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The Sorting Hat

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Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Michael Everett   » Sat May 03, 2014 3:27 pm

Michael Everett

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roseandheather wrote:
Festival wrote:I quite like the list! As an unapologetic Pottergeek (I mean, until very recently I had a wizard rock side project, ferchrissakes!), I've some additions and other babblings:

THANK MERLIN I AM NOT ALONE HERE!! (Started reading the books at age ten, was seventeen when Deathly Hallows hit the shelves, went to every midnight release party from GoF on - I am the Potter Generation. :lol:)

I quite liked it, but it suffered from sequelitus. And the less said about the epilogue, the better. Even JK finally admitted she'd screwed it up by pre-writing it before atually finishing the first book.
The series itself had loads of potential, to the point that fanfic writers have written over 600k straight fanfics of it and over 28K crossovers (including an abandoned Honorverse one. WTF?) on
I wrote a crossover for it too...

As for fitting the Honorverse characters into the four houses, in most cases that would be very tricky.
Children tend to be rather simplistic in their outlooks, something often reflected in their personality. As they grow, they add layers of complexity until they become adults and thus can only very rarely be slotted into specific houses.

Saying that, I think Honor would probably be a Hufflepuff. She works damned hard, is incredibly loyal and goes out of her way to help others.

Fun topic, though.

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
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Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by quark   » Sat May 03, 2014 4:33 pm

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Why is Theisman in Hufflepuff?
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by roseandheather   » Sat May 03, 2014 5:19 pm


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quark wrote:Why is Theisman in Hufflepuff?

Like pretty much every Havenite I adore, Tom Theisman's got a good streak of Gryffindor in him. But he's a team player, someone who'd rather just get on with the job than get noticed for it. He never wanted to be a hero. He put himself in a position where he would be one anyway because duty demanded it.

"You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal;
These patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil.

He is a good, good man who simply did his duty - until he could put an end to the government that was killing the nation he loved. He's not easily roused to anger, but when he is, he will not back down and will not give up until he's dealt appropriately with the threat.

It's not so much what he does as it is why he does it. I'm not saying all Gryffindors are glory hounds; after all, I Sorted Javier Giscard there. But Giscard is much more of an Oversteegen. He's daring, he's chivalrous, and he's the champion of the right and those who need defending.

So is Theisman, but there's a different "feel" to Tom. He's - I don't know how to put it into words, really. I'm trying, but it's difficult. What it comes down to, though, is what drives him. And what drives Thomas Theisman is duty, loyalty, and a passionate desire for justice. He's not flashy. He doesn't enjoy being noticed. A Gryffindor doesn't mind being cheered as a hero - in fact, they quite like it, because to them it's a sign that they're doing their job right. It's not why they do it, of course, but it's reward for a job well done. Theisman, on the other hand, would really rather just be invisible, thank you very much.

I suppose in the end it comes down to that I've always felt Gryffindors gravitate toward leadership opportunities, no matter what. Which makes a good deal of sense, because by and large, they're very well suited to it - look at Tourville!

Hufflepuffs, on the other hand, have leadership thrust upon them. They'd really rather they didn't, but if that's what duty demands, they'll do it to the best of their ability - and because of how hard they work, that's often very good indeed. But it's not something they would have chosen for themselves.

And that is why Thomas Theisman is a Hufflepuff. :mrgreen:

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by MaxxQ   » Sat May 03, 2014 6:32 pm


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Even when I was reading the Potter books, I could never get this out of my head whenever I read "Hufflepuff":
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Tenshinai   » Sat May 03, 2014 8:46 pm


Posts: 2893
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No villains? Or would they all be in Slytherin?

Hardly. HUGE mistake.

Victor Cachat? Ravenclaw. Nope, not Slytherin or Gryff...Ravenclaw. All his other qualities notwithstanding, Victor is one of the Honorverse's finest examples of why the true weapon is the mind.

While i agree he is pretty good at thinking, his personal attention is totally NOT in that direction, his focus is on where his loyalties lie. Think about it.

Mr stay-Puff to the core. ;)
(cookie for those that notice the reference)

Stacey Hauptmamn? Slytherin. Slytherins aren't all about power (it's just handy)...


Honor Harrington
Hamish Alexander
Elizabeth Winton
Michael Oversteegen
Lester Tourville
Aivars Terekhov
Abigail Hearns
Javier Giscard
Mark Sarnow
Wesley Matthews
Raoul Courvosier

Hamish might belong with claws.

Elizabeth is a bit of a toss-up, but i think her overriding side is her loyalty to her nation, her friends and her family.

Oversteegen, totally a sneaky snake-boy.

Tourville isn´t reckless enough for Gryff(that´s his fake persona). He´s sneaky enough to set up his whole public persona and do things behind peoples back quite, QUITE well, OTOH, loyalty to his subordinates and his nation is very high on his agenda. Probably not focused enough on his intellect to be a claw. So either slythie or puff.

Abigail´s focus feels to be on analysis first, so Ravenclaw is probably better.

Unsure about Mark and Javier.

Courvosier is claw or slythie first.

Thomas Theisman
Warner Caslet
Augustus Khumalo
Allen Higgins
Elaine Mayhew

Theisman can probably be just about anywhere except Gryff.

As are pretty much all the MAlign.

I think that´s flawed logic. The houses are not about good or evil, it´s about what a persons overriding personality is.
All houses have good or bad traits, it´s just author-fiat that needed one to be the obvious bad guys.

THANK MERLIN I AM NOT ALONE HERE!! (Started reading the books at age ten, was seventeen when Deathly Hallows hit the shelves, went to every midnight release party from GoF on - I am the Potter Generation. :lol:)

Oh god... You´re a decade and a half younger than me... :|

One of my dearest fandom friends is a Slytherin, so I always get a bit tetchy when people start waving the "All Slytherins are evil!" placard around...

Once you´ve read a few dozen fanfics, that´s a notion loooong gone. :geek:

Now, I have a problem for which I need your help. And that problem is, "where the hell do we Sort Michelle Henke??"

Mmm, that one´s a bit tricky. Probably a Huff-n-puff. So intent on NOT exploiting family connections that her promotion is delayed, well that is neither smart, sneaky nor brave, but it is very loyal in a somewhat roundabout way. And a hard worker, yeah.

Saying that, I think Honor would probably be a Hufflepuff. She works damned hard, is incredibly loyal and goes out of her way to help others.

Indeed she does, but is that her most prominent traits? With so many bravely reckless deathrides behind her, Gryff is the only realistic possibility! :D

I wrote a crossover for it too...

And a good one it was.

Even when I was reading the Potter books, I could never get this out of my head whenever I read "Hufflepuff":


Me, i look another direction, like far above reference hinted:
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by roseandheather   » Sat May 03, 2014 8:58 pm


Posts: 2056
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:39 pm
Location: Republic of Haven

Tenshinai wrote:
No villains? Or would they all be in Slytherin?

Hardly. HUGE mistake.

Victor Cachat? Ravenclaw. Nope, not Slytherin or Gryff...Ravenclaw. All his other qualities notwithstanding, Victor is one of the Honorverse's finest examples of why the true weapon is the mind.

While i agree he is pretty good at thinking, his personal attention is totally NOT in that direction, his focus is on where his loyalties lie. Think about it.

Mr stay-Puff to the core. ;)
(cookie for those that notice the reference)

Stacey Hauptmamn? Slytherin. Slytherins aren't all about power (it's just handy)...


Honor Harrington
Hamish Alexander
Elizabeth Winton
Michael Oversteegen
Lester Tourville
Aivars Terekhov
Abigail Hearns
Javier Giscard
Mark Sarnow
Wesley Matthews
Raoul Courvosier

Hamish might belong with claws.

Elizabeth is a bit of a toss-up, but i think her overriding side is her loyalty to her nation, her friends and her family.

Oversteegen, totally a sneaky snake-boy.

Tourville isn´t reckless enough for Gryff(that´s his fake persona). He´s sneaky enough to set up his whole public persona and do things behind peoples back quite, QUITE well, OTOH, loyalty to his subordinates and his nation is very high on his agenda. Probably not focused enough on his intellect to be a claw. So either slythie or puff.

Abigail´s focus feels to be on analysis first, so Ravenclaw is probably better.

Unsure about Mark and Javier.

Courvosier is claw or slythie first.

Thomas Theisman
Warner Caslet
Augustus Khumalo
Allen Higgins
Elaine Mayhew

Theisman can probably be just about anywhere except Gryff.

As are pretty much all the MAlign.

I think that´s flawed logic. The houses are not about good or evil, it´s about what a persons overriding personality is.
All houses have good or bad traits, it´s just author-fiat that needed one to be the obvious bad guys.

THANK MERLIN I AM NOT ALONE HERE!! (Started reading the books at age ten, was seventeen when Deathly Hallows hit the shelves, went to every midnight release party from GoF on - I am the Potter Generation. :lol:)

Oh god... You´re a decade and a half younger than me... :|

One of my dearest fandom friends is a Slytherin, so I always get a bit tetchy when people start waving the "All Slytherins are evil!" placard around...

Once you´ve read a few dozen fanfics, that´s a notion loooong gone. :geek:

Now, I have a problem for which I need your help. And that problem is, "where the hell do we Sort Michelle Henke??"

Mmm, that one´s a bit tricky. Probably a Huff-n-puff. So intent on NOT exploiting family connections that her promotion is delayed, well that is neither smart, sneaky nor brave, but it is very loyal in a somewhat roundabout way. And a hard worker, yeah.

Saying that, I think Honor would probably be a Hufflepuff. She works damned hard, is incredibly loyal and goes out of her way to help others.

Indeed she does, but is that her most prominent traits? With so many bravely reckless deathrides behind her, Gryff is the only realistic possibility! :D

I wrote a crossover for it too...

And a good one it was.

Even when I was reading the Potter books, I could never get this out of my head whenever I read "Hufflepuff":


Me, i look another direction, like far above reference hinted:

...Oversteegen a Slytherin? Are you joking? Mr. "I must rescue all the things and be the most daring captain since Honor herself and take on three heavy cruisers with one ship and if you get between me and those I am sworn to protect you are DEAD" Michael Oversteegen? If ever there was a Gryffindor in this series, Michael Oversteegen is it. Good Lord, sometimes he's so much like Harry Potter it actually hurts. Oh, sure, he's immensely clever and can be sneaky as hell, and I wouldn't be surprised if he gave Ron Weasley a run for his money at chess, but good God, you might as well put a lion's mane on the man right now! :lol:

The flip side of that, of course, is that many Gryffindor traits surprisingly enough go hand-in-hand with Slytherin ones, and he's no doubt got a hefty Slytherin streak to him - that comment about "aristocrats, you know, look after their own" was a dead giveaway - but if ever there was a character in this series I would pin as a Gryff, it's Michael. :mrgreen:

As for Her Majesty, her you might have a point about. I could easily see her being a Ravenclaw, actually. Ditto Hamish - actually, I think both Alexander brothers would fit quite well with the 'Claws. No surprise, I'm really only firmly decided for the dozen or so characters that are in my harem. :lol:

And if I had to choose, I'd pin Mike Henke as a 'Puff. You're definitely right on that score. I could go either way on Victor - there's no denying his loyalty, of course, but he does seem to get a bit of a thrill out of being particularly clever, and that's definitely a Ravenclaw trait. On the other hand, he, like Theisman, has "but why do they have to know my name?" syndrome pretty damn badly... :mrgreen:

As for Abby - she's got about as much 'Puff in her as Michael does Slytherin in him, but she is so obviously a Gryffindor. "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord", anyone? :twisted: No 'Puff would think that way. Our focus would be on defending ourselves, not paying our attackers back.

Don't feel bad, I'm at least a decade younger than just about everybody else on this board. :lol:

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Tenshinai   » Sun May 04, 2014 9:45 am


Posts: 2893
Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:34 pm
Location: Sweden

roseandheather wrote:...Oversteegen a Slytherin? Are you joking? Mr. "I must rescue all the things and be the most daring captain since Honor herself and take on three heavy cruisers with one ship and if you get between me and those I am sworn to protect you are DEAD" Michael Oversteegen? If ever there was a Gryffindor in this series, Michael Oversteegen is it. Good Lord, sometimes he's so much like Harry Potter it actually hurts. Oh, sure, he's immensely clever and can be sneaky as hell, and I wouldn't be surprised if he gave Ron Weasley a run for his money at chess, but good God, you might as well put a lion's mane on the man right now! :lol:

Oh dear no. You´re looking at what happens, not his personality.

I simply can´t see his sneakyness as not being at the forefront of his personality.
Also, he´s ambitious and strongly traditionalist, slythie traits to the core.

He doesn´t jump into the fire just because he can, he does it when needed. And he does it sneaky style. At Tiberian he finishes the job in space first and assumes(/hopes) his people on the ground can handle themselves until then, rather than taking too much risk.

roseandheather wrote:"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord", anyone? :twisted: No 'Puff would think that way. Our focus would be on defending ourselves, not paying our attackers back.

Why not? Vengefulness or the absence of it isn´t part of the definitions.
Think of the petty vengefulness shown by puffs when Cedric wasn´t the only champion.

roseandheather wrote:As for Abby - she's got about as much 'Puff in her as Michael does Slytherin in him, but she is so obviously a Gryffindor.

She thinks first then acts(and thinks well and quickly). Which is why i placed her as a likely Ravenclaw.

roseandheather wrote:I could go either way on Victor - there's no denying his loyalty, of course, but he does seem to get a bit of a thrill out of being particularly clever, and that's definitely a Ravenclaw trait.

Yeah, but does it define his personality? No, his duty is always first, nothing comes between him and his duty.
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Festival   » Sun May 04, 2014 2:49 pm

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Tenshinai wrote:Yeah, but does it define his (Cachat's) personality? No, his duty is always first, nothing comes between him and his duty.

True...but then again, the Potterverse's arguably finest example of utter devotion to duty at whatever cost is a Slytherin (Severus Snape). The arguably finest example of fierce devotion to and (and defense of) family is a Gryffindor (Molly Weasley). Lots and lots of the Sorting Hat's internal conversations in canon clearly indicate. I'm sticking with Victor as a Ravenclaw. =)
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Tenshinai   » Sun May 04, 2014 7:55 pm


Posts: 2893
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Location: Sweden

Festival wrote:True...but then again, the Potterverse's arguably finest example of utter devotion to duty at whatever cost is a Slytherin (Severus Snape). The arguably finest example of fierce devotion to and (and defense of) family is a Gryffindor (Molly Weasley). Lots and lots of the Sorting Hat's internal conversations in canon clearly indicate. I'm sticking with Victor as a Ravenclaw. =)

Urgh, Snape and Molly? Not my choice of good examples for either.

Molly´s devotion is so fanatical that it can easily be argued that it hurts more than it helps.
Snape is only devoted to Snape. And he´s working on revenge for his own sake, not duty.
Re: The Sorting Hat
Post by Festival   » Mon May 05, 2014 11:42 am

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Tenshinai wrote:Snape is only devoted to Snape. And he´s working on revenge for his own sake, not duty.

I coudln't disagree more.

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