KNick wrote:Sorry, cthia. I could not find a reference as to who recommended Neufsteiler. All I found was the statement in Field of Dishonor that he had been her adviser since shortly after Basilisk, so he was definitely not recommended by Hauptman. As for who did recommend him, I have not found a name.

As for Hauptman, I imagine he has several people in managerial positions who handle things under his direction. The only name specifically given is his law firm once Honor started using them after Honor Among Enemies.

Thanks for looking KNick. I am almost, almost sure that one of the Hauptmans recommended Neufsteiler, as amends for, well Klaus. I wanted to reread that.

Not possible, since Knick pointed out that Neufsteiler has been working for Honor since she started getting wealthy, after OBS, long before Hauptman became somewhat friendly with her.
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Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by Hutch   » Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:07 pm

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runsforcelery wrote:
Remember that the treecats are still in the process of coming into the open as bodyguards and partners. It will take some time for the Alignment to recognize what’s happening and begin factoring that into its planning, and while that time is passing, treecats will be establishing additional colonies on additional planets, precisely because of the species’ experience with Oyster Bay.

cthia wrote:I always thought that the treecats' offer to join in the effort to become bodyguards should/would remain classified?
1. A safety precaution as per the cats as a species.
2. To increase effectiveness born of the element of surprise.

Did I miss something? Why will it be publicized that the cats will assume a bodyguard role? Won't that make it dangerous for the cats? Moreso? Or is it viewed that merely announcing it will act as a deterrent? Reminds me of present day high-profile informants. You want to protect your informants or they may never get a chance to...inform.

Well, (1) once folks in important roles throughout the GA start appearing with treecats and (2) once a treecat has torn the throat out of a would-be assassin, I think that particular cat will be out of the bag.... 8-)

And since few folks outside Manticore really know (or understand) the cats' sensing ability, I doubt they will realize (until too late) what they have let themselves reveal (since Mike Henke's quite clever use of Alfredo in Shadows of Freedom).

We shall see.
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:32 pm

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Given how well off HH's parents are from decades of top level surgery etc, I suspect they had their own financial recommendations, NTM those of many many grateful clients, who would be more than willing to suggest someone to manage HH's growing naval surplus. ;)

Personally, the scene in FIE at Cosmo's was wonderful for several reason's, from the financial aspect of Hancock, the camaraderie, to the hint of Stephanie and Lionheart's tale 8-), it was all great.


SWM wrote:
cthia wrote:**quote="KNick"**Sorry, cthia. I could not find a reference as to who recommended Neufsteiler. All I found was the statement in Field of Dishonor that he had been her adviser since shortly after Basilisk, so he was definitely not recommended by Hauptman. As for who did recommend him, I have not found a name.

As for Hauptman, I imagine he has several people in managerial positions who handle things under his direction. The only name specifically given is his law firm once Honor started using them after Honor Among Enemies.**/quote**
Thanks for looking KNick. I am almost, almost sure that one of the Hauptmans recommended Neufsteiler, as amends for, well Klaus. I wanted to reread that.

Not possible, since Knick pointed out that Neufsteiler has been working for Honor since she started getting wealthy, after OBS, long before Hauptman became somewhat friendly with her.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by Michael Everett   » Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:16 pm

Michael Everett

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lyonheart wrote:Hi SWM,

Given how well off HH's parents are from decades of top level surgery etc, I suspect they had their own financial recommendations, NTM those of many many grateful clients, who would be more than willing to suggest someone to manage HH's growing naval surplus. ;)

Personally, the scene in FIE at Cosmo's was wonderful for several reason's, from the financial aspect of Hancock, the camaraderie, to the hint of Stephanie and Lionheart's tale 8-), it was all great.


Flag in Exile?
I thought that the Cosmo's Scene was in FOD (Field of Dishonor), the book before FIE.
Other than that, I agree.

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

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Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by cthia   » Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:02 pm

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KNick wrote:
Sorry, cthia. I could not find a reference as to who recommended Neufsteiler. All I found was the statement in Field of Dishonor that he had been her adviser since shortly after Basilisk, so he was definitely not recommended by Hauptman. As for who did recommend him, I have not found a name.

As for Hauptman, I imagine he has several people in managerial positions who handle things under his direction. The only name specifically given is his law firm once Honor started using them after Honor Among Enemies.

cthia wrote:
Thanks for looking KNick. I am almost, almost sure that one of the Hauptmans recommended Neufsteiler, as amends for, well Klaus. I wanted to reread that."

SWM wrote:
Not possible, since Knick pointed out that Neufsteiler has been working for Honor since she started getting wealthy, after OBS, long before Hauptman became somewhat friendly with her.

Please forgive me. Do. That should have read "I was almost, almost sure that one of the Hauptmans recommended Neufsteiler, as amends for, well Klaus. I wanted to reread that. :oops:

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by cthia   » Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:00 am

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Pearls of Weber
The Queen's Own actually consists of four battalions: one battalion for each of the Star Kingdom's originally colonized planets, plus the School Battalion. The School Battalion's functions are to provide for the Queen's Own's own training requirements, and also to provide elite "op forces" for the Army's (and Marines') training commands. Each battalion of the Queen's Own has an additional company, bringing its strength up to 735 men, or a total of 2,940 men. Membership in the Queen's Own is available only to men and women who have thoroughly proved themselves in one of the combat arms before recruitment.

Does this mean that only 735 men, of the Queen's Own, are available on planet at any given moment with the other batallions deployed on the other three originally colonized planets?

When officers, like White Haven, are placed on half-pay, are they eligible for the Queen's Own?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse ramblings and musings
Post by dreamrider   » Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:51 am

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cthia wrote:Pearls of Weber
The Queen's Own actually consists of four battalions: one battalion for each of the Star Kingdom's originally colonized planets, plus the School Battalion. The School Battalion's functions are to provide for the Queen's Own's own training requirements, and also to provide elite "op forces" for the Army's (and Marines') training commands. Each battalion of the Queen's Own has an additional company, bringing its strength up to 735 men, or a total of 2,940 men. Membership in the Queen's Own is available only to men and women who have thoroughly proved themselves in one of the combat arms before recruitment.

Does this mean that only 735 men, of the Queen's Own, are available on planet at any given moment with the other batallions deployed on the other three originally colonized planets?

When officers, like White Haven, are placed on half-pay, are they eligible for the Queen's Own?

It doesn't mean "stationed on" each of the original 3 planets. It means "representing and taking its traditions and unit name from" each of the 3 planets. Similar to the Scots Guards, the Welch Guards, etc.


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