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Point of View: Wishes and Likes

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Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by cthia   » Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:10 pm

Fleet Admiral

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The personal POV of so many ppl immediately following the broadcast of Honor's hanging. Both Navies.

Michelle. Mueller & Co. (dancing a jig) Shannon. Theisman. Treecats. Honor's inner circle. Alice Truman ...

I bet the memory song of that was very sad and intense.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by cthia   » Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:22 pm

Fleet Admiral

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I'd like Erewhon's POV as to why they withdrew from the Alliance.

You know, I never considered that Manticore has Erewhon back, via GA? Any textev specifically dealing with that issue?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by Hutch   » Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:57 pm

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cthia wrote:I'd like Erewhon's POV as to why they withdrew from the Alliance.

You know, I never considered that Manticore has Erewhon back, via GA? Any textev specifically dealing with that issue?

I think we got some of that in Crown of Slaves when the "Triumvate" discuss supporting Victor's move to free Verdant Vista/Congo. They deeply feel that "A deals' a deal" and that Manticore can no longer be trusted to keep their end of a bargain.

As for Erewhon and the Grand Alliance, I guess you could say they are back together due to their treaty with Haven, but that was a mutual self-defense treaty and I doubt it had anything to say about an alliance with Manticore against the Solarian League.

It appears from Cauldron of Ghosts that Erewhon is planning to partner up with the Maya Sector (with Torch as a 'silent partner') and Haven to provide the "muscle" if needed against Battle Fleet if that becomes necessary, but I see this more of a "cousin" alliance with the Haven-Manticore-Grayson-Beowulf GA. Oh, lots of cooperation and coordination, I am sure, but I don't see Erewhonese-Mayan ships cruising with Haven-Manty-Grayson fleets in the near future.

IMHO as always. YMMV.
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by cthia   » Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:45 pm

Fleet Admiral

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Hutch wrote:
cthia wrote:
I'd like Erewhon's POV as to why they withdrew from the Alliance.

You know, I never considered that Manticore has Erewhon back, via GA? Any textev specifically dealing with that issue?

I think we got some of that in Crown of Slaves when the "Triumvate" discuss supporting Victor's move to free Verdant Vista/Congo. They deeply feel that "A deals' a deal" and that Manticore can no longer be trusted to keep their end of a bargain.

As for Erewhon and the Grand Alliance, I guess you could say they are back together due to their treaty with Haven, but that was a mutual self-defense treaty and I doubt it had anything to say about an alliance with Manticore against the Solarian League.

It appears from Cauldron of Ghosts that Erewhon is planning to partner up with the Maya Sector (with Torch as a 'silent partner') and Haven to provide the "muscle" if needed against Battle Fleet if that becomes necessary, but I see this more of a "cousin" alliance with the Haven-Manticore-Grayson-Beowulf GA. Oh, lots of cooperation and coordination, I am sure, but I don't see Erewhonese-Mayan ships cruising with Haven-Manty-Grayson fleets in the near future.

IMHO as always. YMMV.

Drats, and thanx. Loaned out my Cauldron, and it appears to be a Ghost.

****** *

In Mission of Honor, Crandall came up against a rock solid member of Governor Medusa's staff in one Gregor O'Shaughnessy. I cannot believe the nerves of steel when he played his part of angering the grizzly bear schitting pinecones. I'd sure like his POV of that entire thing, while he continues to read during Crandall's rant.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by Vince   » Sun Oct 26, 2014 12:11 am

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Posts: 1574
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cthia wrote:Helga Boltitz' POV as to why she disliked Van Scheldt.
You really, really need to get to sleep. Helga already explained to Gwen why she detested* Van Scheldt. And we got to hear her thoughts as well as her spoken words.

*Disliked seems to understate the depth of her righteous anger toward Van Scheldt.
Storm From the Shadows, Chapter 15 wrote:"Actually, Lieutenant Archer," she heard herself say, "I rather doubt you're going to be as offensive as Mr. Van Scheldt. I hope not, at least, since I don't see how anyone possibly could be without deliberately working at it."
"From what I've seen of him so far," Gervais told her, "I imagine that's exactly what he did—work at it, I mean." He saw her blue eyes widen slightly in fresh surprise and smiled faintly at her. "We're not exactly unfamiliar with the type back home," he added.
"Really?" Helga was a bit surprised by the cold edge of her own voice, but she couldn't help it. "I rather doubt that, Lieutenant. His 'type,' as you put it, has had a bit more of an impact on Dresden than I imagine it's ever had on you."
Gervais managed not to blink in surprise or raise any eyebrows, but the harshness, the sudden, unmistakable anger, in her response took him more than a little aback.
This isn't just a case of Van Scheldt personally being an asshole, he realized. I don't know what the hell it is, but it's more than that. And now that I've so nonchalantly wandered out into this particular minefield, what do I do about it?
He gazed at her for several seconds, and as he did, he realized there was a darkness behind the anger in her eyes. A darkness put there by some memory, some personal experience. He felt certain somehow that this wasn't a woman who lightly succumbed to prejudice or permitted it to rule her life, and if that was true, there had to be more to the bitterness, the shadows of pain, than the mere casual arrogance and amused malice of a drone like Van Scheldt.
"I don't doubt that that's true," he said finally. "I've done my best to bone up on Talbott since Lady Gold Peak picked me as her flag lieutenant and we both found out we were headed this way, but I can't pretend to really know very much about the way things have been out here in the past. I'm working on it, but there's an awful lot of information involved and I simply haven't had time to make very much of a dent in it. It's obvious to me that you and Van Scheldt don't exactly get along like a house on fire, but I'd assumed he must have personally done something to offend you. Lord knows he's obviously the sort of jackass who could do something like that as easily as breathing! But from what you've just said, I'm beginning to realize there's more to it. I'm not trying to be flip, and if you'd rather not talk about it, I'll accept that. On the other hand, if it's something I should know—something my admiral should be aware of—so that we don't inadvertently do the same thing, I'd really appreciate it if you could help further my education about the Quadrant."
My God, I think he actually means it! Helga thought. She gazed at him for several heartbeats, frowning ever so slightly, then felt the decision make itself.
He wants to know why I feel the way I feel? Wants to understand why not all of us are ready to start dancing in the streets just because another batch of oligarchs thinks it can make a profit off of us? All right. I'll tell him.
"All right, Lieutenant," she said. "You want to know why Van Scheldt and I don't like each other? Try this on for size." She folded her arms in front of her, standing hip-shot, her blue eyes glittering, and looked up at him. "I'm twenty-six T-years old, and I only received my very first prolong treatments when I went to work for Minister Krietzmann last year. If I'd been three T-months older, I'd have been too old for even the first-generation treatment . . . just like my parents. Just like my two older brothers and my three older sisters. Just like all but six of my cousins and every one of my aunts and uncles. But not Mr. Van Scheldt. Oh, no! He's from Rembrandt! He got it just because of where he was born, who his parents were, what planet he came from—just like you did, Lieutenant. And so did his parents, and all of his sisters and brothers. Just like they got decent medical care and a balanced diet."
Her eyes were no longer merely glittering. They blazed, now, and her voice was far harsher than her accent alone could ever have explained.
"We don't like Frontier Security on Dresden any more than anyone else in the Cluster. And, sure, everything we've heard about Manticore suggests we'll get a better deal out of your Star Kingdom than we ever would out of OFS. But we know all about being ignored, Lieutenant Archer, and most of us on Dresden don't have any illusions. I doubt the Star Kingdom is going to gouge us the way Frontier Security, the League, and the Rembrandt Trade Union have, but most of us take all those 'economic incentives' the Convention promised us with a very large grain of salt. We'd like to think at least some of our neighbors were sincere about it, but we're not stupid enough to believe in altruism or the tooth fairy. And if any of us might've been tempted to, there are enough Paul Van Scheldts in the Cluster to teach us better. His family was deeply invested in Dresden even before the Annexation, you know. They hold majority interests in three of our major construction companies, and they could care less about the people who work for them. About the building site injuries, or the long-term health problems, or providing their employees' families—their children, at least, for God's sake!—with access to prolong."
The depth of her anger swept over Gervais with a pure and consuming power, and it took everything he had not to flinch from it. No wonder Van Scheldt had found it so easy to flick her on the raw!
Italics are the author's.
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by cthia   » Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:13 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

Holy Moly. How did I forget such a scathing, informative rant. Me do. Really need sleep. Barely functioning.

Thanx, Vince.

Unfortunately, I won't be getting much sleep for several more days. This Ebola crisis is hitting my office hard. I am Lab Manger at my Civil Engineering firm, and have sixteen lab professionals at the company all at my beck and call. So lab work usually gets done on a timely basis. Except now, with the threat of Ebola, our division of Hazmat is away training, for possible activation and to also train others. (Most of our lab professionals, myself included, are qualified for level 4 containment.) This leaves my office very short handed. And me, very unrested.

Luckily, much of my lab at the office is duplicated at home and my day to day lab tests, analysis and paper work can be accomplished at home. Many may remember my mentioning of a completely remodeled lab just months ago. Guess where the older generation of equipment went. Essentially, I'm surviving off of catnaps at home - inbetween engineering lab work. Regular life must go on. Until key members of my lab return to my open arms ... :geek:

****** *

The POV of Benjamin and all the others involved while they yoyo'd Honor back and forth over removing the six meter statue. funny!

My niece calls it the *six-meter Salamander.
We know it's listed as four meters sitting atop an eight meter statue, but the actual Salamander grew to six meters in the nightmares of some frightened Peeps. And my niece always liked the sound of six-meter Salamander. Sort of a spoof on her Uncle's childhood six million dollar man. :lol:

Vince wrote:
cthia wrote:
Helga Boltitz' POV as to why she disliked Van Scheldt.
You really, really need to get to sleep. Helga already explained to Gwen why she detested* Van Scheldt. And we got to hear her thoughts as well as her spoken words.

*Disliked seems to understate the depth of her righteous anger toward Van Scheldt.
Storm From the Shadows, Chapter 15 wrote:"Actually, Lieutenant Archer," she heard herself say, "I rather doubt you're going to be as offensive as Mr. Van Scheldt. I hope not, at least, since I don't see how anyone possibly could be without deliberately working at it."
"From what I've seen of him so far," Gervais told her, "I imagine that's exactly what he did—work at it, I mean." He saw her blue eyes widen slightly in fresh surprise and smiled faintly at her. "We're not exactly unfamiliar with the type back home," he added.
"Really?" Helga was a bit surprised by the cold edge of her own voice, but she couldn't help it. "I rather doubt that, Lieutenant. His 'type,' as you put it, has had a bit more of an impact on Dresden than I imagine it's ever had on you."
Gervais managed not to blink in surprise or raise any eyebrows, but the harshness, the sudden, unmistakable anger, in her response took him more than a little aback.
This isn't just a case of Van Scheldt personally being an asshole, he realized. I don't know what the hell it is, but it's more than that. And now that I've so nonchalantly wandered out into this particular minefield, what do I do about it?
He gazed at her for several seconds, and as he did, he realized there was a darkness behind the anger in her eyes. A darkness put there by some memory, some personal experience. He felt certain somehow that this wasn't a woman who lightly succumbed to prejudice or permitted it to rule her life, and if that was true, there had to be more to the bitterness, the shadows of pain, than the mere casual arrogance and amused malice of a drone like Van Scheldt.
"I don't doubt that that's true," he said finally. "I've done my best to bone up on Talbott since Lady Gold Peak picked me as her flag lieutenant and we both found out we were headed this way, but I can't pretend to really know very much about the way things have been out here in the past. I'm working on it, but there's an awful lot of information involved and I simply haven't had time to make very much of a dent in it. It's obvious to me that you and Van Scheldt don't exactly get along like a house on fire, but I'd assumed he must have personally done something to offend you. Lord knows he's obviously the sort of jackass who could do something like that as easily as breathing! But from what you've just said, I'm beginning to realize there's more to it. I'm not trying to be flip, and if you'd rather not talk about it, I'll accept that. On the other hand, if it's something I should know—something my admiral should be aware of—so that we don't inadvertently do the same thing, I'd really appreciate it if you could help further my education about the Quadrant."
My God, I think he actually means it! Helga thought. She gazed at him for several heartbeats, frowning ever so slightly, then felt the decision make itself.
He wants to know why I feel the way I feel? Wants to understand why not all of us are ready to start dancing in the streets just because another batch of oligarchs thinks it can make a profit off of us? All right. I'll tell him.
"All right, Lieutenant," she said. "You want to know why Van Scheldt and I don't like each other? Try this on for size." She folded her arms in front of her, standing hip-shot, her blue eyes glittering, and looked up at him. "I'm twenty-six T-years old, and I only received my very first prolong treatments when I went to work for Minister Krietzmann last year. If I'd been three T-months older, I'd have been too old for even the first-generation treatment . . . just like my parents. Just like my two older brothers and my three older sisters. Just like all but six of my cousins and every one of my aunts and uncles. But not Mr. Van Scheldt. Oh, no! He's from Rembrandt! He got it just because of where he was born, who his parents were, what planet he came from—just like you did, Lieutenant. And so did his parents, and all of his sisters and brothers. Just like they got decent medical care and a balanced diet."
Her eyes were no longer merely glittering. They blazed, now, and her voice was far harsher than her accent alone could ever have explained.
"We don't like Frontier Security on Dresden any more than anyone else in the Cluster. And, sure, everything we've heard about Manticore suggests we'll get a better deal out of your Star Kingdom than we ever would out of OFS. But we know all about being ignored, Lieutenant Archer, and most of us on Dresden don't have any illusions. I doubt the Star Kingdom is going to gouge us the way Frontier Security, the League, and the Rembrandt Trade Union have, but most of us take all those 'economic incentives' the Convention promised us with a very large grain of salt. We'd like to think at least some of our neighbors were sincere about it, but we're not stupid enough to believe in altruism or the tooth fairy. And if any of us might've been tempted to, there are enough Paul Van Scheldts in the Cluster to teach us better. His family was deeply invested in Dresden even before the Annexation, you know. They hold majority interests in three of our major construction companies, and they could care less about the people who work for them. About the building site injuries, or the long-term health problems, or providing their employees' families—their children, at least, for God's sake!—with access to prolong."
The depth of her anger swept over Gervais with a pure and consuming power, and it took everything he had not to flinch from it. No wonder Van Scheldt had found it so easy to flick her on the raw!
Italics are the author's.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by John Prigent   » Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:38 am

John Prigent
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I'd rather like to see the POVs of certain characters about the other characters that some people here want to pair them up with!
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by cthia   » Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:57 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
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John Prigent wrote:I'd rather like to see the POVs of certain characters about the other characters that some people here want to pair them up with!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh my Tester! I'm having flashbacks at some of my own friends idea of a blind date! :o

Damn good one John!

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by cthia   » Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:15 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
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The POV of Allison's chivalrously challenged armsmen watching her wear simply a wet handkerchief by the pool.

"Mama mia, Tester's gonna strike me dead. But whatta way ta go."

and ...

The POV of Honor's similarly challenged armsman's resolve.

"And her legs just go on and on. Forgive me Tester, for not plucking out my eyes for seeing err sinning."

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Point of View: Wishes and Likes
Post by cthia   » Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:43 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

I'd like the POV of Michelle and Honor while Michelle is in her harem gossip mode. And prim and proper Honor is :o

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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